Chapter 19 - Morning Exercise

Determined, Sasaki closed his eyes and focused his mind, entering the mind palace. The familiar shelves of memories greeted him, filled with the knowledge of both his new life and the body he had reincarnated into.

He walked through the rows of memory books, searching for the ones that could provide him with the information he sought.

First, he found a book that explained the basic classes in this world. As he opened it, the pages turned rapidly, and the information flowed into his mind.

He learned about the common classes such as warrior, mage, archer, and rogue, and the more advanced classes that one could progress to, like paladin, sorcerer, marksman, and assassin. Each class had its own strengths and weaknesses, and the progression depended on one's skills and experiences.

Next, Sasaki picked up a memory book about the societal hierarchy. He discovered that nobles ruled over commoners, with a stark divide between the two.

Nobles often possessed rare and powerful classes, which they used to maintain their dominance.

Commoners, on the other hand, struggled to survive, often working as laborers or adventurers. The few who managed to gain power or influence were rare exceptions, usually possessing unique skills or extraordinary luck.

As he delved deeper, Sasaki found memories detailing how people earned money. Most commoners worked in agriculture, crafting, or trading.

Adventurers earned their living by taking on quests, hunting monsters, or exploring dangerous territories for valuable resources.

Nobles, with their vast lands and resources, lived in luxury, often exploiting commoners to maintain their wealth and power.

Curious about the levels of people in this world, Sasaki found another memory book. He learned that most commoners rarely exceeded level 20, struggling to gain experience due to limited opportunities and resources.

Nobles and elite adventurers, however, often reached levels above 100, with the strongest individuals rumored to be at level 200 or higher. These high-level individuals wielded immense power, often shaping the course of history with their actions.

Finally, Sasaki figured out how others level up their classes and skills. Their method was like his own. Sasaki killed monsters to get EXP, which he could use to level up any skill or his own class. Others also have a System interface, which surprised him.

Every race has the System - humans, elves, dwarfs, beastmen - except monsters and demons. Those with the System kill demons and monsters to get EXP and improve their skills and class levels.

There's another way to level up: using magic stones. These stones shine like lamps because they're full of magic. The world is full of mana, but magic stones have a lot more. People absorb this concentrated mana through breathing techniques to level up their classes.

But magic stones could only be found in dungeons after killing the boss monster. Once the boss was defeated, the dungeon became ownerless, allowing anyone to mine the magic stones. However, these dungeons were typically claimed by the lord of the land where they spawned.

As a result, lands with more dungeon spawns became the most prosperous, dungeons is like a blessing in disguise - a high-risk, high-reward opportunity.

However, many commoners lacked the resources or opportunities to advance, while nobles and elites had access to advanced training facilities, rare items, and powerful mentors, allowing them to progress rapidly.

As Sasaki delved deeper into the knowledge of this world, he discovered a crucial difference: while everyone gained experience by killing monsters, other people in this world only gain half the experience point as compare to him and another half they absorbed the power of magic stones to level up.

This realization made him pause, a thoughtful gesture as he moved his hand over his upper lip, contemplating what made him unique.

"How silly? Obviously, free to play. I am F2P," he thought, a smirk forming on his lips. "Leveling up twice for free, it costs nothing for me."

He considered the implications. "Where others need so much wealth to purchase magic stones, I don't need any status or money in this world to level up my class and skills. I also don't need to train my skills repeatedly to level up."

This realization thrilled him. A grin crept across his face, and a gleam sparked in his eyes. "Isn't it exciting?"

His method of leveling up was not only unique but also incredibly efficient compared to the arduous and costly process others had to endure.

Sasaki wandered through his mind palace, absorbing the basic knowledge about the world. Lost in thought, he didn't notice the time for his hunt had arrived.

He woke from his trance, exited the goblin den, and began walking toward the level 2 forest.

He chose to walk instead of running, wanting to consume more time since the sun was still setting. The rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow on the forest, slowly disappearing behind the horizon.

As Sasaki walked, he pondered over his current location. A few days ago, he had encountered a human group, but since then, he hadn't seen any other humans in the forest.

He wondered why, if the main way to earn money was through monster subjugation quests from the guild, he hadn't found any other humans hunting in the forest.

He recalled the group he saw carrying prisoners, coming from deep within the forest, and questioned their purpose.

Sasaki speculated if there might be a hidden human settlement within the forest. Many questions swirled in his mind, but no answers came.

He decided to let it be, realizing there was no point in dwelling on information he couldn't yet obtain. He thought that time might reveal the answers as he will explore deeper into the forest in the future.

With this resolve, he continued his walk, his mind clear and focused on the task at hand.

As the evening deepened and the forest grew darker, Sasaki steeled himself for the hunt of the hobgoblin and clear the level 2 forest as soon as possible.