Surprises Everywhere

Saira pitiable?

Was she pitiable for enjoying only a dozen years of wealth and prosperity, while the rest of her life promised the same?

Did that mean Zuri deserved to have her nest taken over? To suffer in her place?

She was simply reclaiming what was rightfully hers, yet in their mouths, it sounded as if she was stealing.

Utterly laughable.

They pitied Saira for losing the title of the Lin family's biological daughter, but they never considered what Zuri had lost.

Over the years, Zuri lost not just family affection but also top-notch education, etiquette, and other invaluable things money couldn't buy.

What had Saira lost? Only the title of the Lin family's daughter; she suffered no other loss.

Compared to Saira, who was the real winner here?

Seeing their faces and hearing their words, Zuri felt both amused and sad.

Amused by their selective blindness.

Sad for her past self, who to please her parents, obeyed Dalia's request to avoid any conflicts at school, constantly repressing her anger, allowing others to bully her more viciously.

This life, she wouldn't endure anymore.

Zuri looked at the bustling crowd not far away, at Arthur surrounded like a prince in a fairy tale, and the excited men and women around him, her cold eyes grew icier.

In her previous life, everyone who had bullied and humiliated her, she would settle accounts with in this life, no one would escape.

Zuri withdrew her gaze and turned away from the lively place.

Turning into a shaded path, halfway down, a girl in a white T-shirt and jeans blocked her way, her delicate face full of anxiety.

"Excuse me, student ahead, please wait a moment." Rhea nervously called out to the beautiful and elegant girl in front, her heart uneasy, fearing displeasure.

She had heard that students at Windsor Academy were very rebellious and hard to talk to.

She hadn't wanted to bother anyone, but time was running out. If she missed the registration, the school might cancel her admission.

Her parents would kill her.

Hearing the familiar voice behind her, Zuri stopped, turned slowly, and looked at the anxious girl in front of her with a faint smile.

Surprises were indeed everywhere; she hadn't expected the first person she'd meet here to be her childhood best friend, Rhea.

The best friend who ate her food, used her things, and always hid under her wing.

She would never forget the look on her face the last time she saw her.

In her previous life, when she found out the Lin family was sending her to a notorious old pervert in Oceanic City, she escaped desperately.

With no one to turn to, she sought out Rhea, hoping she'd lend her some money to leave Oceanic City.

But this woman, who had promised to help, immediately revealed her whereabouts to the Lin family.

When they came to take her away, Rhea stood by, shedding crocodile tears, saying, "Zuri, Uncle and Aunt Lin are your parents; they wouldn't harm you. Look, they've even found a wealthy man for you despite your ruined appearance, showing how much they care. You're blinded by jealousy and can't see their kindness. As their child, how can you blame them? I'm your friend; I don't want to see you go astray."

She knew perfectly well that the so-called wealthy man was an old pervert old enough to be her grandfather.

She knew that old pervert had tortured over a dozen women to death. She knew the Lin family sending her there was a death sentence.

Yet she could put on an innocent face, under the guise of 'for her own good', and push her to her doom.

This was the best friend she had grown up with, who stabbed her in the back in her most helpless moment, pushing her into the abyss.

In her past life, when her parents were sick and hospitalized, she paid all the exorbitant medical bills. When she was bullied at Windsor Academy, Zuri stood up for her.

When she was bullied by a scumbag, Zuri defended her.

When she had no money for food, clothes, or school activities, Zuri covered all those expenses.

Under her wing, she lived better than many rich second-generation kids.

Zuri thought she had done nothing wrong to her, but never expected such betrayal.

At that time, she didn't understand why she would treat her like that.

Later she realized, Rhea had always been jealous of her. In her eyes, Zuri should have lived in the same gutter, but she got lucky and became the Lin family's daughter.

For this ridiculous reason, she wasted their years of friendship.

Perhaps there was never any real friendship, just exploitation.

She hated Saira, but she hated the ungrateful Rhea even more.

Zuri despised betrayal and ingratitude the most, and Rhea embodied both.

This life, she would see, without Zuri's protection and support, if she could still wear nice clothes and live comfortably at Windsor Academy.

Rhea, upon seeing Zuri, was full of surprise and then joyfully approached, "Zuri! Oh my god, I never expected to see you here."

After the initial surprise, Rhea noticed her attire and asked in astonishment, "I heard your biological parents took you back; I thought I'd never see you again. I'm so happy we can be classmates again."

Rhea seemed to think of something and asked, "Zuri, what do your parents do? They must be impressive to send you to Windsor Academy."

She stepped forward to link arms with her, but Zuri deftly avoided her.

Rhea was taken aback, then looked hurt.

"Zuri, are you still mad at me? If I could, I'd give up my spot for you; I don't want to be distant from you." Rhea bit her lip in aggrieved sadness, "Please don't be mad at me, okay?"

Zuri calmly said, "Aren't you going to the registrar's office?"

She raised her hand and glanced at the time, "If you don't go soon, you'll be late. I heard Windsor Academy has strict rules; if you're late on your first day, you might get expelled."

Rhea remembered she had something important to do.

"I'll go now. I'll find you later."

Watching Rhea leave, Zuri leisurely headed to the registrar's office in the opposite direction.

As Zuri approached the registrar's office, she heard the dean's scolding through the door crack.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you have any sense of time? Do you think Windsor Academy is your home, where you can come and go as you please?"