
Just as the woman finished speaking, a loud voice came from the kitchen. A middle-aged woman in a chef's apron stormed out, her face twisted in anger. She spotted the elderly woman and immediately started yelling in rapid Chinese.

I couldn't understand what she was saying, but it was clear she was furious. The chef gestured wildly, pointing at the woman, then at me, and finally towards the door.

The elderly woman looked unfazed, simply nodding and gathering her cards.

With one last glance at me, she turned and shuffled out of the restaurant.

The chef turned to me, her expression softening as she switched to broken English. "So sorry, sir. I did not agree for her to do this... fortune in my place."

I smiled, shaking my head. "It's okay, really. She didn't even ask me to pay."

I thanked the woman for the food and then I left the restaurant.

As I stepped out of the restaurant, I thought back to what the fortune-teller said.