Potions and Progress

As Izzy made her way to the dungeons for her Potions class, she decided to check the system rewards for completing the mission in Transfiguration. With a thought, the familiar interface of the system appeared in her mind.

[Mission Complete: Excel in Transfiguration]

Reward: Enhanced Transfiguration Abilities

Description: Your understanding of Transfiguration has deepened. You now have an increased proficiency in this magical discipline, allowing for more precise and complex transformations.

Izzy felt a subtle shift in her perception, as if her comprehension of the principles of Transfiguration had become clearer and more intuitive. She smiled to herself, feeling a surge of confidence and readiness for the challenges ahead.

The Potions classroom was located in the cold, dark dungeons of Hogwarts. The air was thick with the scent of various ingredients, both pungent and aromatic. Shelves lined the walls, filled with jars and vials of mysterious substances. At the front of the room stood Professor Severus Snape, his black robes billowing as he moved with a predatory grace.

The students filed in, taking their seats at the long, wooden tables. Izzy found a spot near the front, placing her potions kit and textbook on the table. She could feel the weight of Snape's gaze as he surveyed the class, his expression unreadable but intense.

"Welcome to Potions," Snape began, his voice low and silky. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death—if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

His eyes scanned the room, lingering briefly on Izzy. She met his gaze with calm determination, aware that his attention was a mix of curiosity and suspicion, likely due to her family name.

"Today, we will start with a simple potion," Snape continued, "the Boil-Cure Potion. The instructions are on the board. You will find all necessary ingredients in the student store cupboard. Follow the instructions precisely."

The students quickly set to work, gathering ingredients and lighting their cauldrons. Izzy moved with confidence, measuring and chopping her ingredients with precision. She added the ingredients in the correct order, stirring the potion carefully as it began to simmer.

Around her, the sounds of bubbling cauldrons and quiet murmurs filled the room. She noticed some students struggling, their potions emitting strange smells or colors. Izzy focused on her own work, ensuring each step was executed perfectly.

As she stirred her potion counter-clockwise, a soft, green smoke began to rise from the cauldron, indicating that it was nearing completion. She allowed herself a small smile, feeling satisfied with her progress.

Snape moved around the room, observing the students' efforts. He stopped by Izzy's cauldron, peering into the bubbling mixture. "Adequate," he said, his tone grudgingly approving. "Make sure to let it simmer for the full time before bottling it."

Izzy nodded, grateful for the acknowledgment. She continued to tend to her potion, ensuring it simmered for the required time. Once it was ready, she carefully bottled the potion, labeling it with her name and the potion's details.

The class drew to a close, and Snape addressed the students once more. "Your homework is to write a detailed analysis of the Boil-Cure Potion, including any difficulties you encountered and how you resolved them. Class dismissed."

As the students began to pack up their things, Izzy felt a sense of accomplishment. She had not only completed her first Potions lesson successfully but had also gained a deeper understanding of her own magical abilities through the system's rewards.

As Izzy left the dungeons, she couldn't help but reflect on the system rewards. She had noticed that the enhancements she received from the system were things she could have eventually achieved with time and practice. While they weren't the overwhelming boosts she had initially hoped for, they were certainly much welcomed, especially at the start of her Hogwarts journey. The clarity in her understanding of Transfiguration and the subtle confidence in her potion-making were significant steps forward.

Heading toward the Great Hall for lunch, she felt a mix of satisfaction and curiosity. The rewards from the system seemed designed to give her a slight edge, nudging her abilities forward rather than catapulting her to mastery. This realization grounded her expectations, but also fueled her determination to keep striving and improving.

The Great Hall was bustling with students when she arrived. The air was filled with the hum of conversations, the clinking of silverware, and the aroma of a variety of delicious foods. Izzy made her way to the Slytherin table, where some of her new housemates were already gathered.

She found a spot next to Marcus Avery and Cassandra Flint, who were deep in conversation about their morning classes.

"How was Potions?" Cassandra asked, looking up as Izzy sat down.

"It went well," Izzy replied, helping herself to some roast beef and potatoes. "Professor Snape seems very particular about details."

Marcus nodded. "He's one of the best. If you can impress him, you're doing something right."

Izzy listened to their discussions, occasionally joining in as they talked about their experiences and expectations. Around her, the other Slytherin students were animatedly sharing their thoughts on the morning lessons, their voices blending into a symphony of excitement and anticipation.

After finishing her lunch, Izzy felt a renewed sense of purpose. The morning had been successful, but she knew there was much more to learn and achieve. The system's rewards, though subtle, had provided her with a solid foundation, and she was eager to build upon it.

She decided to review her schedule for the afternoon, which included Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Both subjects held particular interest for her, and she was curious to see what new challenges and missions the system would present.

As she made her way to her next class, Izzy felt a surge of determination. She was ready to embrace the lessons, tackle the challenges, and continue her journey of growth and discovery at Hogwarts. The path ahead was filled with opportunities, and she was prepared to seize each one with unwavering resolve.