Chapter 121: Unbreakable Bonds

At a Restaurant in the World of the Gods

Tonight, at an incredibly luxurious restaurant in the World of the Gods, the God of Light, Kurogami Masayuki, had invited two exceptionally beautiful ladies, Mizuchi Haruka, and Seraphina Frostwind, to discuss a fundamental matter. This matter concerned Snow Sky-Dog, the most handsome god in the Academy of the Gods. He was the god whose heart both Seraphina Frostwind and Mizuchi Haruka fiercely competed to win. Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind were waiting for Kurogami Masayuki. These beautiful ladies sat next to each other at a table in the center of the restaurant. Kurogami Masayuki opened the restaurant door and stepped inside. He was utterly astonished by the breathtaking beauty of the two ladies. They had meticulously prepared, choosing the finest attire they could find for this night. Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind looked like the most beautiful goddesses in all three worlds!

This evening, witnessing the beauty of these two stunning ladies, Kurogami Masayuki finally understood both the joy and the suffering of Snow Sky-Dog in trying to balance his affections between these incredibly beautiful yet constantly jealous women.

Mizuchi Haruka, sitting in the dim candlelight, appeared even more mysterious. Her long, black hair, as soft as a midnight stream, cascaded down her slender shoulders. The emerald green silk dress she wore hugged her flawless figure, reflecting the shimmering light from the jewels adorning her gown. Haruka's deep blue eyes, like twin pearls, sparkled with profound emotions and desires.

Next to her, Seraphina Frostwind, with her pure yet captivating beauty, seemed like an ice goddess. Her golden hair flowed like a gentle breeze, contrasting perfectly with her crimson lips. Her silver-white evening gown, seemingly woven from moonlight, accentuated her delicate frame, enhancing her elegance and nobility. Seraphina's ocean-blue eyes, as deep as the winter sky, were enigmatic yet irresistibly alluring.

Kurogami Masayuki sat down, his eyes unable to hide his admiration.

"You truly amaze me! You are not only beautiful but also exude a rare divine aura," he said, his voice warm and sincere.

Mizuchi Haruka smiled softly in response.

"Thank you, Masayuki. We just wanted to present ourselves well to make this meeting more formal. What matters is what we will discuss tonight."

Seraphina nodded, her gaze serious yet gentle.

"Indeed. Beauty can be a weapon, but we do not want it to be the only thing we are remembered for. We have many matters to resolve, not only for Snow Sky-Dog but also for the balance and peace of the three worlds."

Kurogami Masayuki sighed, feeling the weight of the responsibility.

"I understand. We are all here for a common goal. But first, let's enjoy this dinner together. Life can be full of hardships, but moments like these are precious too."

Haruka and Seraphina agreed, and the dinner began with a light yet contemplative atmosphere. In their hearts, plans for the future were forming, but there was also room for friendship and understanding. Tonight, under the shimmering lights, they knew they were fighting not just for love but for a better future for all.

After they had finished eating, Kurogami Masayuki addressed the two beautiful ladies sitting before him.

"Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind, today, I am here to tell you something about Snow Sky-Dog. The handsome god who has made you love and long for him to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep is not a villain in love affairs between men and women! As you know, you have two new rivals: the Goddess of Luck, Aika Takara, and the Goddess of Secrets, Amaterasu Yumi. The truth is, everything that has happened is not because Snow Sky-Dog was irresistibly attracted to their beauty, even when he already had two exceptionally beautiful girlfriends like you, Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind! First, I will explain the love story with your first rival, the Goddess of Luck, Aika Takara. Snow Sky-Dog met her when she was burdened with an invisible but immense weight on her mind. She needed someone to confide in. Snow Sky-Dog only wanted to help her. But after he helped her, she directly confessed her love to him. Initially, Snow Sky-Dog felt very awkward, as he was already in love with two beautiful girls, Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind! But after a sleepless night, he made an important decision: to 'accept' the Goddess of Luck, Aika Takara, into his 'circle of lovers.' He did this to gain her blessing, knowing that his mission to find the eight lost magical artifacts, coveted by all, would be extremely difficult and dangerous. Having the blessing of the Goddess of Luck would be a huge advantage. As for the truth behind his love story with the Goddess of Secrets, Amaterasu Yumi, it is similar to what I just told. At the Academy of the Gods, there was a traitor who stole a book that Snow Sky-Dog had secretly brought back from Seraphina Frostwind's library without her permission. This traitor cunningly tore off the book's cover, burned another book, and placed all the ashes along with the torn book cover in Snow Sky-Dog's desk drawer, making us believe the book had been burned. The book contained information about the locations of all the magical artifacts we are desperately searching for! The traitor is 'The Deity of Deception and Cunning,' Hokage Masayuki! The only one who surely knew all his actions was the Goddess of Secrets, Amaterasu Yumi. But she would only reveal everything to Snow Sky-Dog if he agreed to 'tear' a piece of his heart for her. This means that Snow Sky-Dog didn't seduce her; she seduced him. If Snow Sky-Dog hadn't reluctantly 'accepted' her into his 'circle of lovers,' we might never have known who the enemy confronting us at the Academy of the Gods was. Now, Snow Sky-Dog's love triangle has turned into a love pentagon. I think you two beautiful ladies should unite in your battle for Snow Sky-Dog's affection! I am certain the other two goddesses will do the same!"

"We agree!" Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind answered Kurogami Masayuki in unison.

Kurogami Masayuki looked deeply into Haruka's deep blue eyes and Seraphina's ocean-blue eyes, sensing their determination and concerns. He nodded slightly, knowing that the upcoming journey would be challenging but also immensely intriguing. He stood up, and raised his glass of red wine, his eyes glimmering with resolve.

"Then let us begin a new chapter together," Kurogami said, his voice warm but strong. "This battle is not just for love but for the balance of the three worlds. Let's protect what we cherish and face all challenges head-on."

Seraphina smiled faintly, her eyes glowing with faith.

"We will not back down. We will fight not just for love but for peace and justice."

Mizuchi Haruka nodded, her hand gently resting on Seraphina's. "We will overcome everything together. Our friendship will be the strength that helps us win."

In Kurogami Masayuki's heart, a sense of relief and hope spread. He knew that no matter how tough the journey ahead might be, they would never be alone. All were ready for the challenges to come, with courage and determination.

And that night, under the bright moonlight streaming through the windows, they raised their glasses together, vowing never to stop fighting for what they believed in. All eyes turned toward the future, a future full of turmoil but also brimming with hope and desire.

In the peaceful atmosphere of the restaurant, the sounds of their promises echoed, like a prelude to the endless adventures awaiting them. The future of the three worlds lay in their hands, and they were ready to face every challenge to protect it.

Tonight, the stars in the sky of the World of the Gods shone brighter, witnessing the beginning of a promising journey. A new chapter had opened, and no one knew what lay ahead. But with friendship, love, and courage, they believed they would overcome all to reach a brighter future.

"We will never give up," Kurogami Masayuki whispered, his eyes shining with fierce belief. "Let us write the history of these three worlds together."

And then, under the star-filled sky, their journey officially began.