Chapter 141: Inferno of the Gods

From the day Fire God Hinokagami no Kami sent the dove bearing a letter signed by the foolishly belligerent leader of the Ashura, everything seemed normal. Yet, he awaited news on the developments he had set in motion. In his private room at the Academy of the Gods, Hinokagami no Kami sat in a chair, deep in thought. (Perhaps a visitor would bring him the information he sought!) Suddenly, an intensely hot flame burst forth in the air before him.

"Greetings, my leader!" An Ifrit, one of the five types of Jinn, appeared from the blazing fire before Hinokagami no Kami. The flame surged uncontrollably. (Curiously, none of the items in the room were scorched, perhaps due to the Ifrit's effort to protect the room from its fiery powers!)

"Report the news I seek, one of my soldiers!"

"Master, everything has transpired exactly as you predicted! With their three heads and six bizarre arms, the Ashura immediately marched to rescue the dangerous rogue, The Green-Faced Ashura! After a strenuous march from their distant territory, they are currently resting in a vast field in the Human World."

"Excellent! We shall not let these 'brainless' creatures rest in peace! Have the full forces of the five Jinn clans: Marid, Ifrit, Ghoul, Si'la, and Jann, assembled?"

"My leader, we are all ready to punish your enemies! We await only your command to attack, young leader!"

"Very well, my loyal soldiers! I will personally lead this battle! The rebellious Ashura, who know not the true order, will realize the abhorrent nature of their existence! This victory will rid all three worlds, especially the World of the Gods, of a great threat, my comrades!"

Hinokagami no Kami and the Ifrit vanished from the room using Instantaneous Teleportation Magic. Two fierce, blazing fires erupted and then extinguished, leaving no trace.


Hinokagami no Kami stood before the valiant warriors of the allied Jinn clans. In his mind, he thought, "Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka, though you have achieved great deeds for the World of the Gods, today I will show you that you are not the only mighty deities of this generation! Today, I, Hinokagami no Kami of the Fire Deity Clan, will carve my name into history with this great victory!"

All five Jinn species were gathered. In their eyes shone fiercely fighting spirits and unyielding resolve. The five Jinn battalions swiftly arrayed themselves before the three-headed, six-armed Ashura. Hinokagami no Kami issued a concise, decisive command to his Jinn army. The mystical beings surged forward, aiming to annihilate the wicked Ashura camped before them. Although caught off guard, the fierce Ashura quickly formed a battle formation and retaliated against the formidable Jinn. Both sides clashed with all their magical might, masterful combat skills, and heavy weaponry capable of tremendous damage. The initial, large-scale battle, fierce and intense, marking the beginning of the campaign to quash the insurrection against the Empire of the Gods, had begun.

The battle commenced with a spectacle of fiery attacks from Hinokagami no Kami, who stood amid the battlefield, unleashing fierce flames that lit up the night sky. The five Jinn clans—Marid, Ifrit, Ghoul, Si'la, and Jann—charged into the fray.

Marid, the most powerful of the Jinn, summoned turbulent waves from the earth, drowning the Ashura in a magical sea. The Ashura, with their three heads and six arms, countered swiftly with icy strikes from their giant swords, freezing the sea created by Marid.

Ifrit, with its blue magical flames, launched furious fire assaults, incinerating everything in its path. The flames carried destructive power, but the Ashura, using their powerful arms, deflected the fire and countered with fierce lightning bolts.

Ghoul, stealthy infiltrators of the dark, attacked silently from all directions, exploiting the shadows to ambush the Ashura. Recognizing the threat, the Ashura summoned guardian spirits from the past, forming a protective wall around their formation.

Si'la, wielding the power of wind, conjured mighty storms, sweeping away everything in their path. The Ashura, with their mythical strength, combined earth and stone magic to erect sturdy stone walls, halting the tempest.

Jann, shape-shifters, used their agility to strike from various angles. Transforming into gigantic beasts, they charged into the Ashura ranks. The Ashura, with their endurance and resilience, used all six arms to retaliate with overwhelming force.

Meanwhile, Hinokagami no Kami, with his sacred flames, stood at the forefront, casting divine fire that consumed everything in its path. His flames were insatiable, burning everything in sight. He shouted:

"You rebels will pay for your arrogance! Taste the wrath of the fire god!"

Though powerful and resilient, the Ashura began to be overwhelmed by the combined might of Hinokagami no Kami and the Jinn army. Ultimately, the unified forces of fire, water, wind, darkness, and shape-shifting succeeded in annihilating the rebellious Ashura.

As the smoke settled and the battlefield quieted, Hinokagami no Kami surveyed the scene, pride and satisfaction shining in his eyes. His army had triumphed, and a new chapter in history had been written.

Victorious, Hinokagami no Kami quickly reorganized his troops, checked their numbers, and began tending to the wounded Jinn warriors. In his mind, a thought blazed brightly.

"Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka, I told you! Besides the three of you, I am also one of the Academy's finest, one of the mightiest gods of the new generation! I have proven that I am your equal in every way!"

He then disbanded the Jinn army and flew back to the Academy of the Gods, his face glowing with uncontainable joy. (He looked even more handsome now!)

At the Academy, the principal, "The Progenitor of the Gods," awaited his triumphant return. Kurogami Masayuki had gone to the World of the Former Gods in search of the magical artifact known as "The Cursed Spear," and thus was not present to congratulate Hinokagami no Kami. However, Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka were ready to do so.

"Congratulations on your victory, Hinokagami no Kami! You did an excellent job!" Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka said in unison, their eyes sparkling with sincere admiration. They were genuinely delighted by their red-loving friend's achievement.

Hinokagami no Kami smiled, his eyes shining with pride.

"Thank you both! This victory is not just mine but belongs to the entire Jinn clan and all who supported me." He paused, gazing into the horizon where the sunset was fading, then continued thoughtfully, "But we cannot rest on our laurels. Somewhere out there, lurking forces still wait for their chance."

Snow Sky-Dog nodded, his deep blue eyes full of contemplation.

"Indeed, Hinokagami no Kami! We must remain vigilant. But for now, let's enjoy this moment, sharing the joy and glory."

Mizuchi Haruka, with a kind yet resolute smile, added,

"We've witnessed each other's strength and unity. This will be a solid foundation for future challenges. Let's keep our spirits high and believe in ourselves."

Hinokagami no Kami felt the warmth of his friend's encouragement. He knew that today's battle was just the beginning of greater challenges ahead. An unyielding resolve formed within him, a determination to protect the Empire of the Gods and the world he loved.

Returning to his room at the Academy, he felt the calm and peace of the place. But deep in his heart, he knew the coming storms would not be easy. The sacred flame within him still burned brightly, a symbol of unwavering faith and strength.

That night, as everything drifted into slumber, Hinokagami no Kami stood on the balcony, looking at the distant mountains where the silver moonlight glinted off the peaks. He whispered into the wind,

"Gods of the previous generation, you have left a great legacy! And we, the gods of the new generation, will continue to protect and build this world. We will not let any force threaten this peace."

With that thought, he turned inside, ready for the challenging days ahead. A new chapter of history awaited, and Hinokagami no Kami knew he would be at the forefront, leading his army through every peril to true glory.

The chapter ended with Hinokagami no Kami standing silently in the moonlight, symbolizing hope and faith, heralding new events and dramatic developments for the next chapter. A gentle breeze carried the promise of new battles, challenges, and triumphs that would mark the history of this mythical world.