You Want Peace, I Want War

The summer was in full swing, and Izzy had just returned from the Hogwarts Summer Camp, filled with new knowledge and experiences. Meanwhile, at the Burrow, Fred and George Weasley were trying to convince their mother, Molly, to let Izzy come over for a visit. They knew it would be a tough sell, considering the family's history and Molly's protective nature.

The family had gathered for dinner, the perfect time for the twins to bring up their idea. As they exchanged a quick glance, Percy, their older brother, caught their signal and decided to step in.

"Mum, Dad," Percy began, his tone measured and authoritative, "there's something important I'd like to discuss. Fred and George have made a new friend at Hogwarts, and they think she would benefit from spending some time here with us."

Molly Weasley looked up, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Who are you talking about, Percy?"

"It's Izzy Black, Mum," Percy said calmly. "She's been a great friend to Fred and George, and they've told me how talented and kind she is."

Molly's expression immediately darkened. "Izzy Black? The daughter of Sirius Black? And a Slytherin? Absolutely not."

Arthur Weasley looked equally concerned. "Boys, you know the history. Sirius Black betrayed the Potters. And having a Slytherin here... it's not a good idea."

Fred and George had anticipated this reaction, but Percy's involvement was a surprise and a potential turning point. "Mum, Dad, I understand your concerns," Percy continued. "But from what Fred and George have told me, Izzy is different. She's nothing like Sirius. She's focused on her studies, and she's top of her class. We should give her a chance."

Molly's resolve was strong, but seeing Percy, usually the voice of reason, supporting his younger brothers, gave her pause. "But it's a risk, Percy. We've been through enough."

"Mum," Percy said gently, "we've always believed in giving people a chance to prove themselves. Izzy deserves that chance. Plus, I'll be here to keep an eye on things and make sure everything goes smoothly."

Arthur sighed, looking between his sons and his wife. "Molly, maybe we should consider it. If Percy is willing to vouch for her and the boys trust her, there must be something to it."

Molly's face softened slightly, but her worry was still evident. "I'll think about it. But you boys need to understand, it's not just about trust. It's about keeping our family safe."

Fred and George exchanged a hopeful glance. It wasn't a yes, but it wasn't a definitive no either. It was a start.

A few days later, an invitation was sent to Grimmauld Place. Izzy was surprised but delighted to receive it. She had grown fond of the twins and was eager to see their home and meet their family.

Letter from the Weasleys:

Dear Izzy,

We hope this letter finds you well. Fred and George have spoken highly of you, and we would like to extend an invitation for you to visit the Burrow for a weekend. We believe this would be a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know you better.

Please let us know if you can join us. We look forward to your response.

Best regards, Molly and Arthur Weasley

On the appointed day, Kreacher helped Izzy pack a small bag. "Mistress, Kreacher will be nearby if you need anything," he assured her.

"Thank you, Kreacher. I'll be fine," Izzy said with a smile.

With a pop, Kreacher disapparated, and Izzy made her way to the Burrow. She was greeted at the door by Fred and George, who were grinning from ear to ear.

"Welcome to the Burrow, Izzy," Fred said, leading her inside.

The warmth and coziness of the Weasley home were immediately apparent. The smell of home-cooked food filled the air, and the sounds of laughter and conversation created a welcoming atmosphere.

Molly appeared, wiping her hands on her apron. "Hello, Izzy," she said, her voice a bit hesitant. "It's nice to meet you."

"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Weasley," Izzy replied politely. "I appreciate the invitation."

Arthur stepped forward, offering a warm smile. "Welcome, Izzy. Make yourself at home."

The Burrow's cozy, lived-in charm immediately put Izzy at ease. She noticed the various magical knick-knacks and family photographs that adorned the walls, each telling a story of the Weasleys' rich, if chaotic, family life.

"Come on, let's introduce you to everyone," George said, guiding her towards the kitchen where the rest of the family was gathered.

In the kitchen, Izzy met Ginny, who was initially very shy. Ginny glanced up from her seat at the table, her cheeks flushing pink. "Hi, I'm Ginny," she said softly.

"Hello, Ginny. It's nice to meet you," Izzy replied with a warm smile, hoping to put the younger girl at ease.

Ginny's shyness slowly melted away as they began to talk about Hogwarts and their favorite subjects. Izzy's genuine interest in Ginny's experiences helped build a bridge between them.

Next, Izzy met Ron, who was a bit more wary. "You're a Slytherin," he said bluntly, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Yes, I am," Izzy replied calmly. "But I'm not like the others you might have heard about. I just want to learn and make friends."

Ron crossed his arms, still looking skeptical. "All the Slytherins I've met have been bullies. How do I know you're different?"

Fred jumped in, placing a hand on Ron's shoulder. "Ron, Izzy is a good friend of ours. Just give her a chance, alright?"

Ron huffed but seemed to relax a bit. "Alright, but I'm watching you."

Izzy nodded, understanding his caution. "That's fair, Ron. I hope we can be friends."

Later, Bill Weasley arrived. Tall and cool, with a laid-back demeanor, Bill exuded a sense of adventure and confidence. He greeted Izzy with a warm handshake. "Nice to meet you, Izzy. I've heard good things about you from Fred and George."

"It's nice to meet you too, Bill," Izzy replied, impressed by his easygoing nature.

The evening was filled with conversation and laughter. As they sat down for dinner, Molly served a delicious feast, and the atmosphere became even more welcoming. The Weasleys shared stories of their adventures and mishaps, and Izzy found herself laughing along with them.

After dinner, they gathered in the living room. Arthur showed Izzy some of his Muggle artifacts, explaining how they worked with great enthusiasm. Molly joined in, talking about the various family traditions and memories.

As the night drew to a close, Fred and George took Izzy on a tour of the house, showing her their room and some of the pranks they had in the works. Izzy marveled at their creativity and ingenuity.

"You're really talented," Izzy said, examining one of their trick wands.

"Thanks, Izzy," Fred replied. "We've got big plans."

George nodded. "And we'd love for you to be part of them."

Izzy smiled, feeling truly welcomed. "I'd like that."

By the time she went to bed, Izzy felt a deep sense of gratitude for the Weasleys' hospitality. Despite the initial wariness, they had accepted her and made her feel like part of the family. She knew that this visit had strengthened the bonds of friendship, and she looked forward to many more shared adventures.

As the summer continued, Izzy looked forward to returning to Hogwarts with renewed determination and a heart full of hope for the future. The Burrow had become a place of comfort and friendship, and she was grateful for the Weasleys' kindness and open hearts.

On the second day of her visit to the Burrow, Izzy woke up early, feeling the crisp morning air seeping through the window. She had spent a wonderful first day getting to know the Weasleys, but today she had a special request in mind. She found Bill in the garden, enjoying a quiet moment with a cup of tea.

"Good morning, Bill," Izzy greeted him, her voice bright with anticipation.

"Good morning, Izzy," Bill replied, looking up with a friendly smile. "How are you finding the Burrow so far?"

"It's wonderful," Izzy said sincerely. "Everyone has been so welcoming. I wanted to ask you something, though. Fred and George mentioned you're quite skilled with spells and dueling. Would you mind showing me what you know? Maybe we could have a friendly duel?"

Bill raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "A duel, huh? You've got some guts, Izzy. Alright, but with limited spells. Just to keep it safe."

"Of course," Izzy agreed, excitement bubbling up. "Thank you, Bill."

They decided to hold their duel in the Weasley's backyard, a spacious area with enough room for some spell-casting without causing any damage. Fred and George quickly caught wind of the upcoming duel and gathered Ron and Ginny to watch.

"Alright, everyone," Bill said, addressing the small crowd. "Izzy and I will keep this duel simple and safe. We'll only use basic spells and defensive maneuvers. Ready, Izzy?"

Izzy nodded, her wand at the ready. "Ready."

They stood about ten paces apart, wands drawn. Bill took a deep breath and began the duel. "Expelliarmus!"

Izzy was quick on her feet, dodging to the side. "Protego!" she cast, creating a shimmering shield that deflected the spell.

Bill smiled, clearly impressed. "Good reflexes. Let's see how you handle this. Stupefy!"

Izzy countered quickly. "Protego!" The stunning spell bounced off her shield, and she followed up with her own attack. "Rictusempra!"

Bill blocked her spell with ease, but his eyes gleamed with approval. "Nice one, Izzy. You're quick."

The duel continued, each casting spells and blocking or dodging in a well-coordinated dance. Bill's experience was evident, but Izzy's determination and skill shone through. The spectators watched with bated breath, impressed by the display of magic.

"Tarantallegra!" Bill cast, aiming to catch Izzy off guard. Her legs began to move uncontrollably, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Finite Incantatem!" she countered, stopping the jinx and preparing her next move. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Bill narrowly avoided the body-bind curse, casting a quick "Expelliarmus!" that sent Izzy's wand flying from her hand.

The duel was over, and Bill had won, but he approached Izzy with a wide grin. "Well done, Izzy. You've got great potential."

Izzy retrieved her wand, feeling a sense of pride despite the loss. "Thank you, Bill. That was amazing. I learned a lot."

Fred and George cheered, clapping loudly. "That was brilliant, Izzy!" Fred exclaimed.

"Yeah, you really held your own against Bill," George added.

Ron and Ginny were equally impressed, their initial wariness of Izzy beginning to fade. "You're really good, Izzy," Ginny said shyly.

Ron nodded. "Yeah, that was pretty cool."

Molly and Arthur, who had watched from the kitchen window, smiled approvingly. The duel had not only showcased Izzy's skills but had also helped her bond further with the Weasley family.


Back at Grimmauld Place, Izzy sat in a dark, secluded room deep within the ancient house. The atmosphere was heavy, the air thick with anticipation and a hint of trepidation. A single candle flickered on the wooden table before her, casting long shadows on the walls adorned with old, dusty portraits. The book before her was old and tattered, its pages yellowed with age, detailing the darkest arts known to wizards.

Izzy's heart pounded as she glanced down at the small mouse caged on the table, its tiny eyes wide with fear. The system had prompted her forward, urging her to practice the three Unforgivable Curses. She knew the risks, the dark path she was about to tread, but her insatiable curiosity and the system's persistent push made her determined to understand and master these powerful spells.

Taking a deep breath, she steadied her wand hand, her mind focused on the task at hand. The first curse she would attempt was the Imperius Curse, designed to control another's actions completely.

"Imperio," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

A thin, silvery line of magic extended from her wand and enveloped the mouse. Its frantic movements ceased, replaced by a calm stillness. Izzy willed the mouse to move, and it responded, walking in a small circle. The sensation of controlling another being was both thrilling and unsettling.

Releasing the spell, she took a moment to steady herself before proceeding to the next curse. The Cruciatus Curse, intended to cause immense pain, was one she felt particularly apprehensive about.

"Crucio," she incanted, her voice tinged with hesitation.

A jet of red light struck the mouse, and it immediately convulsed, squeaking in agony. The sight and sound were horrifying, and Izzy felt a wave of nausea. The intensity of the spell was overwhelming, and she quickly ended it, her hand shaking slightly.

The final curse was the most feared of all—the Killing Curse. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the incantation, her resolve hardening.

"Avada Kedavra," she said, her voice cold and firm.

A flash of green light erupted from her wand, and the mouse fell lifeless, its small body still. The room seemed to grow colder, the silence deafening. Izzy felt a chill run down her spine, the weight of what she had just done settling heavily upon her.

The system chimed softly in her mind, acknowledging the completion of the task and providing her with a reward—a deeper understanding of the dark arts she had just practiced. But the sense of accomplishment was overshadowed by the gravity of the curses she had cast.

Izzy closed the book, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She knew that mastering such dark magic came with a heavy price, one that weighed on her conscience. The power was intoxicating, but the cost was something she would have to bear.

As she sat in the dimly lit room, the flickering candle casting eerie shadows, Izzy reflected on her actions. She was on a path that few dared to tread, one that required immense strength and resolve. The system had guided her this far, but she knew that the choices she made would define her journey.

With a heavy heart, she extinguished the candle and left the room, the echoes of the curses lingering in her mind. The dark arts were now a part of her, a tool she had chosen to wield. But she vowed to use them wisely, aware of the fine line between power and corruption. But a small voice in the back of the head, she could barely hear, was starting to question the systems reasons.