A Shadow

In the heart of a sacred grove, a Shaman stood before an ancient altar, surrounded by his followers, otherwise known as the initiates. With eyes closed and hands raised to the sky, they invoked the ancient powers of the land, as they prayed to the heavens.

"It's been a long time since the skies of Eldrador has seen the light of day. This kingdom has suffered a great calamity which doesn't seem to come to an end. The people are falling prey to despair and diseases, and the royal family is beginning to wane significantly." The Shaman said as he stretched forth his hand towards the alter. The unlit torches that were set to make a circle round the alter suddenly lit up, and the already killed sheep that was in the middle was also consumed by flame.

"I pray to the heavens, that our iniquities be forgiven, and that mercy may be bestowed upon this kingdom and it's people. Please bless us with a new sun that will grace us with it's light, so that peace may finally come to this kingdom, the royal family, and the people of this kingdom."

The air thickened with the scent of burnt offering and the flickering torches cast shadows on the trees. The wind also blew heavier, as if serving as a response from the heavens.


Eldrid Castle

In the Queen's chambers, the Queen, Namarie, laid on her back, her silk sheets rumpled beneath her as the midwife, a wise and aged woman approached her with a gentle smile. With a respectful touch, she placed her hands on the Queen's belly, feeling for the subtle signs of life within.

Queen Namarie closed her eyes, a smile formed on her face, as the midwife's skilled fingers probed and palpated her abdomen. "I had a dream last night. I dreamt that a black shadow entered my belly. Could the dream possibly be hinting that I'm pregnant?"

The question was directed to Ronan, the shaman, who had been summoned by the Queen, so she could narrate her dream to him.

Ronan, whose head had been bowed since he entered the Queen's room, suddenly raised his head in alarm when he heard what the Queen had said. "A shadow?" He asked.

"Yes. A shadow big enough to cover up the sky." The Queen replied, but she was met with only silence. Seeing that Ronan hadn't said a word, the Queen opened her eyes. "Is something wrong?" She asked, her voice laced with worry.

The midwife stopped inspecting the Queen's stomach, and bowed her head. "I'm sorry to say this, your majesty, but you are not with a child."

Queen Namarie's eyes widened in shock, and her eyes stung with tears. She had really believed that she would hear good news this time. She had thought the dream had meant something.


On the castle grounds, just right outside the female servants' quarters, the servants were busy going about their duties, but there were a few who had gathered to gossip.

"I heard the Queen is still not pregnant this time too." One of the ladies whispered, and the others gasped, showing shocked reactions towards the news.

"Ah, it's such a shame. I'm sure she must be hot red in anger. Imagine being prayed for every morning by the the sacred fire circle, just to be told bad news at the end." Said another.

While this was going on, one of the servants who was busy knitting, suddenly looked up at the sky as she slowly stood up.

Everyone around her immediately stopped what they were doing, while looking at her warily. Even the servants that were gossiping, stopped to look at her.

"She's at it again." One of them said as she pointed to the lady.

"What is she doing now?" Another said.

Meanwhile, the lady continued to stare up at the sky, and the once neutral expression on her face turned to a sad one. Then all of a sudden, thunder rumbled in the sky, making the servants scream and scamper as a heavy rain began to pour down.


"You are not pregnant?!" Exclaimed Margaret, the Queen Dowager, as she stared at Queen Namarie's reflection through the mirror which was in front of her dresser.

Queen Namarie who was standing behind the Queen Dowager, with her maidservants also standing behind, lowered her head in shame, not having the courage to look the Queen Dowager in the eye—even if it was through a mirror.

"It's been three years since you married into the royal family, so why is it that you haven't been able to give birth to an heir?"

"I apologize, your majesty." Queen Namarie said with her head still bowed.

"Weren't you and the King supposed to sleep together last night? Why didn't you go to the King's chambers?" Queen Margaret probed further, but Queen Namarie stayed quiet.

Queen Margaret's face twisted in displeasure, and she was about to say something, but one of Queen Namarie's maidservants quickly spoke. "The King dismissed her majesty, saying that he wanted to spend the night alone."

Queen Namarie turned around to face the maidservant that had spoken, glaring at her. "Who asked you to speak?"

"Forgive me your majesty. I wanted to defend your honor, and spoke out of turn. I deserve to be punished." The maidservant replied as she went on her knees and bowed.

"You can leave now." Queen Margaret said in a dismissive tone, and Queen Namarie bowed once again before leaving the Queen Dowager's chambers with her maidservants trailing behind.

As soon as Queen Namarie left, Queen Margaret signaled for her trusted maidservant to come closer. "I can't sit and watch the royal linage slowly be wiped away from this world. Summon Nimueh, right this moment!"

The old maidservant's eyes widened at the mention of that name. "Queen Dowager!" She couldn't help but exclaim.


The next day, the King of Eldrador, King Victor, and the nobles, lords, and ministers were gathered in the throne room, discussing matters of the Kingdom.

"Your majesty, the flood has caused so much trouble to the people. Complaints about the calamity it has caused, have reached my ears, and I'm afraid that some of the families that are affected have started taking their lives with their own hands." The minister of affairs reported.

King Victor sighed, and said, "It's such a shame that that had to happen. Deploy the archers in charge of disaster relief, and try as much as possible to lessen the struggles of the people."

"Yes, your majesty." The minister replied.

"Wait!" The Queen Dowager who happened to be sitting on a special seat behind the King's throne, suddenly spoke. "I don't see a need to release the royal archers for such a trivial matter. I think reducing their taxes should be more than enough."

The ministers exchanged looks before looking back at the King, awaiting his final judgement.

"Do just that then." The King said with a forced smile, while the minister that had brought up the issue frowned, but nevertheless, he still nodded. "Yes, your majesty."

"Are there any other issues to report?" King Victor asked, and when one of the ministers was about to respond, the double doors of the throne room opened without warning from the guards.

A very beautiful woman clad in a black cloak then walked into the throne room. In an instant, gasps, and murmurs from the ministers filled the throne room as they all looked at the woman, shock and hatred written all over their faces.

"You insolent witch! Such courage you have that you barged into the throne room during a meeting." One of the lords spoke.

The woman continued to walk closer to the where the king was, ignoring the comments from the others, and then she bowed to the king.

King Victor stood up, and pointed at her. "Who the hell allowed you in here? Guards!"

"I was the one who summoned her." Queen Margaret said, as she stood up from her seat and stepped toward. Everyone's eyes widened in shock, but no one said a word, not even the King.

Queen Margaret smiled at the woman, and said, "So long has it been, Nimueh."


Queen Margaret and Nimueh, later left the throne room, and went to Queen Margaret's chambers to discuss in private.

"It's been a while, Queen Dowager." Nimueh said as they sat at Queen Dowager's dining table.

"Indeed it has. Have you been well?" Queen Margaret asked with a smile.

"I'm still alive, at least." Nimueh replied.

Queen Margaret nodded, and sighed. "Actually, the reason I called you here is because…"

"I know, your majesty." Nimueh interrupted Queen Margaret, and a smirk formed on her face as she continued, "Don't worry. I'll make sure to give you an heir through any means possible."

Queen Margaret didn't get offended by Nimueh's interruption, and smiled instead when she heard what Nimueh had said. "As expected of you. You never disappoint."