A Teacher's Dilemma

The flickering candlelight in Severus Snape's office cast long, wavering shadows across the walls, accentuating the room's eerie ambiance. Snape sat at his desk, his fingers steepled under his chin, contemplating the progress of his most unusual student, Izanami Black. Her Occlumency training had yielded remarkable results, and her aptitude for dark spells was equally impressive. Yet, with each lesson, Snape felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him.

His musings were interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. He knew who it was before she entered.

"Severus, we need to talk," Professor Amelia Storm said, her tone clipped as she stepped into the room without waiting for an invitation.

Snape raised an eyebrow, gesturing for her to sit, though he knew she wouldn't. "Amelia," he greeted her coolly. "To what do I owe this visit?"

Storm crossed her arms, her eyes blazing. "This can't go on. Teaching a child dark magic? What are you thinking?"

Snape's expression remained impassive. "Miss Black is not just any child. She has shown remarkable potential and a thirst for knowledge that cannot be ignored."

"Potential?" Storm's voice rose. "She's eleven, Severus. Eleven. And you're filling her head with spells that most adults can't handle responsibly."

Snape sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I am fully aware of her age and the risks involved. But denying her this knowledge would be a disservice to her abilities. She is more than capable of learning to control and harness this power."

Storm's eyes narrowed. "And if she loses control? What then? Another Dark wizard in the making? Do you want her to become another Voldemort?"

A flicker of pain crossed Snape's face at the mention of the Dark Lord. "I will not allow that to happen. I am guiding her, teaching her the importance of discipline and control."

The tension in the room was palpable. Snape could see the conflict in Storm's eyes, her fear and concern for the young girl evident. He knew she had a point, but he also knew that Izzy was different. Special.

"You're playing with fire, Severus," Storm said softly, her voice losing some of its edge. "I hope, for her sake and yours, that you know what you're doing."

She turned and left the room, her footsteps echoing in the silence that followed. Snape watched her go, a heavy sigh escaping his lips once the door closed. He knew she was right to be concerned. The path he had set Izzy on was fraught with danger, but he also believed it was the right one.

As he returned to his desk, the door creaked open again, this time revealing Izzy. Her eyes were wide with curiosity and concern, clearly having overheard the argument.

"Professor Snape," she began hesitantly, "I couldn't help but hear... Is everything alright?"

Snape met her gaze, seeing the determination and intelligence that had convinced him to teach her in the first place. "Professor Storm and I have differing views on your education," he said, choosing his words carefully. "She believes that teaching you the Dark Arts is dangerous and irresponsible."

"And you don't?" Izzy asked, her voice steady.

"I believe that knowledge is power, Miss Black. With proper guidance and control, you can master these spells and use them responsibly. But you must be vigilant. The path you are on is fraught with peril, and any lapse in control could have dire consequences."

Izzy nodded, absorbing his words. "I understand, Professor. I will be careful."

"See that you are," Snape replied, his tone softening slightly. "Now, if you have no further questions, I suggest you get some rest. We have much work to do tomorrow."

As Izzy left, Snape felt a pang of worry mixed with pride. He knew the road ahead would be challenging for both of them, but he was determined to see her succeed. He could not let her fall into the darkness as so many others had. She was different, and he would ensure she remained so.

The next day, Snape observed Izzy closely during their lesson, watching for any signs of instability or recklessness. To his relief, she was focused and controlled, her spells precise and powerful. She had taken his warnings to heart, and her progress was undeniable.

Despite his stern demeanor, Snape felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, with time and guidance, Izzy could master the delicate balance between light and dark, harnessing the full potential of her abilities without succumbing to their dangers.

As the days passed, Snape continued to teach her, each lesson a step further into the complex world of magic. He knew the risks, but he also knew that without his guidance, the risks would be far greater. Izanami Black was a force to be reckoned with, and he was determined to help her navigate the treacherous path ahead, no matter the cost.

For Snape, this was more than just teaching a student. It was a chance to atone for his past and ensure that the future was brighter for those who dared to walk the fine line between power and peril.


The Room of Requirement was a sanctuary for Izzy, its ever-changing nature catering to her needs. Today, it had transformed into a perfectly equipped potions laboratory, complete with bubbling cauldrons, shelves lined with ingredients, and detailed potion-making guides. The room was filled with the subtle, fragrant aromas of various herbs and magical substances.

Izzy stood at a large, polished workbench, meticulously preparing her ingredients. She was determined to perfect her potions for class, knowing that Professor Snape demanded nothing less than excellence. With her cauldron simmering gently, she carefully measured and added each component, following the instructions to the letter.

The potion she was working on was the Draught of Peace, a complex concoction known for its calming effects. It required precise timing and exact measurements, a challenge that Izzy relished. She added powdered moonstone and syrup of hellebore, stirring counterclockwise as instructed.

The potion's color shifted from pale blue to a silvery sheen, a sign that she was on the right track. She checked the temperature and adjusted the heat with a flick of her wand, ensuring the mixture didn't boil. As she worked, her mind was focused entirely on the task at hand, each step a dance of precision and control.

Her hands moved with practiced ease, crushing ingredients, measuring liquids, and stirring the cauldron with rhythmic consistency. She remembered Snape's advice: "Potions require patience and attention to detail. One mistake can ruin the entire brew."

With the Draught of Peace nearly complete, Izzy added a final pinch of powdered unicorn horn, watching as the potion shimmered and settled into a smooth, pearly liquid. She bottled the potion with care, labeling it neatly before setting it aside.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Izzy decided to practice another potion: the Polyjuice Potion. Though she wouldn't be able to complete it in one session due to its month-long brewing time, she wanted to ensure she understood the initial steps perfectly.

She began by finely chopping fluxweed and knotgrass, adding them to the cauldron with a dash of lacewing flies. The mixture bubbled and hissed, releasing a pungent odor. Izzy wrinkled her nose but continued, knowing that each step was crucial to the potion's success.

As she worked, the Room of Requirement provided everything she needed, from rare ingredients to detailed diagrams of each stage of the potion. It was as if the room understood her determination to excel and supported her every effort.

After several hours of focused brewing, Izzy took a break, wiping her brow and surveying her progress. She had managed to start the Polyjuice Potion correctly and had perfected the Draught of Peace. Her confidence in her potion-making skills was growing, and she felt prepared for whatever challenges Snape's class might throw at her.

As she cleaned up her workspace, Izzy reflected on her journey so far. The balance between her rigorous studies and the camaraderie she shared with the Weasley twins had given her a sense of purpose and belonging. She was not only mastering the complexities of magic but also building a foundation of friendships and experiences that would support her through the challenges ahead.

Izanami Black was determined to excel in every aspect of her magical education, and the Room of Requirement had become her haven for honing her skills. She knew that with each potion brewed and each spell cast, she was one step closer to mastering the art of magic and uncovering the secrets that Hogwarts held.

As she prepared to leave the Room of Requirement, Izzy felt a sense of readiness and anticipation for her next lesson with Snape.