Chapter 1: Transback in time

Filipino Time


Prodigies transback in time

  In present time the Earth's countries are divided in three parts after the world war in the past ,  the three parts are First world, Second world and third world.

And in a country called Philippines there are seven prodigies but the country cannot acknowledge them because of politician's greed , the country is struggling because of poverty, insurgency and corruption.. there for it is a third world country..

The 1st Prodigy are James De Guzman a Business CEO at the age of 15, 2nd Alberto Enrique a Martial artist at the age of 18  studied learned almost all  martial arts in the world  but  since he is the son of a Politician he is also knows politics, 3rd  John Mark Fernandez  18yrs old a rising star artist in the Philippines known for being perfect pitch and already has millions of  listeners in Spotify, 4th Arnel Morales already knows Engineering at the age of 18 ,  5th Jasmine Bautista already knows Architecture at the age of 19 , 6th Agustin Villanueva a scientist at the age of 17 but didn't acknowledge by the country and currently working as a scientist in different Dark organizations, 7th Daniel de Leon an agriculturist.

After Three years the country starting to notice them.

"They are not called prodigies for nothing".

TV Talk Show Program 

January 5, 2024 


*Three host on the table like NBA commentators*

Host 1: Speaking of  knowledge why don't we talk about the 7  rising prodigies ?

Host 2: Yeah thinking about them 3 years ago makes me crazy they are really genius but the one that keeps bothering me is the son of Senator Enrique is he going to be the next Senator Enrique? 

Host 3: Big respect for Senator Enrique because of his greatness fighting the corruption but  from what we are seeing from his son Alberto Enrique he's not fit to be a politician hes learning various different martial arts than we can imagine.

Host 1: Yes he's more like martial artist than to be politician but still  it's impressive for his age specially learning how to wield katana.

Host 3: Who do you think is the fast pacer among them?

Host 1:  Obviously it's James de Guzman and  John Mark Fernandez  seeing de Guzman's  kangkong chip branch growing faster, and even in Dubai  he has a branch and Fernandez's achievements makes Filipinos proud  for releasing 8 albums already for just three years and even foreigners starting to notice him.

Host 2:  Not to mention the other four prodigies  they are currently studying in  UP diliman our country has a brighter future. 

Host 3: Seriously what's the need for them to study looking at their achievements they are already the country's geniuses.

Host 1: They're not called prodigies for nothing...

University of Philippines Diliman

February 12, 2024

James is bored while his head are on the table.

James : Hah... what a boring day!  why can't we skip the school? we already know what they're teaching us it's just getting in our way to do our business.

Alberto: We're in the Philippines we need diploma think of it as an honor, and  just relax like me reading manga in the library hahaha

While they are talking Jasmine Bautista walk towards them and interrupt them.

Jasmine: Still talking about manga cartoon stuff like that and complaining in studies geez grow up already.

James: Hey don't say that speaking of maturity i saw you yesterday in shoping mall staring at the pink teddy bear.

Jasmine : What's the problem it's still cute! stop teasing me.

The three of them seems too close to each other while on the other side  the other three prodigies hates them, the so called 7 prodigies are not as united as they seemed to be it's more like a faction in a school divided in two, they hated each other every single day.

*arnel morales, Agustin Villanueva and Daniel De Leon approach them arrogantly*

The eyes of the students in the library are on them and whispering to each otheras they walk towards them.

Agustin: look at these childish brats i cant believe they are recognized as prodigies like us.

Arnel: Hah it makes me vomit to see this arrogant brats.

Daniel: Acting arrogant just because of small achievements .

James: Hey you guys are the arrogant here

Arnel: seeing you lying there and complain in studies and denying it makes you obviously plastic

*James starting to get mad and suddenly alberto intervened*

Alberto: Hey it's cringy to hear you calling us brats, hearing it from people with same age as us gives me goosebumps hahahha.

James: Hah acting tough like old mans knowing that they are just old senile.

Jasmine: Well we're sorry old seniles  we cannot be called youth without being  arrogant hahahaha.

Agustin: Tsk! let's leave we have a lot to do.

james: Hey where are you going? are you planning to recruit him?

Agustin: It's non of your bussiness.

James: You must know that guy hates factions

Agustin: i said its non of your business!

*The three of them walk away with angry face*

The students whispering to each other spreading a rumor and among the students the three nerdy students named Joshua, Erica and shin seems to know something to the point that they were the center source of the rumors.

Erica: as expected they are not as united as they apear on the tv and social media.

Joshua: but what do they mean when he say "that guy" that they are talking about and who is it?

Shin: how could you not know? it's obviously John Mark Fernandez the most popular among them.

joshua: But i can't see him anywhere.

Erica: That's why they are searching for him, seriously that guy is hard to find hes unpredictable.

Shin: And he hates factions.

Joshua: Now im starting to think whats the factions here for?

Shin: Ugh you're so hopeless.

Erica: Then i will tell you the story it happed three years ago, agustin's father senator villanueva and alberto's father senator enrique is already enemies in politics.

At that time albertos father starting to suspect senator villanueva for having connection with a chinese government and smugling drugs.

And that time agustin is workin in his father's dark organization as a scientist and they are selling and doing illegal stuffs.

And there is a rumors that their organization's technological capability are marvelous it says that it can do miracles.

My father and shin's father participated in investigation led by senator Enrique and eventually they found concrete evidence that senator villanueva is the founder of the organization.

Since that day because of that event it sparks Alberto and Agustin's rivalry and grows until today.

Joshua: I now understand why they have that kind of magnitude of rivalry but i still dont get it why they are searching for john mark Fernandez.

Erica: I don't know either but one thing is for sure that "that guy" holds something.

Shin: Going back to the story my dad told me that they have created a portal to another world and they can even summon a demon.

*Suddenly a random voice at their back replies to them that they didnt even noticed that the voice is not coming from the three of them*

Random voice: are you even sure that it was a demon?

Shin: Yes my father told me that the summoned person emits eerie and black aura and ive seen the video too so its deffinitely a demon.

*And when they look to their back they were surprised, turns out it was Alberto*

Alberto: Having prejudice in color is not good young miss... that person is a child an innocent child who emits mana and he is in our custody now AND HAVING A CONVERSATION ABOUT TOP SECRET IN PUBLIC IS NOT GOOD EITHER!

Corinthian Gardens

Febuary 12, 2024 7:00 pm

John Mark Fernandez's Residence

John Mark Fernandez playing his grand piano while wearing formal attire (*Playing Hungarian dance*)

(John's butler standing in the corner watching and listening)


Agustin are waiting in the front door of john's house and suddenly a maid came out of the door and ask who he was.

And when she recognized him she says.

maid: Wait for a moment please.

She walked in place where john is playing and whispered to the ear of butler,  the butler learns that agustin is looking for john his smiling face of the butler turns into seriousness.

Butler: Master 

(John stopped and talked to his butler without looking )

John: Is it a senator?

Butler: No master it's the son of former senator Villanueva.

John: Let him in.

The maid immediately let agustin in.

John:  Last time it was senator Enrique entrusted me with the flashdrive containing documents about technology of the organization of former senator Villanueva.

Butler: If it weren't for senator Enrique we won't know it and now we develop it and we can make more and effective technologies.

(the maid guided agustin to the sofa and he sat)

(the Butler served a tea both for john and Agustin as john sat)

Agustin: Greetings.. should i call you tony stark? haaha

(in reality john is a richest maan in the Philippines the true prodigy an all around genious in business, in tactics, leadership, ect..) perfect resemblance of a leader

John: Call me what you want ...enough with the formalities, why are you here?

Agustin: We need you.

John: how could you expect me to join your factions? your father confessed already that he conspired with china, and we all know that you participated on it but he didn't even mention  your name you should be thankful.

(Agustin's face looking down on the floor with frustration face)

John: You should  give it up agustin... all we need to do now is to strengthen our country, go out in your house and go to the squatters area and see for your self how people are suffering.

John: Your father told me when i visited him he says he wanted me to tell you that "the nation that you we're conspiring with.. is the one that set us up ".

Agustin: What???

(Agustin attention has been caught and was in shock )

John: Your father says "they are all working just for their own benefit... when the time that your handed over the missing piece that they're looking for they ignored and leave us like a trash".

Agustin: I don't believe that!

John: Then see it for your self look for them if you find them.

(Somewhere nearby from John's residence there's a Chinese people uniformed in black suit sitting in front of their computers, turns out they we're listening in John and Agustin's conversation, they placed a multi purpose device in Agustin's clothes)

( As the conversation goes on john noticed something tiny black rounded device and suddenly reaching for agustin's left shoulder while hes still in a state of shock but agustin noticed was reaching something in his left shoulder, he immediately standsup and ask him)

John: Dont move let me remove it for you.

John removes a device in Agustin's shoulder.

Agustin: wha??

While agustin was surprised john interrupt him with intimidating aura.

John: see? someone's listening looks like you brought your people.

Augustin: No you seems misunderstanding something its not me..

Then john destroyed the tiny device with his shoes crushing it.

John: It's looks like its those bastards again I'll call the senator.

A minute later.

John: Whatt?? Chinese are chasing you? where are you right now?

Senator Enrique: I'm on my way to your house ready the safe house!

While they're talking through the phone Agustin was listening to the conversation.

Agustin: Whats going on?

John keeps talking to senator ignoring agustin..

Senator Enrique: im with the prodigies.

John: Ok im preparing the passage to the safe house..(and then he put his phone down)

jothn fell in his thoughts and upon realizing the situation fear starts to cover around his body and shivering in fear while smilling in sweat in his forehead.

John: I see now what's going on...

Agustin: What's happening??

John answers agustin question with terrifying voice.

John : We thought we've gotten rid of them a year ago.

Agustin gulps in his dry throat.

John: the port allen insident and manila chinese new year.. they were just a decoy and now that they know we're threat they're hunting us!

A moment of silence*

John: The insident that you and your father that got involved was part of their plan i thought they pulled their men back to mainland china...

And then john immediately orders his butler


Sebas(butler) : Master

John: Senator and the two prodigies factions will be here in half an hour prepare the passage way to the safe house.

Sebas(butler) : Yes Master.

As the butler rushed to the passage way the men of john follows.

An hour later *

Agustin: They're late it's worrying.

A minute later dozen of vehicles appeared in front of John's house.

Agustin: oh! they're here! open the doors!

As soon as everyone got in the house agustin welcomes his faction and stares at the other faction disgustingly.

Agustin: It's a pity if you're left behind well it's not my business.

John: alright that's enough! let's head to the safe house for now.

As everyone entered the passage they saw a manual train with a railway of 4 kilometers.

Agustin: Alright lets get in.

John : Sebas follow us after you lock the doors.

Sebas(Butler) :Yes Master (bow)

Sebas(Butler): Ah master I've something prepared for you in the safe house it's gift from the politicians.

John: hmm...

John nodded and get in manual train.

A minute later ther arrived at the safe house through underground passage way.

John: we're here sit wherever you want.

*A long table at the center of the safe house*

Senator Enrique: now let's talk about what's going on today.

Alberto: Father i think we brought a spy here, why would you bring our political enemy here? its clearly proven that they conspired with foreign country!

Agustin: what are you saying?! do you have evidence?

Alberto: Yes your father is in jail now and that's evidence! you and your father betrayed out country!

The other prodigies joins the debate each faction throws their argument at each other

John clicks his tongue.

John's thought: Tsk! this idiots... they don't know what situation they're in!

As the debate's heated john intervenes

John: Ok that's enough! may i speak?

Everyone was silenced by John's loud voice.

John: Everyone here is the target of china and yet you still don't realize what situation we're in!

Jasmine: But john..

John: "The other faction was just used they were just got set up by China's schemes, all the insidents that happened were all just a decoy ".

"And now we don't know we're they're hiding..

like the past insident they dont use frontal attack, they pretend to be just a local insurgents and they speak tagalog fluently".

Senator Enrique: We must inform the media immediately!

Agustin: Yes I'll call the reporters now and tell them we'll hold a press conference tomorrow and there will be confidential information...

The moment that they desided senator seems missing something

Senator Enrique's thought: Something's off..

Senator Enrique: (Gasp)! Where's my secretary?

Jasmine: I saw her walk out the door alongside your body guards.

John: Where is everybody??

Agustin: Looks like just the eight of us here.

*Someone pressed a button and as the button was pressed the doors locked*.

senator: Wha??

*And then the phone rings and john answed*.

John: Sebas?! Where are you?

Sebas: Master please look at the front door.

John looked in the front door and the door was a thick glass, and the secretary of senator and all of their guards are outside behind the butler.

John: What are doing outside?!

Sebas: Master as i told you politicians has present to you and this is presidential order.

As soon as everyone heard the presidential order they remember the history about Heneral Luna (General Luna).

John: The president has betrayed us.

Alberto: Why???!

Sebas: Because you are a threat and preventing our nation to progress, but with China's help the stagnant pulse of our nation will beat again.

Everyone is in shock and couldn't believe what they heard, and the butler walked away and a minute later they hear a clock ticking.

Seenator: Shit! a time bomb!

A second later the bomb explodes*

John's thought: Is this the end?

"And everyone died".

System's voice :Eight soul transmission..

John's thought: What voice is that im sure I'm dead.

System's voice: Eight soul transmission's ready.

John's thought: What?? eight soul transmission??

System's voice: "Failed" No suitable bodies.. searching ...

System's voice: Suitable bodies found in year 1450... transmitting.. in 5,4,3,2,1

After the eight soul transmission they found them selves sitting in a round table

Senator Enrique: Wha??

Jasmine: Where are we?

John murmuring: I'm sure im dead.. I'm sure im dead.. im sure im dead..

Agustin: What in a world is the voice that i hear earlier?

Alberto: Wait look! is this system hologram like in the fantasy manga and manhwa?

Loud strange voice: The meeting of seven tribes in palawan will now start!!

Everyone in the round table: What???!

(Note: Heneral Luna (General Antonio Luna) was a brave General in Philippine History who got betrayed and assassinated in June 5,1899)