
Outside of the castle, just right at the castle's gate, two guards that were stationed at the gates were at loggerheads as they argued over the gender of a certain person that was standing a few feet away from them.

It was William's female companion, and she was dressed in male clothing with her hair hung up in a ponytail.

"I saw her speaking with Sir William. She's definitely a woman." One of the guards said to the other.

"Are your eyes defective? That person over there is obviously a man." The other argued.

Shaking his head, the first guard then said, "Let's go confirm then!" The both of them then went and stood in front of the reason for their argument. "See? I told you she was a woman."

"Do you live under a rock, or what? Haven't you seen men that have pretty faces?" Said the other, still insisting that the person they were looking at was a man.