Chapter 17 - Hide and Seek

After the realization that his world was vast and filled with powerful foes, Sasaki laughed, "What a fool I am, getting happy over some new skill gain."

He understood now that his recent achievements were just a drop in the ocean. There were many things and many people stronger than him.

Thanks to the memories of his past body, he realized he was just a frog stuck in a well. He needed to become much stronger.

As he looked up at the rising sun, he felt a sense of renewal and a determination to embrace this new beginning.

He recalled his past life, where arrogance had stunted his growth and allowed others to surpass him, Sasaki realized he couldn't afford to repeat those mistakes in this new world dominated by magic.

Science was no longer his ally here. He needed to shed his pride and approach this life with humility and a willingness to learn.

This was his chance at redemption, his opportunity to make something meaningful out of the second chance he'd been given.

As he watched the sunrise, a symbol of new beginnings, he resolved to embrace this fresh start with open eyes and a humble heart.

As he stood beneath the sunrise, its rays warming his cheeks, Sasaki couldn't help but think about the meaning of the situation.

He died and was reincarnated during an eclipse, which is a period of darkness and ends. As the sun rose again, he viewed it as a profound metaphor for life's cycle: where there is death, there is rebirth; where there is darkness, there is light.

This duality, this balance of negative and positive, was the essence of life: a never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings, each bringing new opportunities for growth and redemption.

In a moment of profound enlightenment, Sasaki's eyes widened as the truth dawned on him like the first light of day. His hidden class wasn't just another aspect of this unfamiliar world - it held the key to something far greater.

It was akin to the dominance of nuclear missiles in his past life, where the mightiest nations could annihilate entire civilizations.

But here, in this world governed by magic, it wasn't destruction that reigned supreme by magic, but rather by noble and royalty their bloodline who regain the hidden secret of powerful destructive magic. 

As he grappled with this revelation, Sasaki's expression shifted from confusion to understanding. It wasn't merely about spells and incantations - it was about power, authority, transcendence. Those who wielded such authority were akin to nuclear weapons in this world, capable of reshaping reality itself with their power.

A wry smile played on Sasaki's lips as he realized the purpose that had eluded him until now. It wasn't just about survival or personal gain - it was about salvation, about breathing new life into a world teetering on the edge of oblivion.

He saw himself as a deity, a creator of worlds, with the power to forge a future free from the mistakes of the past.

With a fresh feeling of purpose burning inside him, Sasaki vowed to rise to the lofty heights of godhood in this universe.

It was a huge task, but one for which he felt especially qualified: it would redefine the fundamental essence of his being.

"Yes," he declared with unwavering certainty, his voice echoing with conviction. "This is my destiny, my purpose. To become the architect of a new world, free from the shackles of its predecessor. This is the true meaning of my hidden class."

After he cleared his mind and made the resolve to move on. Sasaki commanded his familiar, Shadow, to find the hobgoblin group he had been watching. Within minutes, Shadow spotted the group sleeping in their hideout.

Moving silently, Sasaki approached, carefully keeping his footsteps quiet. In this new world, he had learned to hide his presence well enough to avoid detection by likes of goblins and hobgoblins.

Crouched behind some bushes, Sasaki observed the sleeping hobgoblins. His eyes gleamed with a murderous intent as he raised his hand, forming a fist with his index finger extended.

"Epidemic Bullet," he whispered.

A bullet of condensed, corrupted mana shot from his finger, hitting one of the lower-level hobgoblins. The infected hobgoblin stirred but did not wake, allowing the disease to spread to the others. The epidemic skill worked as an area-of-effect attack, slowly draining their health over time.

Sasaki retreated to a safe distance, running until he was a mile away from the hobgoblins' hideout. He found a concealed spot and waited.

The hobgoblins had no idea what had hit them, and as they woke, they started to feel the effects. Their health began to drop steadily, minute by minute. They panicked, unable to figure out how to stop the invisible enemy that was slowly killing them.

Over the course of an hour, Sasaki waited patiently, hidden from view. He watched his notifications as the hobgoblins' health continued to decline.

Despite their higher levels, they couldn't defend against the insidious attack. One by one, they succumbed to the disease.

[Level 55 Scout Hobgoblin Killed]

[Level 50 Scout Hobgoblin Killed]

[Level 53 Scout Hobgoblin Killed]

[Level 60 Scout Hobgoblin Killed]

Finally, the notifications came through, confirming their deaths. Sasaki allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. He had proven his cunning and skill.

[Total Exp Gained: 87,200]

"Wait, killing hobgoblins gives more experience than goblins of the same level," Sasaki realized.

"Hmm, the experience must differ from creature to creature."