Chapter 146: The Divine Tribunal: Shadows of War

In a few days, the grand tribunal of the Empire of the Gods will convene to judge the three conspirators who dared to defy the Heavenly Kingdom. Yet today, at the Academy of the Gods, a strange unease gnawed at the heart of Utakami no Kami, the God of Poetry. Alone, he descended into the academy's dungeon. There, he found the three miscreants still shackled tightly to immense iron pillars with thick, unyielding chains. Despite this, the disquiet in his mind refused to abate. He picked up a pen from the damp floor of the dungeon, its ink leaving dark stains on the ground.

"Surprised, Utakami no Kami? Soon, a massive and fierce army of mythical creatures will storm this academy and liberate us! Oh, and that's not all. This army has sealed 'A Pact with the Demon,' making it nearly impossible for your allied forces of mythical clans to defeat them. Even if you manage to vanquish them, can you ensure that amidst the chaos, we won't escape from this damned place? Utakami no Kami, our plea for rescue, signed by all three of us, has already reached the Demon King. He will seal 'A Pact with the Demon' with the army of the deity who helped us deliver that letter. Tell that bastard Snow Sky-Dog and the old fool 'The Progenitor of the Gods' to prepare themselves! Utakami no Kami, tremble before us! This academy will soon be obliterated from all three worlds! None of you can escape your impending doom!"

"Hokage Masayuki, I used to think you were intelligent! But I never imagined you'd spout such nonsense! Each of us gods is allied with a powerful clan of mythical creatures. Destruction? Who do you think you're fooling? You think I'm scared of you? Hokage Masayuki, you are like a fish on the chopping block, surrounded by sharp knives ready to execute you—and we are all those knives! Keep dreaming, Hokage Masayuki! Farewell, as I leave this dungeon, where you lunatics belong!"

Utakami no Kami retrieved a white katana from the ground, its blade exuding a chilling cold. Without a backward glance at the three delusional captives, he departed, carrying the katana to Snow Sky-Dog.

"What? This is 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga's katana! This means that damned dragon sent that accursed letter! Where is that dragon now?"

"Calm down, Snow Sky-Dog! Your suspicions are misplaced! 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga is having breakfast at Seraphina Frostwind's residence. This incident occurred only about ten minutes ago. Given the hours it takes to travel from here to Seraphina's place, he couldn't possibly be the culprit. This is merely a ruse to mislead us, Snow Sky-Dog!"

"Who, then, Utakami no Kami?"

"I can't be mistaken! It's not just one deity; it's two vile gods! Kurogami no Kami, the God of Darkness, and Orochikami no Kami, the Serpent God. Just moments ago, I saw them hurriedly leaving the academy, carrying all their belongings! Snow Sky-Dog, we need to alert the headmaster, 'The Progenitor of the Gods,' immediately!"

Snow Sky-Dog paused, his sharp eyes flickering with worry and fury. He gripped Ryushi Yukinaga's katana tightly, feeling the cold metal seep into his palm.

"Utakami no Kami, if what you say is true, we face an unprecedented catastrophe. Kurogami no Kami and Orochikami no Kami are the most cunning adversaries we've ever encountered! We cannot let them escape unpunished!"

Utakami no Kami nodded, his gaze steeled with resolve.

"We must act now! The academy teeters on the brink of destruction. Notify the headmaster and rally all the gods and our allied mythical clans. We cannot let any enemy breach this peace!"

As they left the room, Utakami no Kami couldn't shake the growing dread in his heart. He recalled his encounters with Kurogami no Kami and Orochikami no Kami. Kurogami no Kami, with his icy smile and eyes like bottomless pits, always seemed to peer into the very soul of those he faced. Orochikami no Kami, with his sharp gaze and sweet but deceitful words, left everyone on edge.

"Snow Sky-Dog, do you think we can stop them in time?" Utakami no Kami asked, his voice thick with worry.

Snow Sky-Dog paused, then replied with a calm but firm voice.

"We must believe in our strength and wisdom! This academy houses the mightiest of gods, and we are not easily defeated. Prepare for every eventuality, and we will face any threat that comes our way."

Meanwhile, in a shadowy corner of the Youkai World, Kurogami no Kami and Orochikami no Kami stood facing each other, having successfully fled the academy. They were deep in discussion about their plan. Kurogami no Kami's voice was cold and resolute.

"We must act swiftly and decisively! Only then can we achieve our goal."

Orochikami no Kami nodded, his eyes gleaming with cunning.

"Yes, we have come too far to turn back! The Academy of the Gods will be the stage where our plans come to fruition. And when that happens, no one will be able to stop us!"

They locked eyes, their mutual determination burning like an unquenchable flame. The countdown had begun, and the battle between light and dark was about to commence.

"The Progenitor of the Gods" received this news from Snow Sky-Dog. Yet, he remained unruffled.

"Snow Sky-Dog, it seems we're in for some trouble! But I'm not overly concerned. An army of mythical creatures capable of destroying this mighty academy? Absurd! In my view, the coming battle is a rare chance for our students to sharpen their skills and put their learning into practice. I have decided to entrust the defense against the enemy to a very powerful god who has yet to showcase his full strength. That is the Metal God, Hagane no Kami!"

With a voice brimming with determination, Hagane no Kami replied:

"Headmaster, 'The Progenitor of the Gods,' I will not disappoint you! I command the Enfield clan of mythical creatures. This clan's army is vast, courageous, cunning, and extremely resilient in battle. Let the ferocity of this conflict come, I do not fear it! Any foe that dares to challenge this academy will taste the agony inflicted by me and my army! Headmaster, I still remember what I said when you asked me about the most important, correct, and profound principle I live by: 'Metal can be forged and bent, but a steely spirit will never break.' Headmaster, I will protect this academy with all my strength and unwavering resolve!"

Snow Sky-Dog, hearing Hagane no Kami's words, softened his gaze, shifting to one of admiration and trust.

"Then, Hagane no Kami, we will rely on your strength and steadfastness! Do not let any enemy breach the academy's boundaries."

Meanwhile, Utakami no Kami stood quietly, pondering the words he had just heard. He felt the powerful resolve in each word from Hagane no Kami. A sense of reassurance began to rise within him, yet the lingering anxiety about the future burned on like a smoldering ember.

"Hagane no Kami, I trust you," Utakami no Kami said, his voice filled with emotion. "But be cautious! Our enemies this time are not just brute force but also guile and deceit. Always be vigilant and prepared for anything."

Hagane no Kami nodded, his eyes shining with unyielding determination.

"I understand! The treachery of our foes will not sway me. Our strongest weapons are our determination and loyalty. This academy will stand firm under our protection."

At that same moment, in a distant place, Kurogami no Kami and Orochikami no Kami had finalized their plans. Darkness cloaked the room where they stood, their eyes gleaming like beacons in the night.

"Kurogami no Kami, the time has come. We will strike our decisive blow," Orochikami no Kami declared, his voice sharp as a blade. "The Academy of the Gods will not withstand our might."

Kurogami no Kami smirked, his grin cold as ice. "Indeed, Orochikami no Kami. This time, light will bow before darkness. We will show them what true power is."

The events that were about to unfold would not merely be a battle but a clash of ideals: good against evil, light against darkness, steely resolve against treacherous cunning. The Academy of the Gods would face its greatest test yet. Each god and mythical creature's actions would determine not just the academy's fate but that of all three worlds.

With the leadership of the Metal God, Hagane no Kami, and the unyielding determination of the entire academy, can they weather the approaching storm? Will darkness truly overshadow the light? All will be revealed in the ensuing chapters, as the war between the gods and the shadows begins.