
Natalie and her group looked at the sports car with angry expressions.


"Uncle Lin is so biased. She just came back and he bought her such an expensive car," Samara said indignantly.


Knowing they misunderstood, Saira didn't explain.


"This car is a limited-edition Bugatti, very expensive. Uncle Lin really spared no expense," Naya said sarcastically.


Natalie put her hands on her hips, "Look at her smug face, I really want to tear it apart."


Noticing Saira's bad mood, the group comforted her.


"Saira, don't be angry. People like her who get ahead with small tricks are destined to be hated."


"She's in the spotlight now, but just wait, she'll get her comeuppance," Naya said with a smile. "I heard Blake is going to stand up for Nyla."


"Blake is the worst. Who knows what he'll do to her."


"We'll see soon enough."


Talking about this, they all looked gleeful.


The three led the pitiful Saira away.


Zuri parked the car in the faculty parking spot. The security guard turned a blind eye. Anyone who could afford such a car was not someone the school leadership dared to offend. It wasn't worth the trouble.


Walking along, many people glanced over, whispering about the supercar.


On the third floor of the teaching building, a group of people were squatting in the corridor. Someone saw Zuri approaching and shouted, "Zhao Zhi, Zuri is here. Hurry up."


Several people in the corridor stared intently at Zuri, surrounded by others who were also watching her. In their eyes, there was a clear hint of anticipation and malice.


As Zuri reached the stairs, just as she was about to step on them, a bucket of black ink fell from above.


The splashing sound echoed, and the black ink instantly flowed like a river.




Laughter came from the third floor, but it was abruptly cut off.


"Where is she?" Blake looked at the empty staircase, turning to question those around him.


Kyle and the others were equally puzzled.


"Where did she go?"


The onlookers in the corridor were equally confused.


"She was just there, how did she suddenly disappear?"


"Did we imagine it? Was she not actually there?"


While those on the third floor were bewildered, someone pointed out, "She went upstairs."


As soon as the words were out, a slender figure appeared in their sight.


Blake, seeing Zuri clean and unscathed, felt a flash of frustration. "Damn, she avoided it."


Blake was irritated.


His goddess was watching.


He kicked Kira beside him angrily, cursing, "You useless fool, you can't even spill water properly."


Kira, feeling wronged, muttered, "It was Kyle's fault for giving the signal too late."


Kyle was displeased, "I clearly saw her step on the stairs before I signaled. It was you who acted too slowly, letting her escape."


"You should have told me before she stepped on the stairs. Don't you know it takes time for the water to fall?"


As the two argued, Blake impatiently snapped, "Shut up, both of you. Luckily, I have a backup plan, or we'd be the ones embarrassed."


They had confidently spread the word about their plan to prank her. If they failed, Blake's reputation would be ruined.


"Boss is so thorough," Kira flattered.


Blake snorted proudly, "Let's go watch the show."


Zuri entered the classroom. Seeing her unharmed, the classmates were all surprised. They had wanted to watch the spectacle, but to avoid arousing her suspicion, Blake had cleared the room, leaving only a few seats for his cronies.


Seeing her unscathed, everyone was puzzled.


"What happened? Didn't Blake make a move?" someone whispered.


"No idea."


"Maybe Blake softened because Zuri is pretty."


While they were whispering, Zuri walked to her seat. As she approached, everyone sneaked glances.


Some looked excited, some indifferent, and some pitying. The small classroom displayed a variety of emotions.


As Zuri opened her drawer, a black shadow leaped out, heading straight for her face. Suddenly, a pair of quick, precise hands caught the shadow, gripping the snake's head accurately.


Everyone in the classroom was startled!


The person who should have been most frightened remained expressionless and calm.


Seeing the writhing snake in her hand, everyone felt a chill down their spines. What shocked them more was that the seemingly delicate girl, with a slight squeeze, killed the snake instantly. The snake's body, coiled around her arm, slackened and fell.


Both those inside and outside the classroom were stunned.


"Damn! This girl is tough."


"Why isn't she afraid?" a girl said, feeling both scared and amazed.


Blake and his group, holding a camcorder to record her embarrassing reaction, were at a loss.


"Yang, what now?" Kyle asked.


"She doesn't seem to be afraid of snakes."


Blake was impressed by her. She couldn't be fazed even like this.


He refused to give up.


Suddenly, a pair of cold eyes locked onto Blake.


Kira shivered.


That girl's gaze was terrifying.


Even the usually bold Blake felt a chill facing those icy eyes.


At that moment, everyone saw Zuri put down her bag, pick up the limp snake, and walk out.


"What is she planning to do?"


Kira and the others thought she was coming for them, but Zuri just walked past them.


Everyone was confused.


"I thought she was going to confront Blake."


"Pfft, as if she'd dare to confront Blake."


"Is she going to report this to someone?"


No one could guess what she was up to.


Saira and her group stood nearby, looking disappointed.


"What a bore."


"Blake is such an idiot, using such a lowbrow trick. Doesn't he know she grew up in the slums of West End? People from there wouldn't fear snakes," Natalie commented.


"I expected a good show. What a letdown," Samara muttered, rolling her eyes.