
On Monday, I called Derec to start covering the short position.

Just after I hung up the call with Derec, the doorbell rang. The delivery guys had arrived, struggling to carry in the stack of boxes holding my new computer setup.

They wheeled in a big CRT monitor—19 inches, taking up half the desk. With 1600x1200 resolution, it was top of the line. Then came the tower: a beast loaded with an Intel Pentium 4 processor running at 3.4 GHz, 1GB of RAM, and a 120GB hard drive.

I showed them to my office, pointing out where I wanted everything. As they unpacked, they started chatting.

"Man, this setup could run anything. Dual monitor support, too," one of them commented as he adjusted the placement of a second, smaller monitor I'd ordered as a side screen for real-time data. "You're gonna be flying with these speeds."