For The First Time

Beyond the Black Forest, a lonely Alethea was standing in front of the quartz stones, stretching her neck while on her tippy toes as if she was expecting that to be enough for her to be able to see far ahead to where the festival was taking place.

She could hear the subtle sounds of beating drums so she knew the festival had already begun. "Seeing as o can hear the sounds of celebration, I guess the festival has started now." She dejectedly muttered to herself, as she sighed and retreated back to the front of the house, sitting on the bench seat.

The ugly kite Alexander had made was on the bench, and she picked it up. "You will have to look out into the outside world in my stead." She said as she took her kite pool and attached a long string of thread to it.

She then took the kite with her and went to the apple tree, intending to tie it to the branch of the tree, so that the kite would float high up in the sky.

"Alethea!" A familiar voice called out to her, and when she looked back, she saw William approaching her.

With wide eyes, out of shock, Alethea ran to him. "Big bro! What are you doing here?" She asked, but her happiness could be heard in her voice.

William smiled, at her and grabbed her by the wrist. "Let's go, Alethea." He simply said without giving further explanations, as he pulled her along with him.

Alethea resisted, and pulled her hand from his grasp as she asked in curiosity, "Where are we going?"

"Don't be lonely here, all by yourself and come with me. Today is your birthday, isn't it? This day only comes around only once a year, so you should enjoy it." Then he smiled at her, "This one is even more special as you just became an adult today."

"I can't." Alethea said as she shook her head. "If father finds out… We'll be punished for sure."

"I'll take care of him, so don't you worry." William showed her the dandelion flower, extending it to her, "Also, I lied that your wish would be granted if I blew it in your stead, but that isn't how it works. You will have to do it yourself, for your wish to reach the heavens."

Alethea collected the dandelion flower from him, a conflicted expression on her face. "But…" she tried to argue, but William wasn't having any of it.

"I'll be by your side all through." He said, and placed his hands on her shoulders in an assuring gesture. "I'll protect you."

Alethea didn't say anything and just looked up at him as he held her wrist again, and this time she didn't resist and just followed him as he began to head towards to the quartz stones.

But when William passed over the quartz stones, Alethea took her hand back, in fear of what could happen if she passes over the quartz stone for the first time.

William turned to look at her, and nothing but gentleness and patience could he seen in his eyes as he extended his hand to her once again. "We have to hurry so we can return before nightfall. You'll not regret it…. Trust me." William said, and Alethea slowly placed her hand over his.

William smiled, as held her hand and began to walk away. Alethea finally passed over the quartz stones for the first time since she had been bound to the house, following William as they headed towards the Black Forest.

Meanwhile, immediately Alethea had passed over the quartz stones, they shone brightly for a few seconds, before they then went back to becoming dull.


Soon, the two of them finally arrived at the heart of the kingdom where there were a crowd of people joyfully going about, enjoying the festival mood.

William protectively held Alethea very close to him, as he showed her around, while Alethea was stunned to silence with the beautiful things she was seeing, and this was also the first time she was seeing so much people.

William took her from one stall to the other, showing off the beautiful things being sold, and asking her if there was anything she liked among them. From visiting of stalls, they also watched different performances.

There was a man who had done some joggling. He joggled with different items, going from the smallest, to the biggest of them, fascinating his audience with his amazing joggling skills.

There was also one acrobatic performer who had done a dragon rope act. Jumping with just one foot on a rope which was connected to two iron stands, while also making different poses whenever he landed gracefully on the rope.

 These performances, and more were what Alethea and Williams watched together, and Alethea couldn't stop herself from smiling so much—she smiled so much, that her face was even starting to hurt.

The evening finally came, and it was time for the people to send their wishes to the heavens.

When William took Alethea to where the people had gathered, they could see dandelion seeds already floating in the night sky, creating a very beautiful sight.

"Let's hurry!" Alethea said in excitement as she pulled William to the very front.

"Since you've already made your wish, all that's left is for you to blow the seeds of the flower." William said, secretly being happy on the inside, that the supposed wish had actually been granted already, and he was the one that helped to grant her wish.

Alethea faced him, and asked, "What wish did you make to your flower?"

William smirked and said, "It's a secret."

"I'm sure you wished to find your one true love." Alethea teased and laughed at him.

William just smiled. "No, I actually wished for you to have a very nice, and enjoyable life. I don't want you to see the evil and dirty things of this world. I wish for you to only experience the good and beautiful things of life." Wiliam thought to himself.

Alethea's smile slowly disappeared as she stared at the night sky. "William." She said.

William looked at her, as he heard the tone of her voice. "What is it?" He asked in worry.

"Do you think… that I may have been born when I shouldn't have?"

William's eyebrows creased in confusion at where she got that from. "What do you mean by that."

"I just sometimes think that may be the case." She said and sighed, "And I also wonder if that may be the reason father keeps me far away in the middle of the forest, and away from other people."

"That's not true." William said, as he raked his hand through his hair in frustration, not at Alethea, but at whatever the reason was, that his father was actually doing this, and then he looked at her with a gentle gaze. "I don't understand father's actions either, but one thing is certain. Father is surely doing this for your sake."

Alethea then awkwardly laughed to lighten up the mood she had dampened, and said, "Don't mind me and my intrusive thoughts. We should send our wishes to the heavens." Then she brought the dandelion flower to her lips and blew air to it, send the seeds flying into the sky.

William was all smiles as he watched her blow the seeds to the sky, and only snapped out of it when Alethea said, "What are you waiting for? Blow yours to the sky as well."

William nodded, and brought his own flower to his lips, also blowing the seeds to the sky.

Alethea who was watching him, suddenly stopped smiling, and her eyes which were once amber in color, changed to a dark shade of purple.

After blowing all seeds of his dandelion flower, William smiled and looked to his right, where Alethea had been standing next to him, but she was nowhere in sight.