Red Robe

Five years later

In a cave situated in a rocky Mountain way past the outskirts of the kingdom of Eldrador, a young lady in a white cloak, gracefully moved down a stairway which led to an underground temple.

The upper half of her face was covered with the hood of her cloak, but from the lower half which was revealed, one could see her pale white skin, and red plum lips.

She moved straight on until she was then standing before an alter where there were so many candles—of which most of them were already lit.

The lady stretched forth her hand towards the alter, and a book which was previously lying on the alter then floated, and was in her hands in a speed as fast as the batting of an eye.

Then wind from nowhere suddenly blew in the temple, and pushed the hood of her cloak away from her head, revealing her face. The young lady was… Alethea.


Dragon's Den Tavern