
Not wanting to entertain such feelings, Alethea retracted her hand from Alexander's scalding touch. Turning around, she began to walk away from the room.

"Excuse me." Alexander said, causing her to pause, but she didn't turn around to face him. "Your hands are very cold. A woman should have a warm body" He reluctantly said.

Without giving her a chance to respond, he continued, "I was also wondering… why do you have your face covered? Doesn't it feel suffocating under the veil?"

Alethea finally looked at him. Since he couldn't see her face, he couldn't quite tell what her mood was at the moment, but from her eyes alone, he could tell that she was probably glaring at him causing him to keep shut.

But she just stood there, looking at him without saying a word, so Alexander still pressed on. "Can't you remove it, even just for a while?" He said, and smiled. "I would like to see your face, and thank you for saving me."