

  Chapter 201 Yun Tianming vs. Xiao Xun'er!

  Xun'er challenges Yun Tianming, and at the end of this strong ranking competition, it arouses a greater climax!

  The whole audience cheered continuously, and no matter whether it was freshmen or old students, they all focused their eyes on the extremely dazzling girl in front of them.

  "So that's it. The person that Junior Sister Xun'er really wants to challenge is not me, but Teacher Yun."

  Lin Xiuya thought about it, with a bitter look on his face. He is also a celebrity in the inner courtyard, but he didn't expect that there would be a day when he would be ignored.

  "Hey~ Yun Tianming, you have to be careful, I feel that girl is very unusual."

  Zi Yan reminded with a fearful face. Even the elders in the inner courtyard were not taken seriously by her, but Xun'er in front of her gave her a feeling of extreme danger.

  "Okay, just treat it as a farewell ceremony before leaving."

  Yun Tianming said this without a beginning or an end. Others didn't understand, but Xun'er couldn't help but open her eyes wide.

  "Thank you."

  Xun'er's eyebrows were lifted, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she rarely showed that beautiful smile that touched her heart. For a moment, all the boys in the audience were stunned, and even the girls had to admit that Xun'er's appearance was far ahead.

  But at this moment, Yun Tianming had no intention of admiring Xun'er's stunning face. He was concentrating on staring at the other party's movements, and his eyes did not dare to leave the latter's body for a moment. Facts also proved that he was right to be vigilant.

  "Then, let's get started!"

  As soon as Xun'er finished speaking, her figure disappeared instantly.

  Soul perception-

  Yun Tianming suddenly turned around and punched, meeting Xun'er's golden palm.


  When the two fists and palms collided, a terrifying air wave burst out, shaking the ground under their feet, and a burst of energy torrents blew everyone on the field so hard that they couldn't open their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, there was no trace of the two on the fighting stage.

  "Eh? Why are you gone?"

  "Quick, look at the sky!"

  Everyone looked up suddenly.

  Above the sky, they each stretched out their fighting spirit wings, turning into two fast-moving streams of light and colliding violently.

  "Xun'er, when did you break through to become a Dou Wang?"

  Xiao Yu's eyes widened in astonishment. When they first entered the inner courtyard, their levels were similar. In just over a year, the other party actually became a Dou Wang. This speed of cultivation is incredible.

  "Ah? This is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

  Xiao Mei curled her lips, her eyes full of envy. It is

  well known in the Xiao family that Xun'er is not from their Xiao family. It is said that she comes from a mysterious and powerful family. No one knows why she appeared in the small Xiao family in Wutan City.


  Yun Tianming was repelled by a huge golden Dou Qi, and his face showed a moving look: "Six-star Dou Wang, this is the blood power of the ancient race!"

  If it were another opponent, Yun Tianming would not take it seriously, let alone a six-star Dou Wang, even a six-star Dou Huang. But Xun'er in front of him, a six-star Dou Wang, feels more threatening than a Dou Zong!

  "Four-star Dou Wang, you are not bad. It is really amazing that you can get to this point without the blessing of blood."

  Xun'er's eyes lit up and gave Yun Tianming a high evaluation. The reason why she made rapid progress in cultivation was largely because part of her bloodline power had awakened during this year. It was also because of this that the clan sensed it and sent people to take her back.

  "How can ten years of hard training be compared with the Doudi bloodline that has been passed down for thousands of years?"

  Yun Tianming smiled calmly, not complaining about the unfairness, because he knew very well that no matter which world he was in, there was no absolute fairness.

  Speaking of which, he had a system, which was the biggest unfairness compared to ordinary people, right?

  "Fiery Sword Rain!"   

  Yun Tianming started with a low-level earth-level fighting skill, which was enough to defeat Lin Xiuya, Liu Qing and others. However, when Xun'er raised her hands and feet, the dazzling golden light wrapped the rain of swords in the sky together, and then they were all crushed into a ball of water droplets!

  "Boil the Sea God Halberd!"

  Yun Tianming used an intermediate earth-level fighting skill, which was also the strongest fighting skill he learned from the sixth-grade alchemist Han Feng.


  Xun'er condensed a thick golden light shield with her bare hands and resisted the attack of the long halberd head-on.

  Yun Tianming waved his hand in the air and clenched it: "Explode!"

  In an instant, the strange fire energy contained in the long halberd exploded, instantly turning into a surging lake blue sea of ​​fire that engulfed Xun'er.

  Seeing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but sweat for Xun'er.

  "Junior sister Xun'er!"

  "This, this teacher Yun is too unkind to women, isn't he?"

  "You actually use this terrible fighting skill to attack junior sister Xun'er."

  Yun Tianming couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this. You guys are just licking dogs, do you think this lady of the ancient clan is a weak woman?


  A dazzling golden flame emerged from Xun'er's body, protecting her from being harmed in the lake blue sea of ​​fire.

  "Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame!"

  "Even though it is just a seed fire, is it so powerful?"

  Yun Tianming's brows trembled. The Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, which ranks fourth on the Different Fire List, is indeed so terrifying. It is just a seed fire, and its power is not inferior to his Qinghai Lotus Flame.

  "Not a bad fighting skill, but this is not enough!"

  Xun'er waved her hand to push away the sea of ​​fire, her eyes glowing with golden light: "Next, I'm going to get serious!"

  I saw the golden fighting spirit filling her whole body, and her whole body exuded a terrifying energy far beyond that of the Douhuang strongman.

  Intermediate earth-level fighting skill: Golden Light Fighting!

  Under the attention of everyone, Xun'er was like a small golden sun, so dazzling that people dared not look directly at it.

  "In that case, I'll also use a little strength!"

  Yun Tianming took a deep breath, and in the extremely surprised eyes of everyone, the same golden fighting spirit emerged from his body!

  "You really succeeded in your cultivation, but it seems a little different?"

  Xun'er's face flashed with surprise. Before that, she had a deal with Yun Tianming, and the other party regularly provided pills and fire energy to Panmen. In return, she gave him a mid-level earth-level fighting skill: Golden Light Fighting.

  However, what she didn't know was that after Yun Tianming was strengthened by the system, he had become a high-level earth-level fighting skill: Immortal Golden Gang. The appearance looked similar, but the internal ability had a qualitative leap.


  With a flash of golden light, Yun Tianming punched Xun'er and sent her flying.


  Xun'er's pupils suddenly shrank, and she barely blocked the heavy blow with her hands crossed, and her figure was blasted away a hundred feet away. Her face was full of astonishment: "How come your fighting skills..."

  Before she could think, Yun Tianming appeared above her again, and kicked her down with a golden light from the sky!


  Xun'er was kicked in the stomach, and blood could not help but flow out of the corner of her mouth. The terrifying impact pressed her body to fall heavily to the ground.