
After the agents left, Charlotte turned to me. "Changes in how the country operates? What are they on about?" 

"Hmm... they probably mean a state of national emergency? Something like when President Clinton blocked property and prohibited transactions with the Taliban not too long ago because the Taliban continued to support terrorists. They'll likely tighten security measures. Possibly even create sanctions against Russia..."

We decided to try to relax, to distract ourselves at least for a while. We ordered Chinese takeout from a place down the street. While we waited for the food, we cuddled up on the couch and put on a movie—something light.

When the movie ended, we sat there quietly for a bit, both of us trying to act like everything was fine.

"So, what do we do now?" Charlotte asked. "Can I just go to uni tomorrow?"

"Try not to stress about it that much. Let the bodyguards drive you anywhere you want to go. It will be fine."