The Road To Recovery I

Ughhhhh. Where am I! Get off of me arghhh.your still hurt sir please rest. His words rang in my head as if were side oh a giant bell causing me to lose my footing. Chieftain his wounds aren't getting any better. I know we may have to take him to that place. You cant mean. Yes I do mean it. Chief for a mere stranger we risk our lives. I cannot allow this! And Who are you to stop me ready the men or I will do it myself. 

The chieftain was a whose head could be considered a mirror of the highest quality, with eyes like the ocean and build that would strike fear into the hearts of the strongest men and ecstasy in the hearts of women an aura of discipline a natural born leader His gaze sharp like a knife and his tongue sly yet simple a face that leaves no impression still and emotionless. They dress similar those who live in tribes on the far continent with various textiles woven together creating a beauty not found in the empire.For some reason this man was willing to save and go at far lengths to do so. This cunning bastard would do anything for free i just know.

From what I remember of the village they usually live i huts made of mud to palm leaf stems seemingly only living off of nature and its harvest yet still they seem advanced they had water ways flowing through the village and flower on grew at every turn the smell of lilies roses orchids daisies filled the place with wonder.kinda like the fairytales Amy always loved. Compared to me i am the stark contrast bruised and tattered my life left in shambles my body blue black from the fall my clothes ripped by the trees. This the life of mine. Cheiftain the men have been prepared.Great, Cain lets head to the Dryads territory! 

Sir if you don't mind me asking why are we helping this man I mean it's not like we have too. Well do a good deed and throw it in the river, one day it will come back to you in the desert. What do you think Cain, Do you still think that this man with the Blood of the legendary black dragon is worthless. I thought i taught you better than this. Something is just telling me this will pay off is that enough for you Cain. Sir! Halt! Thee many soldiers suddenly came to a stop like they were frozen in time.

Taylor! where are you I need a favour. With voice that seem to come from the forest itself spoke to us in a mysterious yet angelic manner saying," Why has the chieftain of the Modrý tribe come to see us dryads.". From what I'm sensing that one you carry that is unlike you need healing. We will do it but leaving him here and return at once. At least allow me to stay Taylor please.I'll allow it now the others leave.