Chapter 21 - Patience and Strategy

But there was a problem for Sasaki. How would he deal with the remaining hobgoblins? Shadow had identified a few other groups with more than four members.

Now that Sasaki understood his attacks could be detected by higher-level enemies, he knew he couldn't rely on luck next time. There was no uphill or similar terrain where other groups were resting or roaming.

Waiting for night when the hobgoblins went to sleep was another option, but he realized they would be more alert now, especially if they noticed their members decreasing one by one.

"It's not like I can level up to match their level in one night," he thought. "It will take quite a long time."

Sasaki considered setting up a trap and luring the enemy into it, but he saw the drawbacks. The hobgoblins had archers and mages, who could attack from long range.

Even if he managed to lure the close-combat hobgoblins, the EAoE attack would not damage the others due to the constraint of a ten-meter radius.

He sighed, running a hand through his head. "This is more complicated than I thought."

Sasaki needed a new plan. He couldn't just rely on brute force or simple tactics. He needed to outsmart them.

As he sat there, thinking, he realized he had to use all the tools at his disposal. He needed to make every move count and use the terrain and his skills to his advantage.

"I need to scout more," he decided. "Find a weakness in their patrols or a spot where they are vulnerable."

He called Shadow back, instructing his familiar to search for any signs of weakness in the hobgoblin groups.

Meanwhile, Sasaki would rest and gather his strength, ready to make his next move with precision and care.

"Patience," he reminded himself. "Patience and strategy."

Shadow understood Sasaki's dilemma and the problem his master was facing. So, he covered a new location. Circling in the sky, Shadow spotted a new tribe of hobgoblins to the east. Using his skill, Shadow identified the classes of this new tribe and discovered that these hobgoblins were all close combatants, relying on brute force to fight.

These hobgoblins used fist martial techniques to engage with their enemies and fight closely one-on-one.

To gather more information about them, Shadow watched their battles to understand how they hunted their prey.

He descended from the sky and perched on a tree branch, using his keen senses of hearing and vision to observe the fight.

This tribe of hobgoblins believed mostly in muscle and power, engaging in close combat and using martial arts to fight.

Shadow observed that they could also utilize mana to perform long-range attacks, focusing their mana to create burst attacks.

They could literally destroy mountains and cause significant destruction with their martial arts. They could jump high into the sky, causing the ground beneath them to shake and become barren with their powerful techniques.

Shadow realized this group also posed a danger to his master. However, the chances of survival for Sasaki were comparatively higher than with the previous tribe of hobgoblins.

Shadow noted that these hobgoblins were more prone to rushing into fights with muscle rather than using their brains.

He pondered that they would likely rush into Sasaki's traps without much thought, underestimating him due to his lower level. Sasaki could exploit this weakness to his advantage.

Shadow thought, "The enemy's overconfidence can become a weapon for my master."

Armed with this information, Shadow returned to Sasaki, who was still resting and contemplating his next move.

Sasaki looked up as Shadow landed near him. "What did you find?"

Shadow cawed softly and shared the mental images of the new tribe with Sasaki. Sasaki's eyes lit up as he processed the information.

"Close combatants, relying on brute force... this could work," he muttered to himself. "They'll likely rush into my traps without thinking. Their overconfidence will be their downfall."

He had a plan. He would use their arrogance and brute strength against them. Setting traps strategically and luring them into a false sense of security would be key.

"Alright, Shadow. Let's get to work. It's time to turn their strength into their weakness."

But before Sasaki knew he needed to wait another half hour for his enemies to die, allowing him to gain the experience and level up before facing the new tribe of hobgoblins. He sat under the tall tree, patiently waiting for the time to pass.

As the minutes ticked by, Sasaki reflected on his strategy and his recent close call. He muttered to himself, "I need to be more careful. That could have been the end for me if it wasn't for the traps."

Shadow perched nearby, keeping a vigilant watch. The forest was quiet, with only the occasional rustle of leaves and distant calls of nocturnal creatures.

The moon's cool light cast long shadows, creating an eerie but calm atmosphere.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the notifications began to pop up in Sasaki's vision. One by one, the previous eight hobgoblins started to die, a few minutes apart. The lower-level hobgoblins perished first, followed by their leader.


[You have killed a Level 60 Hobgoblin. Experience gained: 24,000]

[You have killed a Level 60 Hobgoblin. Experience gained: 24,000]

[You have killed a Level 65 Hobgoblin. Experience gained: 26,000]


[You have killed a Level 70 Hobgoblin Leader. Experience gained: 28,000]

[Total Experience Gained: 2,04,000]

Sasaki chose all the EXP because he knew he needed it to level up now in this crucial moment to face stronger demons, which was more beneficial for him in his current situation. He understood the importance of experience in leveling up his existing skills and his class.

Sasaki felt the rush of energy as he leveled up. His stats increased, and he felt a bit stronger, more prepared for the challenges ahead.

[Level Up]


[Level Up]

[Level 20->5]

[Congratulations, host, on reaching level 25! Strengthening host upper hand muscles!]

Sasaki went through the same pain and transformation where his upper arm broke and reassembled in a similar fashion.

He felt the same pain as before, but this time it was bearable since he had gone through the transformation previously. Now, his entire hand - palm, lower arm, and upper arm - became harder than steel. His muscles and blood veins hardened like steel fibers.