Chapter 2- The Way Of A Drake

Please don't hurt me I beg General I Had no choice. Oh no Choice you say what about code of knights. While I pace to and fro with my arms behind my back saying, The oath we both swore in front of our own kinsmen so we may be held accountable for our own transgressions yet still, here we are

In the knightly code we swear.

Death before betrayal, we declare.

With honor and courage, we'll defend,Our loyalty to the very end 

With shield and sword, our duty clear,

Our word is sacred, our honor dear.

We'll fight with valor, our banners high,

Death before betrayal, until we die.

In times of peace or times of strife,

We'll uphold the code of knightly life.

For in our blood, the oath runs deep,

Death before betrayal, our promise to keep.

However you thought it was wise to batter my wife in my home! this fool Williams stuttering in front of me like he can't form a ssntence. I'm tired of it. Hamilton!

Sir he replied neverously I could see in his eyes he seems scared for my sake thinking I'd do something rash but oh on the contrary go and get the medic team take Amy and Levi that little brat is still sleeping after being through all of that whatevera take him and return at once we have work to do.Yes sir!

Now what do I do with you, hmmmmm

oh I know torture let's see what you know. At this point my anger took over as I raised my blade as Williams screamed, they took my family I'm sorry but I had no choice. Who is they? You have 3 seconds. The Cardinals, the told me to kidnap your wif-. Arghhhh!

Without knowing it I had swung my sword in a fit of anger. How dare he even try to mention my wife with that foul mouth of his. I had every mind to make heads roll tonight but to bloody my blade with my kinsmen blood is not honourable. Sir! the squeaky voice of Hamilton rings inside my head sir your order has been fulfilled. HAMILTON, I yelled do you know of these Cardinals

Yes sir they are a medium sized organisation of bandits robbers mercenaries and nobles.How long will it take to subdue them Hamilton? If it's just us Black Ops one night at most then it's decided we will seige them tonight . we will decimate our enemies for this is the way of a drake.