Chapter 152: The Night of Shifting Powers

Tonight is a night of extraordinary significance for every deity in the Realm of the Gods. Tonight, the magical powers of all gods will wane dramatically, while the strength of the youkai and demons will surge with terrifying intensity. This cycle repeats every hundred years.

Since his intimate encounter with Lilith Nocturna, Snow Sky-Dog has not only been tormented by inner conflict but also unknowingly ensnared by a Succubus's spell. During their passionate union, Lilith Nocturna surreptitiously wove ancient magic upon Snow Sky-Dog, a spell she masterfully cast using her own enchanting body. That body, breathtakingly beautiful and alluring in its natural, unadorned state, now binds him with unseen chains. And tonight, she intends to wield her full magical power to control the god she has bewitched, as they lay bare together in the intimacy of their embrace.

Snow Sky-Dog jolts up from his soft bed, moving like a soulless husk toward the academy's storeroom. His mind, completely overtaken by Lilith Nocturna's ancient magic, drives him forward. He unlocks the storeroom door with a silver key entrusted to him by his master, who placed immense faith in his loyalty and virtues. Yet, no wisdom could foresee the coming of this night.

Stealthily, Snow Sky-Dog slips into the storeroom and begins to pilfer the magical items within—among them, eight of the most formidable and fearsome artifacts across the three realms. These were treasures he had risked life and limb to retrieve for his master by undertaking perilous and intricate quests. As he quietly makes his way out of the Academy of the Gods to deliver them to Lilith Nocturna, a girl's voice pierces the stillness.

"Snow Sky-Dog, why are you up so late? What are you doing near the storeroom? Wait, what's in that bag you're carrying? Are you stealing from the storeroom? Snow Sky-Dog, answer me! Don't you hear me? Are you under a spell?"

Snow Sky-Dog remains silent. Instantly, he transforms into his most powerful combat form, "The Ice Fire Celestial Canine." In his hand, he wields his divine weapon, "The Sky-Breaking Wolf Fang Staff," swinging it with a force aimed to extinguish the life of the innocent Goddess of Youth, Seiryu no Hana—a goddess who, truth be told, harbors admiration and love for Snow Sky-Dog.

"Do you wish to destroy me, Snow Sky-Dog? I've never harmed you!" she cries out.

Without a word, Snow Sky-Dog launches another furious strike with "The Sky-Breaking Wolf Fang Staff." But Seiryu no Hana, nimble and quick, evades each deadly blow.

Now forced to defend herself, Seiryu no Hana conjures a magical portal from which a swarm of Ichneumon emerges to protect her. These mythical creatures, allied with her clan, swiftly encircle and relentlessly attack Snow Sky-Dog. In his unconscious state, he fights them off purely on instinct—wild, ruthless, and unyielding.

Panicked, Seiryu no Hana rushes to the principal's office to alert "The Progenitor of the Gods."

Snow Sky-Dog, in his form as "The Ice Fire Celestial Canine," stands tall, his eyes ablaze with the frigid, fiery fury of madness. His "Sky-Breaking Wolf Fang Staff" glows, emanating a force that seems poised to tear the night asunder. Before him, the Ichneumon, emerging from the portal created by Seiryu no Hana, is the embodiment of myth's most fearsome predators.

These Ichneumon, with their sharp, metallic sheen and blazing red eyes, quickly surround Snow Sky-Dog. They are ferocious and relentless, each claw and tooth capable of shredding any living creature in their path. Known for their prowess in combating and vanquishing even the fiercest dragons, they now unleash their full might upon Snow Sky-Dog.

"This night will be the downfall of the traitor," one of them roars, its voice brimming with authority and resolve.

Under the spell's influence, Snow Sky-Dog is no longer the valiant warrior he once was. Yet, his battle instincts remain sharp. With a mighty swing of "The Sky-Breaking Wolf Fang Staff," he cleaves the air, shattering the first line of the Ichneumon's defenses.

"Do you think you can defeat me?" he roars, his eyes aflame with a blend of ice and fire.

But the Ichneumon are not easily subdued. They move as one, converging like a pack of wolves, each taking turns to attack Snow Sky-Dog with bites and slashes, intent on tearing their adversary apart. Their ferocity knows no bounds.

"We are warriors who never retreat," one Ichneumon cries as it lunges at Snow Sky-Dog, its razor-sharp teeth aimed at his throat.

Snow Sky-Dog counters with another powerful strike, sending the Ichneumon flying back, but they return, stronger and more determined. Each blow he lands shakes the earth, yet the swarm keeps coming, growing more savage with every failed attack.

Snow Sky-Dog's strength begins to ebb, not only from the relentless onslaught but also from the internal turmoil. Lilith Nocturna's spell prevents him from harnessing his full power. In rare moments of clarity, he questions himself.

"What am I doing? Why am I fighting my allies?"

But as soon as he regains his senses, the spell takes hold once more, compelling him to continue the battle.

The Ichneumon exploit Snow Sky-Dog's vulnerabilities, attacking from all sides, their claws and teeth tearing through his defenses. Snow Sky-Dog is gradually worn down, struggling to remain standing.

The battle rages under a dark sky, where the glow of Snow Sky-Dog's staff and the red eyes of the Ichneumon are the only lights piercing the gloom. Seiryu no Hana, having reached the principal's office, leaves behind only the fading light of her presence.

In the end, the relentless persistence and might of the Ichneumon prevail. Snow Sky-Dog, now surrounded, is unable to resist any longer. He collapses to the ground, his vision fading, but deep within his mind, a flicker of truth and loyalty to the Academy of the Gods endures.

The Ichneumon, triumphant, looks down at the fallen body of Snow Sky-Dog.

"Our mission is complete," one declares with cold, resolute authority. "We have protected the goddess and stopped the traitor!"

Seiryu no Hana successfully alerts the academy. As the gods become aware of the threat, they act swiftly to counteract the spell's effects. With timely intervention from the other gods, the Academy of the Gods is saved from a great crisis.

The battle is over, and although Snow Sky-Dog lies defeated, he still has a chance to reclaim his honor and find himself amidst the ongoing inner struggle.

Snow Sky-Dog lies motionless on the cold academy ground, surrounded by the remnants of the fierce battle. The brutal clash with the Ichneumon has pushed him to the brink of collapse. His eyes close, and in his haze, chaotic memories swirl like a chilling wind through his mind. The spell of Lilith Nocturna remains like a sharp blade, tearing at his consciousness, but a small light of truth begins to flicker in the darkness.

As "The Progenitor of the Gods" approaches, his halo's light envelops Snow Sky-Dog's battered body. In the depth of his eyes, a sorrowful pain mixes with stern determination. He turns to the gathered gods, his deep, authoritative voice resonating through the silent space.

"Take Snow Sky-Dog to the infirmary immediately. Handle him with care to prevent further harm! Meanwhile, I want all magical artifacts under stricter protection than ever before. We cannot afford a repeat of this incident!"

His words pierce the air like arrows, stirring a sense of urgency and danger. Snow Sky-Dog's close friends, along with his five beautiful girlfriends, unite to lift his body. They exchange worried yet determined glances.

"We must find a way to free him from this spell," one girlfriend says, her voice trembling with determination. "We can't let Lilith Nocturna continue to control him. Snow Sky-Dog deserves his freedom!"

"The Progenitor of the Gods" nods slightly, his eyes reflecting unwavering faith in the power of love and loyalty.

"I trust you will find a way to rescue Snow Sky-Dog. But you must act swiftly and cautiously. Our enemies are strong and cunning. They won't stop until they achieve their goal!"

Seiryu no Hana, having returned after alerting the academy, steps forward, her eyes shining with unshakable resolve.

"I will lead a team to find a way to break the spell. Snow Sky-Dog has fought for the academy, and now it's our turn to fight for him. We will not abandon him!"

Her words echo through the space like a rallying cry, igniting a new strength in everyone. They understand that the true battle has just begun. The difficult trials ahead require everyone to be prepared for unyielding confrontations.

Snow Sky-Dog is taken away, his body still weak under the spell's weight. But deep within his mind, another battle rages. He must find a way to break free from Lilith Nocturna's control, reclaiming his will. A voice whispers in his mind, gentle yet powerful, like a guiding light in the dark.

"Don't give up, Snow Sky-Dog. You still have a chance! Remember why you fight! Remember who you are!"

Meanwhile, Lilith Nocturna, the puppeteer pulling strings from the shadows, felt a flicker of unrest within her grasp. Her lips curled into a sinister smile, though a faint glint of unease flickered in her eyes.

"You think you can escape me, Snow Sky-Dog? You will never break free from my shackles! I won't let you be liberated so easily!"

Those words echoed through Snow Sky-Dog's mind like a dark challenge. He felt a fierce struggle within himself, a growing strength that surged stronger with every thought of the ones he cherished, those he would defend with his very life.

In the black night of destiny, a fragile yet unwavering light began to glow. The battle for Snow Sky-Dog's freedom and honor had just begun, and the trials ahead would test the courage and resolve of every god in the academy. Could they vanquish their foe and rescue their beloved friend? Or had fate carved out a path strewn with peril and hardship?

The academy lay heavy under a veil of silence, yet within the hearts of all, a tiny flame of hope still burned bright. The coming events would illuminate the path they must tread and test their endurance against unforeseen challenges.

In that darkness, a new tale was set to unfold, filled with mysteries and dangers, yet also moments of bravery and love. And Snow Sky-Dog, even in his fevered dreams, knew he must ready himself for the arduous journey that lay ahead.