A Glimmer of Light from Another Dimension

Deciding to ask the Architects for help wasn't easy. Fierce debates erupted among the scientists and government officials who were aware of the contact.

There was concern that this move might be seen as a sign of weakness and could potentially endanger human security. What if the Architects interpreted their plea for assistance as an opportunity to exploit or even control humanity?

However, Rizal and Professor Indri managed to convince them that it was the only viable approach. They argued that the Architects had been observing humans for a long time, and if they had malicious intentions, they would have acted on them already.

Finally, after lengthy and intense discussions, the decision was made. Humanity would reach out to the Architects, show their efforts, and humbly ask for guidance.

The message was sent through the information projector—a complex geometric representation of their attempts to solve the equation, accompanied by symbols expressing curiosity and a plea for guidance.

Tension filled the laboratory as they awaited a response. Days turned into nights, and nights into days, but no reply came. Doubt and anxiety began to erode their hopes.

Until one morning, as Rizal entered the lab feeling despondent, he was greeted by a sight that made his heart race.

The geometric patterns representing the Architects' messages reappeared in the air, spinning and pulsing with an intensity he had never seen before. But this time, there was something different.

Amid the intricate patterns, a new shape emerged. A shape that was simple yet full of meaning.

A point of light.

"What... what is that?" asked Professor Indri, who had just arrived at the lab and was immediately struck by the extraordinary sight.

Rizal stared at the point of light intently, a mix of awe and strange fear in his heart. "I... I don't know, Professor," he replied, his voice barely audible. "But... I think... we've just been given a clue."