
A couple of beers and memories

Jane and Kobe found themselves at their usual spot, the hot dog stand right in front of the police precinct. The mouth-watering aroma of sizzling sausages and caramelized onions wafted through the air, making their stomachs growl with anticipation.

"Two with everything," Jane called out to the vendor, a wide, excited grin spreading across her face. "And don't you dare skimp on the mustard, my good man!"

Kobe chuckled, shaking his head in amusement at his partner's enthusiasm. "Careful there, Harlow. One of these days, your mustard obsession is going to catch up with you."

Jane playfully elbowed him in the ribs, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it, Winston. Mustard is the nectar of the gods, the condiment of champions."

As they waited for their hot dogs to be prepared, they heard familiar voices calling out to them from across the street. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Straton's finest!"

They turned to see Officers Joel and Clara approaching, both sporting big, friendly smiles. Jane waved them over enthusiastically, her grin growing even wider.

"Look who decided to grace us with their presence!" she teased as they got closer. "I thought you two were chained to your desks today, buried under a mountain of paperwork."

Clara rolled her eyes dramatically, letting out an exaggerated sigh. "We were, but if I had to look at one more incident report, I was going to lose my mind. We needed a break before we turned into mindless bureaucratic zombies."

Joel nodded in agreement, his expression one of mock solemnity. "And what better way to recharge our batteries than with some good old-fashioned street meat and even better company?"

They placed their orders and soon the four of them were huddled together, laughing and joking as they devoured their hot dogs with gusto. Kobe, ever the neat and tidy eater, watched in a mixture of amusement and horror as Jane managed to get a generous glob of mustard on the tip of her nose.

"Uh, Jane," he said, tapping his own nose pointedly. "You've got a little something there..."

Jane went cross-eyed trying to see the offending condiment, causing the others to burst into fits of laughter. She grinned sheepishly, wiping at her nose with a napkin.

"What can I say?" she shrugged, her tone playful. "Mustard is my signature look. It's all part of my irresistible charm."

As they polished off the last of their hot dogs, Clara suddenly clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You know what we need after a day like today? Drinks! I say we head over to O'Malley's and throw back a few cold ones. Who's with me?"

Joel and Kobe immediately nodded their assent, but Jane hesitated for a moment. It had been so long since she'd allowed herself to truly relax and let loose. The weight of the Rodel case, the constant stress and fear, had been her constant companion for months on end, leaving little room for anything else.

But as she looked at the eager, hopeful faces of her friends, she felt something shift inside her. A spark of determination, a desire to reclaim a piece of herself that had been lost in the darkness. She made a split-second decision.

"Count me in," she said, a resolute smile spreading across her face. "Let's do this."

A collective cheer went up from the group as they set off towards the bar, a noticeable spring in their steps. The streets were starting to come alive with the energy of the evening, people spilling out of offices and heading to various restaurants and watering holes. The air was filled with laughter, chatter, and the occasional honk of a car horn, a welcome change from the usual wail of sirens and shouts of pursuit that often accompanied their workdays.

O'Malley's was already packed when they arrived, but they managed to snag a cozy booth in the back corner. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, with the soft glow of hanging lights casting a warm ambiance over the dark wood furnishings and the gentle murmur of conversation and clinking glasses providing a pleasant backdrop.

Kobe, ever the gentleman, insisted on getting the first round of drinks. As they waited for him to return, Jane leaned back in her seat, a sense of contentment washing over her. It felt good to be out with friends, to be doing something normal for a change, something that didn't involve chasing down leads or staring at gruesome crime scene photos.

Joel seemed to read her mind, his expression turning thoughtful. "You know, we don't do this nearly enough," he mused, glancing around the lively bar. "Just hanging out, shooting the breeze, no shop talk or stress. It's nice."

Clara nodded emphatically in agreement, her smile warm and genuine. "Absolutely. We need to make this a regular thing. It keeps us sane and reminds us that there's life outside the job, you know?"

Jane chuckled wryly, arching an eyebrow. "Sanity? In our line of work? That's a tall order, my friend."

But deep down, she knew exactly what they meant. In the face of all the darkness and depravity they dealt with on a daily basis, moments like these were a lifeline. A reminder that there was still good in the world, still things worth fighting for and living for.

Kobe returned with a tray full of drinks, setting them down on the table with a flourish. "Alright, first round is on me, you lucky ducks," he announced, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "But I fully expect you to return the favor. No freeloaders allowed in this establishment."

They all laughed, reaching for their respective glasses and clinking them together in a toast to friendship and much-needed respite. Jane took a long sip of her beer, savoring the cool, crisp taste as it slid down her throat. It had been ages since she'd allowed herself to indulge like this, always too focused on the job, on the relentless pursuit of justice that consumed her every waking moment.

As the evening wore on and the drinks kept flowing, the conversation naturally turned to reminiscing about old cases and shared experiences. They traded stories back and forth, each one trying to outdo the other with tales of close calls, ridiculous situations, and moments of sheer hilarity that had them all clutching their sides with laughter.

"Oh man, do you remember that time," Kobe said, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "when Jane absolutely demolished me during that undercover op? I thought I was going to have to arrest my own partner for excessive use of force!"

Jane nearly choked on her beer, the memory rushing back to her in vivid detail. "Okay, in my defense," she sputtered, holding up a finger, "you were acting super shady. Lurking in that alley, all twitchy and suspicious. What was I supposed to think?"

Kobe threw his head back, guffawing loudly. "Suspicious? Jane, I was trying to signal to you that our target was on the move! Some detective you are, mistaking your own partner for a perp."

The entire table dissolved into raucous laughter, Jane included. It felt good to be able to laugh at herself, to find humor in the absurdity of their job and the sometimes comical situations it landed them in.

Not to be outdone, Joel piped up with his own embarrassing tale, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "That's nothing," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "How about the time Kobe and Clara had to fish me out of the Straton River like some sort of flailing, oversized guppy?"

Clara groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Joel, we swore we would never speak of that incident again. It's too mortifying."

But Joel was already off and running, the words tumbling out of him in an excited rush. "So, we get this frantic call from a little old lady, right? She's absolutely beside herself, saying her precious kitty is stuck up a tree by the river. We figure, hey, no big deal, just a simple animal rescue. Guess who volunteers to be the hero and climb up there?"

He pointed to himself proudly, puffing out his chest as if he'd just announced he'd won the Nobel Peace Prize. Jane and Kobe exchanged knowing, amused glances, already sensing where this story was headed.

"So, I shimmy up the tree, no problem. I spot the cat, cute little furball, but definitely not happy. I manage to grab it, start making my way back down, feeling pretty darn proud of myself. And then, because the universe clearly has it out for me, the branch I'm on decides to snap. Next thing I know, I'm taking an unplanned swim in the Straton, cat and all."

Kobe jumped in, eager to add his perspective. "Picture this: Clara and I are standing on the shore, watching this whole fiasco unfold. And let me tell you, the sight of Joel, flailing around, spluttering and coughing, with this soaking wet, yowling cat clinging to his head for dear life? Absolutely priceless. I wish I had a video of it."

The table erupted in another round of laughter, the sound rising above the general din of the crowded bar. Jane felt the last vestiges of tension and worry melt away, replaced by a warmth that had nothing to do with the alcohol coursing through her system.

This, right here, was what she had been missing. This camaraderie, this shared joy and ability to find light in the darkness that so often threatened to consume them. It was a precious thing, a bond forged in the flames of adversity and tempered by unwavering loyalty.

As the night progressed and the stories continued to flow, Jane found herself indulging more and more. It was as if a dam had burst inside her, all the pent-up emotions and stress of the past months pouring out in a cathartic rush of giddy relief and unbridled joy.

She laughed too loudly at jokes, even the ones that weren't particularly funny. She insisted on buying rounds for the entire bar, much to the delight of the other patrons. At one point, she even clambered up onto their table, delivering an impromptu, passionate speech about the importance of friendship and unity in the face of adversity, her words only slightly slurred by the copious amounts of alcohol she had consumed.

Kobe, ever the responsible and level-headed one, tried his best to keep her in check, to gently nudge glasses of water her way in between the rounds of beer and shots. But Jane was having none of it. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she was well and truly free. Free of the constant fear, the crushing weight of responsibility, the nagging guilt that had been her constant companions. And she was determined to embrace every single second of it.

It was nearing midnight when Kobe finally managed to coax her down from the table, much to the disappointment of her newfound fans. She swayed slightly on her feet, grinning up at him with glassy, unfocused eyes.

"Kobe!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him in an exuberant, sloppy hug. "Have I ever told you that you're my best friend in the whole wide world? Like, my ride-or-die, my partner in crime-fighting?"

Kobe chuckled, patting her back awkwardly as he tried to maintain his balance. "Once or twice, Jane. Or maybe a dozen times in the past hour alone."

They said their goodbyes to Joel and Clara, who were both sporting massive grins at the sight of their usually poised and put-together colleague in such a state of joyful disarray. Jane insisted on hugging each of them multiple times, loudly proclaiming her undying love and gratitude for being part of the best darn team a detective could ask for.

Finally, after much cajoling and gentle prodding, Kobe managed to steer her out of the bar and into the crisp, cool night air. Jane took a deep breath, spinning around with her arms outstretched, her face tilted up towards the star-studded sky.

"Isn't it just the most beautiful night ever, Kobe?" she sighed dreamily, her words coming out in a slight slur. "Like, picture-perfect, postcard-worthy beautiful?"

Kobe shook his head fondly, reaching out to steady her as she threatened to topple over in her excitement. "It sure is, Jane. A real stunner."

He managed to flag down a taxi, gently guiding Jane into the backseat before sliding in beside her. As he gave the driver Jane's address, she leaned heavily against him, her head lolling onto his shoulder.

"You know what, Kobe?" she mumbled, her words slightly muffled by his jacket. "I love you, man. Like, not in a weird way. But in a 'you're the best partner and friend a girl could ask for' way."

Kobe smiled, patting her hand affectionately. "I love you too, Jane. In a purely platonic, professional way, of course."

Jane giggled, the sound light and carefree. "Of course. We're partners. Ride or die. Bonnie and Clyde, except, you know, without the crime spree and the whole dying in a hail of bullets thing."

Kobe chuckled, shaking his head. "Let's try to avoid the hail of bullets, if at all possible. I'm rather attached to my life, and I'd like to keep it that way."

The rest of the ride passed in comfortable silence, punctuated only by Jane's occasional giggles and murmured observations about the passing scenery. When they finally pulled up in front of her building, Kobe paid the driver and carefully helped Jane out of the car, keeping a steadying hand on her waist as she wobbled on unsteady legs.

"Alright, partner," he said, looking up at the daunting flight of stairs leading to her apartment. "Time to get you safely tucked into bed."

Jane pouted, her lower lip jutting out comically. "But I'm not tired, Kobe. I'm wide awake. I could run a marathon. Or solve a crime. Or run a marathon while solving a crime."

Kobe snorted, gently propelling her towards the stairs. "Sure you could, champ. But how about we save the marathon crime-solving for another day, huh? Tonight, it's all about rest and hydration."

Jane grumbled good-naturedly but allowed herself to be led up the stairs, leaning heavily on Kobe for support. About halfway up, she suddenly stopped, turning to look at him with wide, pleading eyes.

"Kobe," she whined, drawing out his name. "I don't think I can make it. My legs have turned to jelly. You're going to have to carry me the rest of the way."

Kobe raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Oh, is that so? The great Detective Harlow, defeated by a measly flight of stairs?"

Jane nodded solemnly, a lock of hair falling across her face. "It's a tragedy, really. My one weakness. Stairs and copious amounts of alcohol."

Kobe laughed, the sound echoing in the empty stairwell. "Alright, alright. I suppose I can't leave my partner in distress."

He bent down, attempting to scoop her up into his arms, but stumbled slightly, his own balance compromised by the fair amount of alcohol he'd consumed over the course of the evening. Jane burst into a fit of giggles, clutching at his shirt to steady herself.

"Whoa there, big guy," she teased, her words punctuated by snorts of laughter. "Are you trying to sweep me off my feet or send us both tumbling to our doom? Maybe I should be the one carrying you."

Kobe scoffed, a playful glint in his eye. "Is that a challenge, Harlow? You think you can handle all this?" He gestured to himself with an exaggerated flex of his biceps.

Jane smirked, a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Oh, it's on, Winston. Prepare to be amazed by my incredible feats of strength and dexterity."

She made a grand show of cracking her knuckles and rolling her shoulders, as if preparing for some great physical feat. Then, with a determined huff, she practically launched herself at Kobe, attempting to lift him into her arms.

It was, to put it mildly, a spectacular failure.

They both tumbled to the ground in a tangle of limbs and laughter, Jane sprawled across Kobe's broad chest. For a moment, they just lay there, giggling uncontrollably, tears streaming down their faces.

"Okay," Jane wheezed, struggling to catch her breath. "Maybe that wasn't my brightest idea ever."

Kobe snorted, gently extricating himself from beneath her and climbing to his feet. "You think? I'm pretty sure I saw my life flash before my eyes there for a second."

Alright, let's try this again. Kobe, still chuckling, bent down and managed to hoist Jane over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, eliciting a squeal of surprise and delight from her.

"Onward, my noble steed!" she cried, pumping her fist in the air. "To victory and glory! And also my bed, because I think I might pass out if I stay vertical for much longer."

Kobe grunted, adjusting his grip on her as he started up the stairs. "I think you mean 'to bed and aspirin,' you lush. And maybe a trash can, just in case."

Their laughter and good-natured ribbing echoed through the stairwell as they slowly made their way up, Kobe's steps only slightly unsteady under the added weight of his inebriated partner.

As they rounded the corner to Jane's floor, a door suddenly opened, and a figure stepped out into the hallway. Kobe froze, nearly losing his balance and sending them both tumbling. It was the neighbor kid, the one Jane had accidentally tackled during her breakdown. His eyes widened comically behind his glasses as he took in the sight before him - his normally cold and serious neighbor, clearly drunk off her ass, slung over the shoulder of a large unfamiliar man.

"Um," he stammered, his voice cracking with uncertainty, "is everything... okay here?"

Jane lifted her head from where it had been dangling down Kobe's back, a wide, slightly manic grin spreading across her face. "Billy!" she exclaimed, waving enthusiastically. "Billy, my main man! Meet Kobe, my best friend and partner extraordinaire. Kobe, this is Billy, my awesome neighbor. Isn't he just the cutest little butterbean you've ever seen?"

The poor kids face turned a shade of red that rivaled the ripest of tomatoes, and he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Kobe, for his part, looked like he wanted nothing more than for the floor to open up and swallow him whole, putting an end to this mortifying encounter.

"Hey there," he said, attempting a friendly smile that came out more like a pained grimace. "I'm just, uh... making sure Jane gets home safe and sound. Detective's honor."

He nodded slowly, still looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. "Right. Cool. Um... have a good night, then."

He practically sprinted back into his apartment, the door slamming shut behind him with a resounding thud. Kobe let out a long, slow breath, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, that wasn't awkward at all," he muttered, trudging down the hallway towards Jane's door. "Poor kid's probably scarred for life now."

Jane just giggled, going boneless and floppy over Kobe's shoulder. "Aww, we probably just made his whole year. It's not every day you get to see your boring old neighbor getting carried home like a conquistador's prize."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached Jane's door. Kobe set her down gently, keeping a steadying hand on her waist as she fumbled with her keys, her coordination shot to hell.

It took a few tries and a lot of frustrated grumbling, but eventually, Jane managed to get the door open. She stumbled inside, Kobe following close behind to make sure she didn't faceplant on the way to her bedroom.

"Alright, partner," he said, steering her towards the bed. "Time to get you horizontal before you fall over."

Jane flopped face-first onto the mattress, her words muffled by the pillow. "You're the best, Kobe. The absolute best. I love you, man."

Kobe chuckled, pulling off her shoes and setting them neatly by the bed. "I love you too, Jane. Now get some sleep, okay? And don't forget to hydrate."

He placed a glass of water and a couple of aspirin on her nightstand, within easy reach for when she inevitably woke up with a raging hangover. Jane was already snoring softly, her face smushed into the pillow, one arm dangling off the side of the bed.

Kobe smiled fondly, pulling the covers over her and gently brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "Sweet dreams, partner. I'll see you on the other side."

With that, he quietly let himself out, making sure to lock the door behind him. He stood there for a second. A small proud grin on his face. Pride at his partner finally being able to break free of the vicious cycle she had subjected herself to. Then he set himself into motion climbing down the fights of stair greeting a couple of old heads he met on the way.