

  Chapter 182 Killing and robbing, all are mine!

  In the cold jade box on the crystal table, a golden pill the size of a longan was lying quietly in it. The surface of the pill was extremely round, and two strands of golden air flowed around the surface of the pill. Looking closely, the golden air flow actually gathered into two tiny golden dragon qi, entwined with each other, and the subtle dragon roar slowly spread out through the vibration of the air, making the soul of the person who heard it tremble involuntarily under this dragon power.

  The pill qi condensed into spirit, a magical phenomenon that only pills above the seventh grade can have!

  The entire auction house fell into a deathly silence in the looming dragon roar.

  "This, is this the legendary seventh-grade pill?"

  "Oh my goodness, what effect does it have?"

  The value of the seventh-grade pill has far exceeded the cognitive scope of most people in the field, so many people don't know the effect of this pill. The only thing that can be confirmed is that this thing is definitely a treasure among treasures, so everyone's face showed a covetous look.

  "Hehe, perhaps many people have never heard of the name of this elixir."

  Looking at the confusion in everyone's eyes, Yuan Mu explained with a smile: "Yin Yang Mysterious Dragon Pill, a top-grade seventh-grade elixir. It is said that in order to refine this pill, first of all, you need the magic cores of two dragon beasts that have been dead for no more than seven days, and the level of the magic cores must be at least sixth level."

  "Two sixth-level magic cores, aren't they equivalent to two Dou Huang powerhouses?"

  "And they have to be rare dragon beasts, which makes it even rarer."

  Everyone exclaimed in amazement.

  Yuan Mu continued to explain: "The effect of this Yin Yang Xuanlong Pill is not to directly improve strength, but to break and then stand up! It is said that a five-star Dou Zong strongman, who was dying after fighting with others, relied on the effect of Yin Yang Xuanlong Pill and broke through to Dou Zun in seven years! This person is the famous Feng Zun Master in Dou Qi Continent!"

  After hearing this, the whole place was silent, and many people's faces were filled with horror. In seven years, not only did he recover from his serious injuries, but his strength also made a big leap, and he was directly promoted from Dou Zong to Dou Zun. This speed is simply terrible!

  "Stop talking nonsense, and make an offer quickly!"

  Hearing Yuan Mu's long-winded words, Fan Ling frowned impatiently and shouted in a cold voice.

  "The value of this seventh-grade pill has exceeded the scope of money. Please exchange your skills, fighting skills and all items of the same value. The owner of the pill will personally select it."

  After Yuan Mu's voice fell, everyone at the scene, whether it was the Blood Sect, the Black Skull Tomb or the Sky Snake Mansion, looked embarrassed.

  For this level of elixir, if you want to exchange it, you must have at least earth-level skills, and you have to let the other party choose.

  After hearing this, Yun Tianming left the scene directly. Although he also had earth-level skills in his ring, he did not intend to trade them. Anyway, he would have to fight in the end, so it would be better to let others buy them and then rob them directly.

  From the backstage of the auction house, he took out the purchased earth fire ganoderma.

  "Sir, please stay. My sect master is quite interested in you. If you don't mind, can you meet with my sect master to talk?"

  Yuan Mu made a kind invitation.

  "Not interested."

  Yun Tianming was too lazy to respond.

  "What? Have you seen his strength?"

  Yuan Mu frowned, and a middle-aged man wearing the same alchemist robe appeared beside him.

  "Forgive me for my incompetence. This person's soul power is far superior to mine and I can't detect it at all."

  "But judging from the fact that he bought the Earth Fire Ganoderma, he is at least a fifth-grade alchemist. Judging from the known alchemists in the Black Horn Region, there is no such young fifth-grade alchemist."

  Yuan Mu frowned and pondered for a moment, with a hint of coldness in his voice: "Look at how young this person is, I guess his strength will not exceed that of a great fighting master. This Earth Fire Ganoderma is very valuable. If it can be recovered, it must not be let go. Be careful to be clean."

  The auction house in the Black Horn Region is not a place that values ​​credibility. It is not the first time that they have stolen customers' things.

  ————Dividing line————



  As two shrill screams sounded, the people followed by the Eight Gates turned into ashes under the lake blue flames.

  "It is worthy of the Black Horn Region. If this happened in the Mitel family, I am afraid the auction house would have closed down long ago."

  After killing the tail of the Eight Gates, Yun Tianming began to track the breath of other forces.

  In a forest outside the Black Seal City, a Blood Clan troop of 100 people was lurking, led by none other than the Blood Clan leader Fan Lao.


  Several members of the Sky Snake House were killed in the sudden attack.   

  "Fan Lao, what do you mean? You dare to declare war on my people from the Heavenly Snake Palace?"

  Elder Qing shouted in a timid tone.

  "Tsk tsk~ Although the Heavenly Snake Palace has a great reputation, we, the Blood Clan, can still afford to offend the branch in the Black Horn Region. Besides, as long as we kill all of you, who will know?"

  Fan Lao showed a cruel smile.

  "Do it!"

  The two sides had no room for negotiation and started a fierce fight directly.

  But Elder Qing, who was a Dou Wang, was obviously no match for Fan Lao, a Dou Huang. After a few rounds, one of his arms was broken and the Yin Yang Xuan Long Dan was taken away.

  "Ling'er, take the pill and go to deal with the people from the Black Skull Tomb."

  "Okay, father."

  Fan Ling took the pill and led a part of the Blood Clan members to chase the Black Skull Tomb in another direction.

  "What a group of greedy guys."

  Yun Tianming followed quietly.

  An hour later

  "Fan Ling, you will regret it!"

  The people from the Black Skull Tomb were surrounded by dumplings by the Blood Clan and the whole army was annihilated.

  "Haha! This elixir and fighting skills, this young master wants them all!"

  Fan Ling took away the three thousand thunders from the opponent, and a wanton smile appeared on his face.

  Then the next second, the smile on his face froze.


  A lake blue flame sword pierced his chest from behind.

  "Yes, you?!"

  Fan Ling turned his head and only glanced at Yun Tianming, and his body turned into ashes.

  "Young Sect Master!"

  "Damn it, fight him!"

  The people of the Blood Sect were immediately furious and attacked Yun Tianming frantically.

  "Fiery Sword Rain!"

  Yun Tianming waved his hand and shot out countless alien fire swords. The power of the earth-level fighting skills, coupled with the restraint of the alien fire on the Blood Sect's skills, easily annihilated all the members of the Blood Sect!


  "This terrible flame breath! No, that's the direction where Ling'er is!"

  Fan Lao suddenly turned back and looked at the forest in the distance with flames rising to the sky, his face became ugly.


  "The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. It seems that your Blood Clan has also become the prey."

  Elder Qing spat out blood, with a gloating smile on his face.

  "Damn it! No matter who it is, I, Fan Lao, will definitely grind you to ashes!!"

  In a rage, Fan Lao did not care about killing Elder Qing, and spread his bloody fighting spirit wings and quickly flew to the scene of the incident.

  However, when Fan Lao arrived, Yun Tianming had already completed the murder and robbery and left the scene calmly.