Chapter 143: The Unveiling Prophecy

Since the day when the three exceptionally dangerous outlaws from the three worlds were imprisoned in the Dungeon of the Academy of the Gods, the tension that had marked the critical events across all three realms had temporarily subsided. Yet today, there was a notable event stirring conversations within the Academy of the Gods. A significant figure from the World of the Gods had come to meet "The Progenitor of the Gods" in the principal's office of the academy.

"King of Dragons, I believe I can guess the purpose of your visit this morning! You wish to discuss allying the Dragon Clan and this academy, don't you?"

"You've guessed right, 'The Progenitor of the Gods'! Today, I have come to ally with my clan and you, my old friend!"

"Ah, King of Dragons, my old friend, we have been allies for centuries! Do you think I would not understand your character by now? You've realized that the rebellious youkai and the demons of Hell will surely fail in this conflict. Therefore, you've decided to align with me, abandoning your long-held neutrality. Am I right, King of Dragons? 'Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love… illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. The climb is all we can undertake. And it is also all that we will take pride in, once we have triumphed in this grand and thrilling endeavor!' Do you remember who uttered these words, King of Dragons? We've known each other since the dawn of these three worlds. Do you think I cannot grasp your true nature?"

The King of Dragons smiled, his eyes as sharp as a blade yet shimmering with a hint of mystery and challenge.

"You're not wrong, 'The Progenitor of the Gods'. The alliance of the youkai and demons truly has no future. But the deeper reason for my visit today is not merely strategic." The King of Dragons paused, taking a deep breath, as if searching for the right words to convey his thoughts. "We have witnessed the birth of these three worlds, enduring countless upheavals and conflicts. Yet, I sense a greater danger approaching, a threat capable of annihilating all we have built!"

"The Progenitor of the Gods" gazed intently at the Dragon King, a clear note of skepticism in his eyes.

"What are you speaking of?"

"There is a prophecy," the King of Dragons continued, his voice deep and laden with gravity, "a prophecy foretelling the return of a mighty entity, one that was sealed away thousands of years ago. This being wields a power surpassing anything we have ever faced. I have received signs, signals that the seal binding it is weakening."

"The Progenitor of the Gods" furrowed his brow slightly, an indescribable anxiety brewing within him.

"Do you have any proof of this, King of Dragons? Or are these merely unfounded rumors?"

"Ancient volcanic eruptions reigniting, strange tremors, and prophetic dreams from seers who glimpse the future. All these point in one direction." The King of Dragons responded with unwavering certainty in his words.

"The Progenitor of the Gods" fell silent for a moment, then spoke, his tone contemplative.

"If what you say is true, then allying is not just an option, but a necessity for survival! We will face our greatest challenge yet!"

"Indeed!" The King of Dragons affirmed, his fiery gaze locking onto his friend's eyes.

"Only by uniting our strengths can we hope to protect our worlds. I bring not just the support of the Dragon Clan, but our ancient knowledge and our formidable power. Together, we shall stand against the encroaching darkness!"

"The Progenitor of the Gods" nodded slowly, a surge of hope and determination welling up within him.

"Very well, King of Dragons! Let us prepare for this battle together! We will summon all the gods and powerful forces. This will be a war not just to protect the academy, but to safeguard all three worlds from destruction."

Their eyes met, and in that moment, a powerful bond was forged, a unity that could not be shaken. They understood that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but with courage and resolve, they would overcome every obstacle to defend what was most precious.

Thus, their story continued, not merely as a journey of gods but as a battle to preserve peace and justice for all they held dear. In the new dawn, they walked forward with faith and hope, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

Meanwhile, in Snow Sky-Dog's room, a strikingly handsome god was opening the door to step inside.

"Poetry God Utakami no Kami, why are you visiting me this morning? We may both be students at this academy, but we rarely see each other! Or perhaps you'd like to join me for a few drinks, Poetry God!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, the handsome and charming god, I'm delighted by your invitation! But I doubt you'll feel so cheerful once I tell you why I'm here."

"What is it, Utakami no Kami? You've piqued my curiosity and stirred a bit of anxiety in me!"

"This academy is about to welcome a new student. A god from the Dragon Clan. And this god is the very same dragon who once tried very hard to win the pure heart of Seraphina Frostwind, one of your five lovely girlfriends. It's 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga."

"What? Is this true? Why would that scoundrel come to this academy?"

"The Dragon Clan has allied with our academy. Ryushi Yukinaga has been sent here to study and participate in the key activities of this alliance! Snow Sky-Dog, Ryushi Yukinaga isn't entirely malevolent. After years of playing with women's emotions, he's changed. But this dragon god is your rival! Because he genuinely loves Seraphina Frostwind. You love five beautiful ladies at once; thus, Seraphina, the girl from the World of Humans, might be discontented and fall into the arms of 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga! Be careful, Snow Sky-Dog!"

Snow Sky-Dog sat quietly for a moment, a spark of determination flaring in his eyes. He took a deep breath, then slowly stood up and walked to the window, looking out. The morning sunlight illuminated his handsome face, but his eyes now held a resolve and challenge.

"Utakami no Kami, thank you for informing me of this! I will not let Ryushi Yukinaga take Seraphina Frostwind's heart. In love, fighting fairly is always essential!"

Poetry God Utakami no Kami nodded slightly, gazing at his friend with empathy and understanding.

"Snow Sky-Dog, I know you won't give up easily. Remember, true love always triumphs, and your determination will be your greatest weapon!"

Snow Sky-Dog turned back, a confident smile on his face.

"Exactly, Utakami no Kami! I will show Seraphina that my love for her is sincere. No matter what I must face, I will never give up!"

As the two gods prepared to leave the room, the chime signaling the start of a new class echoed throughout the academy. They stepped into the hallway, where other students were also preparing for a promising new day.

Outside, the radiant golden sunlight bathed the academy grounds, carrying whispers of a new day, a fresh beginning. All eyes were set forward, where challenges and adventures awaited.

In this space, Snow Sky-Dog and Utakami no Kami walked together, ready to face the impending storms. They knew that each step they took today would shape the future of all three worlds, and every decision would bring unforeseen changes.

Above, the clouds drifted lazily, hinting at an unknown future. They felt the strength and hope, a belief that with courage and true love, they would overcome all trials and conquer every peak.

And so, amid chaos and challenges, love and bravery would be the guiding light, leading the gods and guardians of the three worlds forward, toward a brighter future.

Their journey had just begun, and many stories were yet to be written in the light of hope and unyielding faith.