The Beginning


Jack Ryder, a brown haired man, with groggy green eyes, steps into Micheal's CEO office.

Being a confrontative man, he was going to end it today.

Micheal's sharp brown eyes pierced into his, like a sting of a bee..

He hadn't believed it when he first heard it.

Rose Matrazith, a russian blonde-haired woman, was going to replace his position.

But after countless files sent to him by his dearest of fans of his scientific work; he was sure it was true.

And so, he would confront who he once knew as his friend.

The air of office politics had blinded his eyes to the truth - to their great friendship.

"What do you need?" asked Micheal, as he spun himself on his chair from the window view, and towards him.

"What does Rose have in business that I don't?" asked Jack defiantly.

"Who's Rose?"

"Don't pretend. It's been known for some time now."

"Ah... how the media just ruins all of my secrecy."

Micheal chuckled, and got up from his seat.

"I was planning to drain you of your use - but it seems that you're like a hostile pet, never wanting to be touched." Micheal patted Jack.

"I can consider giving you a final paycheck with a bonus of ten thousand if you just disregard this." Micheal whispered, manipulatively.

"No. Why did you do this? To us?" said Jack as he shoved Micheal away.

"Because Rose is a perfect pawn. Beautiful, presentable, but completely fodder to you in the research and intelligence section. And you're average, and speaking for what you believe in."

Micheal backed up.

"You coward." said Jack under his breath.

Suddenly, Micheal's cold attitude broke, and his anger went rampant.

"Who do you call coward, you're like the tool in the shed that gets something done well, but doesn't fit with the others!"

"Shut it, Micheal."

"No, you bastard!"

Micheal grabbed Jack by the collar, and pressed him against the wall.

However, Jack was more agile, and slipped from his grasp - slapping him hard in the face.

"Get out!" screamed Micheal, as he pushed Jack out of the room, causing Jack to stumble and fall out.

"Your termination paper is here, have it!" said Micheal as he stomped out of the room, looking down at Jack, who had fallen down due to Micheal's push.

He angrily dropped the paper down, and Jack grabbed it.

His heart began to comprehend it.

He was fired.



Jack ran outside with the paper, crumpling it in his hand.

The damned 'friend' he had f*cking fired him.

His steps echoed through the deserted hallway as he walked toward his office for the last time, all his belongings boxed up and waiting, as the security walked away. The weight of betrayal settled heavily on his shoulders, but a flicker of determination burned in his eyes.

He hurriedly packed the few personal items from his desk, memories of past victories and challenges staring back at him from the walls.

A photo of him and Micheal at a science conference in Paris. A mug with the words "Innovate or Die" scrawled in bold letters. A worn-out journal filled with scribbled equations and groundbreaking theories.

Each item held a piece of his soul, a piece of his life.

He felt a tear in his eye, but quickly swept it away.

He grabbed the box, and began to lift it.

It was slightly heavy, but nothing insufferable.

He walked into the elevator, and as the elevator descended, he felt all his aspirations and dreams too.

They would be carried on; to another person.

For the chance of having his wish had been cast aside, and would be rediscovered by who would be his incarnation.

For now, he felt the inevitable doom upon him.

Such a known figure couldn't be fired.

It would be massive companies, maybe bigger than Hyperion, trying to get him if he had quit, but being fired?

No, not at all.

He walked out of the elevator.

He hauled the box into his Tesla.

Angrily, he began to drive, swerving quickly.


Reaching home, he sighed and grabbed his phone.

His face darkened as he saw something on his phone.

[Jack Ryder - science director of Hyperion, one of the statistically best technological companies has been FIRED after slapping his boss!?] read a article from E Online.

The media was quick, weren't they?

But they couldn't have been that quick.

Jack grabbed his phone, and cursed Micheal's name.

He checked his balance.



He was known, just yesterday, as the top five paid employees.

He checked his transactions.

[-$101,000 | Right of Offset - see reason and message here.]

A link was written beside this.

He clicked the ink.

[Due to the outstanding amount of cash that you owe us - specifically $101,000, we have forcefully exerted the terms of service rights provided with banking with us.]

He clicked his previous credit card transactions.

[Credit Card used to pay Temas Group $101,000.]

He rummaged through his wallet.

His credit card was missing.

A new purchase appeared in his notifications.

[$9,900 used to pay Temas Group.]

A notification appeared in his messages.

"Suffer." texted a anonymous number.


It had been a week.

The bank refused any redos, and he had been forced to suffer.

He watched Micheal succeed - beating Samsung in terms of valuation.

His friend had fired him.

And after that, took all he had.

Now this same, horrible, 'friend' had gained such fortune.

Jack found himself pacing in his small apartment, his thoughts swirling like a storm inside his head. He clenched his fists, the anger burning deep within him. Micheal's success haunted him, a bitter reminder of his own downfall.


"Damn it, how could he do this to me?" Jack muttered, kicking a stray shoe across the room.

"He's a snake, Jack. Always has been," Sarah, Jack's sister, remarked, her eyes filled with concern.

Jack turned to face her, his jaw tight. "I trusted him, Sarah. I thought he was different."

"You can't dwell on it, Jack. It won't magically come back."

"God must be testing me, yeah, that's it! All will be returned through him, by two fold!"

He smiled, but his heart felt like it was being clawed apart.

Bullied, hurt.

But, divinity wouldn't let such a unreasonable demise fall upon him.

No way, not after all that fate put and set him through. Jack was naive and stubborn, but that helped him in life.

Never knowing when to give up, it allowed him to shred through life when there was no way to pass.

He'd get through this - or that's what his mind constantly said to him, when it wasn't trying to console itself.

His money had ran low, and his sister was in no way to help, due to saving her money.

And Jack didn't loathe her for that.

He was the one who had told her to do it after all.

To not help.

To let his drown in his beliefs.


Jack began thinking about other ways to make money than selling his findings that made technology easier to do as two weeks went by.

But he was barely scrapping by.

And the money couldn't support his villa.


Jack's suffering began, as he contemplated if it was really worth continuing to bear this pain.

His money had run scarce.

His sister couldn't bare to see him be in so much pain!

But, her company had recently gotten a investment by a Hyperion official, who threatened to pull the funds if she assisted him.

So he really was stuck.

He slowly watched Micheal become richer and richer.

Jack's shoulders sagged as he sank onto the worn-out couch, exhaustion weighing him down as the reality of his situation settled in. Sarah sat beside him, her presence a comforting anchor in the raging storm of his emotions.

"I can't do this anymore." He said, getting up from the couch, and running out.

He kept sprinting, till he had reached a mountain.

On this mountain, he contemplated his decision.

Whether he should have looked down - and accepted his fate.

Maybe it would have saved him, from this, at least.

A paper flew with the wind, gently plastering against Jack's face.

He removed it, and began to read its contents.

Not like he had anything else to do.

[ Quickly sign this paper within 2 minutes. ] read the heading.

[ This paper promises that in exchange for the duration that IT happens, God will attempt to seek, and benefit you. For your never dying will has been rewarded. Seek life and existence, stray from death and myths. Live on. ]

Jack smiled.

There was hope by God, with this basic little prophecy paper.

So, with the blood of the injury he had happened to suffer while running to this mountain - he wrote his name.

He felt proud of himself.


Suddenly, after just staring at the paper for a few minutes...

* PING *

His back began to feel pressured, as it had squeezed into one section.

He checked his back with his hand.

He was bleeding, profusely.

He accepted it.

He laid his back against the ground.

And closed his eyes.

The dark sky bloomed, as if content with what had just happened.

He felt someone pick his body, and let go of it.

Before he could realize what was happening, he felt air rush against him, and finally, heard a loud thump before his eyes started to refuse to open.

Even so, he could think.

In his thought, he saw a door, closed, but light peered through its cracks.

He walked to it, and opened it.

Then all thought stopped.

He couldn't hear himself think.

It was like he was crowded by internal voices that just didn't allow him to think.

* Murmur *

He swore he could hear people speak.

' Where am I? ' he thought.

His eyes were heavy, but still allowed him to open.

"Forbidden Contract has been sealed. Imbedding partial realization for safety..." said a robotic voice.

"Oh, great! Vex has fallen asleep." said a noble, wise, and old voice.

Jack's eyes fluttered open.

As his vision returned, he saw a man.

A silver-haired man, with a crown imbedded with the words NOBLE, and a red royal robe was before him, arrogantly standing, and apparently speaking with someone in a futuristic armor.


The helmet, made of lightweight composite materials, featuring a transparent visor that displays information, and circles, seemingly identifying the land around itself. It makes little noises of radio communication, and AI scans the environment, giving a absolute view of the place.

The chestplate, made of masterfully refined alloy, offering maximum protection, and its ergonomic design includes overlapping plates for added flexibility along with an energy shield generator that provides an extra layer of defense against traditional weapons and also a power cell that contains electricity to perform different features of the system.

The gauntlets are applied with Quantum Flexium, a virtually indestructible material, and can materialize stored items from its thick depth. A inch of it is able to contain rifles, so considering it is used in a gauntlet, it is able to store and materialize a whole armory of energy weapons. It can also retract or pull atoms with no problems, including of organic beings.

The leg armor, made from the same alloy as the chestplate, is designed for maximum mobility and protection, while featuring magnetic soles for scaling ferromagnetic* surfaces with articulated knee guards with shock absorbers enhance agility and withstand falls and impacts.

*Ferromagnetic = Magnetic surfaces.

The armor includes optional cloaking technology for stealth missions, rendering the user invisible to the naked eye and most sensors. Environmental adaptation systems regulate temperature, filter air, and provide hydration and sustenance during extended operations. The armor also features shape-shifting holsters and mounts for an array of futuristic weapons, from energy swords to plasma rifles, and a modular design for absorbing additional gear like jetpacks, medical kits, or hacking tools.

Visually, the armor is predominantly metallic silver with accents of blue to denote the user's rank. Integrated LED lights illuminate the armor's visors; information kept on the right side of the visors imbedded in the helmet


"Ah, finally, you're awake," the silver-haired man said, his voice dripping with authority.

Jack blinked, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Where... where am I?" he managed to croak, his throat dry.

Jack looked down at the silver-haired man with a piercing stare on accident, penetrating the man's arrogance, and forcing him to his knees.

"Apologies, Vex." said the silver-haired man.

Memories rushed into his mind.

They weren't quite 'his' though.

It was of a young adult, at only eighteen.

His name was Vex Syl Synthar, or Vex Riekei, born a *Nebula Noble.

*Nebula Noble = A noble of Synthar.

His family, known for their kindness and benevolence debated against him after he began to aspire to be a Military Commander.

Preparations to kick him out to blank his name off their bloodline data began, but he had already succeeded to become one.

But instead of a earful from the Galactic Spectrum News - the family were praised for how great Vex was.

They tried gaining favor of Vex, as he eventually became the Warlord of Tyranny, having two-thirds of authority of frontier colonies* that used to belong to upcoming superpowers like Atlantia, and Golgotha, and even one superpower, Avalon.

As a titled individual, your power was equal to the Solar Sovereign, the royal leader of Synthar.

So, naturally, they did.

But Vex coldly demanded for their royal blood to be cut, and the youngest of their bloodline would become the royal leader of the Riekei lineage.

The memories of Vex surged through Jack like a tidal wave, filling his mind with a sense of power and responsibility he had never experienced before. As he struggled to come to terms with this new knowledge, the old man approached him, his eyes filled with a mixture of respect and caution.

"We urge you to tell us where to deploy the spy infantry." the silver-haired man said gravely. "You are Vex Syl Synthar, the Warlord of Tyranny, the one who holds the fate of nations in his hands, and our savior."

Jack felt a surge of disbelief and confusion. How could he, a simple man who had just lost everything, become something of a savior?

He tried to search for the correct words, but settled on taking his role blindly until he was alone to think.

"Show me... a display." he said, as if even aware if a display existed in this technologically advanced world.

"As you wish." The silver-haired man said.

The silver-haired man nodded at the person in the armor.

The person tapped their wrist, and suddenly, a small display appeared on it.

He began to type in it, and a loud noise alarmed Jack.

"Access granted to the WARLORD private network."

The man tapped his wrist again, and before Jack - a system appeared.

It showed a pixelated screen of troops.

On their side, 40,000 or so troops were actively marching towards the half-line.

To show one was dead, a X was put in front of its pixel.

It seemed about 1,300 units had been killed - and that was big, considering the terrorist attack had happened only a moment ago.

Jack hesitantly tapped the screen in a random area.


He quickly selected no.

He thought for a while.

He tried individually selecting units.

He grouped units and pulled 10,000 units to the front, and sent the 30,000 other far behind.

He clicked the [ ITEMS ] catalog.


And the list went on, to the point his head started to hurt.

But he felt smarter than usual.

He put a disruptor imbedder.

He clicked it.

Options for it appeared.

[ Cancel activation | self-destruct | upgrade | overload upgrade.. ]

There were still so many options.

He clicked the overload upgrade.

If what he thought was right, the disruptor would be upgraded above its limits, and would explode. This would help well, and even kill a few infantry.

Above that, Jack added a Vultron, which would cancel all actions of their communication devices then once making contact with the ground, explode.

He put it where the scout had reported where the base was.

This means that the connection of the military base and the main line of attack was severed - and the sudden ambush would make it hard to handle 10,000 enemies.

And after that, 30,000 enemies, and also the upcoming militia - it would be over very quickly.

"I have completed the actions." Jack said, and glared at the silver-haired man.

The silver-haired man bowed.

"As a Nebula Noble, I am indeed indebted to you."

"The nation is, so I lift your debt."

"Thank you."


After they left, it was quiet.

He sat in his throne.

He knew no other place.

[ User seems to have forgotten all knowledge of Synthar's locations. ]

A voice rung in his head.

[ Tyrnt System 4X4, for your information. ]

He hadn't even been able to fully think of trying to ask what it was!

What a intercepting piece of AI.

[ User may wish for a active documentary-type explanation of the current situation? ]

Without waiting, it continued.

[A anonymous terrorist group called T, presumably worshipping a low spectral being, awakening from Valhalla's ritual - that occurred seven years ago, has attacked. They use the assimilation technology forbidden by all of the Hyperion Cluster. Due to this - the other planets and factions of Hyperion were going to assist, but, we all lost communication.

So, for five hours, we have been easily losing troops.

But now, due to the deployment of a disruptor, their AMC (Air Missile Control) has failed to detect all further missiles. Due to this, 12 missiles have been booted to attack, along with the Vultron.

I currently have degraded myself for the purpose of not overloading. I am a TIER 1. ]

[ Emergency! Tier 1 Biochip! User is more suitable for higher levels! Tier 1s can not manipulate any things on current world, and can simply obtain information! ]

Jack sighed.

< From now on, Jack will be called Vex as in this body, he is. >

"Please be quiet." Jack said.

[Silent Mode activated.]

Getting up, he felt vulnerable.

So, he turned.

He saw a more upgraded version of the previous armor that person was using.

He put it on.

[ User can only use SIMPLE functions. ]

The voice rung in his ear.

He ran, but noticed just a dash caused him to leap about five feet forward.

It was abnormal!

But, fun.

He jumped up seven feet.

Due to the AI, he had absorbed knowledge of ALL areas within this place, what they were for - and other memories.

He ran towards the kitchen.

[ User is already filled with the Lapse function of hunger. ]

He turned towards the Solar Sovereign's palace.

[ Scanning... Interception by the Solar Sovereign private network. ]

He sneered.

"I swear I shut this thing off a moment ago."

[Answer: This is your own consciousness, being developed into heightened thoughts. You wanted to go to the kitchen, so I simply helped you avoid going to unnecessary places. And scanning was to allow you to hear and see what was happening in the Solar Sovereign. ]

Vex ignored it.

He barged into the palace.

"Your excellency!"

Immediately, the Solar Sovereign fell to his knees.

The royal advisors looked at Vex with a displeased stare.

But just one glare, and they froze, and fell to their knees.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion, Warlord Vex?" the Solar Sovereign demanded, his voice a mix of anticipation and confusion.

Vex surveyed the room, his eyes flickering with a newfound sense of power. "I have come to offer my assistance in dealing with the terrorist threat that looms over our nation on the battlefield itself," he declared, his voice resonating with authority.

The Solar Sovereign's eyes widened in surprise. "You, on the battlefield? But how can you help us strategize in this situation if we have no strategists that have solved it?"

Vex stepped forward, his movements confident and calculated. "I have already taken steps to cripple the enemy's communication and disrupt their advance, have I not?" he explained, his tone firm and decisive.

The Solar Sovereign rose to his feet, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. "If you can defeat them, then we are in your debt, Warlord Vex," he admitted, his voice tinged with gratitude.

Vex inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment. "There is no need for gratitude. It is my duty to protect this nation and its people," he stated, his words echoing with determination.

As Vex stepped out, he began to try something.

"Suit, release my face from the helmet."

The helmet dematerialized.

"Create a cape."

A black cape was materialized.

"Move me to the battlefield."

Vex watched his body begin to turn into dust, flaccid as it gently but swiftly moved to the battlefield.

Zap noises filled Vex's ears.

"CIRCLE! THEIR GII (Ground Infiltration Interceptors) ARE OFF!" he said loudly.

Noises of encirclement by the marines, the naval counterpart, and the army began to be heard.


Within ten minutes, using the fast technology, they were encircled.

Vex raised his hand.

"Fire, and deploy the missiles!"

Loud noises of energy armanent being unloaded, swung or thrown were heard - as Vex smirked.

[ User intends to use Destroyer of Energy beams. Firing. ]

From the gauntlet, a large beam shot out, killing thousands of the enemy forces.

As the circle loosened, to let the missiles fire - noises of the terrorists rummaging through their arsenal vanished.

The circle fully tightened, and all of the military began to unload their guns onto the barracks.

Blood splattered against the walls, of various colors, excluding red.

"It was alien forces! All of them!" said one person, surprisingly.

"These possibly could be Valhalla residents! Find someone living!" said a officer rank.

The energy melee users rushed in.

Coming out with about twenty men, a flag was raised.

The flag of conquering.

And yet another day, Vex Syl Synthar won.


< Inside of Technocrat Conference room >

Seraphine Kera was completely red.

"He did it, again. Vex."

She was sure to say it slowly, as if enjoying a candy slowly.

She had a long-time crush on him, even before he was a military commander.

He was a quiet, cold person who could easily be unmasked by affection, love and trust.

But getting into one of these sections was nearly impossible.

He was a man of his work, preferring not to get off track.

But it was possible, indeed.


Seraphine smiled.

"He got the T Group."

Aris Novum quickly tried to dismiss it.

"Impossible! It hasn't even been a day!"

But Seraphine wouldn't let his noble work be lied about so easily.

"No, check your panels."

They all tapped their wrists, and a panel came before them.

They were surprised to see Vex covered in blood, smirking sinisterly.

Everyone but Seraphine.

Zara Lumin, a dark-skinned woman spoke up.

"Seraphine - his SECOND title will be rewarded, and we will be considered PARTNERS to him. This means, he will be no less than us. That means you can confess without feeling like a upper rank, which he hates!"

Zara was Seraphine's best friend, and also the one who REALLY wanted Seraphine and Vex to be together.

"Back to work." said Darius, Zara's brother, also dark-skinned.

Darius began to show a paper.

"This is Vex's second title, awarding him the authority equal to a Technocrat. He very well deserves it. But before that, does anyone believe otherwise, and would like to appeal?"

Aris, of light skin, was rather displeased to hear this.

"Vex is simply a strategist! He doesn't deserve it!"

"While I would admit you are right if that were true, that's wrong. Vex, today, deployed onto the field, and wiped out 1,200 of their forces by himself, then strategized to allow the militia to do the rest. They also found proof of Valhalla's denizens being alive, which means we need to search for the Rune Dungeons to reconstruct the Able contigent."

Aris's face fell pale.

He had never been so afraid.

To him, Vex was a fraud, but Vex had went on to kill 1,200 of a group that was copying their technology alone.

This bastard...

He was strong to a point that... he could be the first Technocrat Overseer since the Spectral Yuton died.


Vex laid in the Premium section of the residental area of the palace.

The blanket, a cloth of gold.

He thought.

He had died - murdered.

And, maybe, through a paper - he had reincarnated.

A knock alerted him.

"Come in."

A man walked in, with a rapier.

"I'm going to get you this time."

The man aimed the rapier at Vex.

Vex got from his bed, and was terrified.

But his mind told him not to be.

Vex dashed forward, and gave the man a right hook to the face.

The man flew to the right side of the room, damaging it a bit.

"You're paying for that." said Vex in a boringly deep pitch.

The man began to bleed, but Vex didn't care.

He dragged the man out.

So he could think... about where he was.