Chapter 154: The Gathering of Gods and the Looming Battle

After several days under Mizuchi Haruka's care, Snow Sky-Dog's health had significantly improved. Today, in his chamber, his close friends gathered to discuss how to break the dangerous ancient spell cast upon him by Lilith Nocturna. Among those present were the deities: Utakami no Kami, God of Poetry; Hinokagami no Kami, God of Fire; Asahi no Megami, Goddess of Dawn; Raiden Hayato, God of Thunder; Shirogami Takeshi, God of War; Hagane no Kami, God of Metal; Kaiyo no Kami, God of Sharks; Seiryu no Hana, Goddess of Youth; and "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga. Alongside them were his five beautiful consorts: Fujinomiya Amaterasu, Goddess of Wind; Amaterasu Yumi, Goddess of Secrets; Aika Takara, Goddess of Luck; Mizuchi Haruka, Goddess of Spring and Flowers; and Seraphina Frostwind, a radiant human maiden.

"Snow Sky-Dog, we are here for you today. You must speak up! After all the tumultuous events at the academy, all tied to you, don't you have anything to say?" asked Shirogami Takeshi, the God of War. (Perhaps the pleasant weather softened his typically rough demeanor, sparing Snow Sky-Dog the usual sharp edge of his imposing sword.)

"My friends," Snow Sky-Dog began, his voice filled with gratitude, "I deeply appreciate your concern and care these past few days. The intimate encounter I had with Lilith Nocturna, while neither of us was clothed, is something I fully comprehend now. Mistakes are not always crimes; sometimes, they are simply pains. Mine was such a mistake. I accept full responsibility for my actions. But let me clarify that Lilith Nocturna not only ensnared me by making me consume copious amounts of alcohol but also invoked ancient magic to stir an uncontrollable primal desire within me. My fault was not recognizing her treachery and falling into her cunning trap. But I ask you to understand this: I was born from the 'Hammer of Eternity' only at the start of this academy's term. To me, every beautiful and alluring woman embodies purity and sanctity. I did not know Lilith Nocturna was a Succubus until 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga enlightened me. Through his wise and profound words, I came to understand that it is acceptable for a man to be intimate with a woman in her bed, even without marriage. Here, besides 'White Dragon' Ryushi Yukinaga, who belongs to the dragon lineage, I am the only god permitted to marry in the Celestial Kingdom. Fate has allowed me to engage in the actions typical of newlyweds in the bridal chamber. In truth, I found joy in that. Yet, I have always feared what I might be capable of. I have masked this fear with philosophies from my ideals and literature, cloaking it with my lofty beliefs. Instead of viewing 'making love' as a normal act to be controlled by self-discipline and manly fortitude, I treated it as a taboo. But now, having broken this taboo myself, I realize it is nothing but a commonplace act. When I marry one of my five beloved consorts, I will perform this intimate act with her. The night with Lilith Nocturna has prepared me psychologically and equipped me with the necessary skills for future matrimonial intimacy. Thus, I no longer fear or regret. As for my initial sense of duty towards Lilith Nocturna, I now understand I cannot afford to be naïve. Succubi treats what I considered taboo as mere play. Although she might have developed some special feelings for me, her primary intent was to exploit me. The proof lies in the curse she placed on me. Therefore, I have decided to regard that night's intimacy as a lesson. Should she scheme against the academy again, I will not show her leniency."

"Well said, Snow Sky-Dog! Now, we must find a way to break the spell she has cast on you. Does anyone have a suggestion?" Utakami no Kami's voice was as clear as a bell.

"I believe we should turn to the 'Fountain of Wisdom's' magical power. There is no dark magic it cannot dispel!" suggested Seiryu no Hana, the Goddess of Youth, offering an optimal solution to their predicament.

"Unfortunately, my friends, it's not that simple. A ferocious mythical creature now guards the 'Fountain of Wisdom.' Recently, no one has been able to drink from its waters because of this. The creature is Fulad-Zereh, the Ironclad War Fiend, and it serves Lilith Nocturna," voiced Kaiyo no Kami, expressing his concern.

"Then let's defeat this creature! We are mighty gods, each allied with formidable mythical beings!" declared Hinokagami no Kami, his eyes blazing with determination.

"But who will take down Fulad-Zereh? This monster is formidable and hard to kill! Its entire body is armored with steel, so even weapons with great destructive power struggle to harm its fearsome, impenetrable form," warned Asahi no Megami, the Goddess of Dawn.

The room fell silent for a while until Mizuchi Haruka broke the stillness.

"The mythical creature allied with my clan is Boitata, the Giant Fire Serpent. It can accomplish this! If weapons made of special steel cannot destroy Fulad-Zereh, Boitata's crushing power will be our most effective measure."

Raiden Hayato, after listening to everyone, decided on the group.

"Then it's settled, my friends. Let us disperse and return to our chambers. Tomorrow, the fierce battle between Boitata, the Giant Fire Serpent, and Fulad-Zereh, the Ironclad War Fiend, will commence. It's true, reaching the 'Fountain of Wisdom' requires only Instantaneous Teleportation Magic, but this clash will be long and grueling."

As the quiet of the room stretched like the long shadows cast by the distant sunset, all eyes turned to Snow Sky-Dog, who sat silently, his deep, contemplative gaze absorbing the weight of their looming battle. In each mind, vivid images of the impending showdown between Boitata and Fulad-Zereh unfurled, like a grand battle painting, every brushstroke pulsating with fierce pride and intense drama.

After listening intently to all that had been discussed, Snow Sky-Dog finally spoke, his voice warm and resolute.

"I am deeply grateful for the sacrifices you all have made for me, but I refuse to be a burden to anyone. If this challenge is what destiny has placed before me, then I am ready to face it. I will not let you fight alone!"

Fujinomiya Amaterasu, the Goddess of Wind, standing beside Snow Sky-Dog, gently placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes shining with unwavering faith.

"We will never let you face this battle alone. Our friendship and courage will carry us through any challenge. Let us fight together and reclaim our freedom!"

Raiden Hayato nodded, his eyes reflecting a strong determination. "We will enter this battle together. No matter how dangerous, we will not retreat. We will defeat Fulad-Zereh and take back what is ours!"

Mizuchi Haruka, who had cared for Snow Sky-Dog in recent days, smiled softly, her eyes alight with hope.

"Remember, we fight not just for ourselves, but for those we love and our future. We will triumph because our love and courage know no bounds!"

Utakami no Kami, with his deep and thoughtful voice, spoke the final words of the gathering.

"We cannot predict what the future holds, but we can decide how we face it! We will not allow any force to threaten our peace and freedom. We will fight with all our strength and resolve!"

As Utakami no Kami's words faded, a powerful sense of determination and unity permeated the room. They knew the coming battle would be arduous, but their faith in one another and the power of their friendship gave them the strength to face whatever lay ahead.

Slowly, Snow Sky-Dog's divine companions departed the room, each carrying a burning resolve. Snow Sky-Dog remained, gazing up at the star-studded night sky. He knew this was only the beginning of a long and arduous journey, but he also knew that with courage and solidarity, they would overcome all obstacles.

"We will face the darkness together," Snow Sky-Dog whispered to himself, a vow of steadfast resolve. "And when dawn breaks, we will emerge stronger than ever."

In the quiet of the night, his silhouette melded with the darkness, but his heart burned brightly, ready to embrace whatever fate would bring. The days ahead promised not just a struggle against the spell's power but also against unseen mysteries and unexpected challenges. Yet, with unity and bravery, Snow Sky-Dog and his companions would continue their quest, moving toward the light of victory and freedom.