They Say Fate is Mysterious.

Ren made his way through the bustling streets of heading towards his new school. He passed groups of students chatting animatedly, their laughter and chatter blending into the background noise of the city. However, Ren remained steadfast, his focus fixed solely on his goal, Naruse High.

He could hear the whispers and the giggles of girls as he passed them. Ren wondered why that was but he was oblivious to the fact that he was a hottie.

Standing at an average height, his height wasn't his strong suit. What he lacked in height he made up in looks. He had a lean and athletic build, honed through years of martial arts training. 

Turning through the final corner to his destination, and there it was, the majestic Naruse High School. Standing before him was a huge ornate gate decorated with flower petals, green vines and graffitis. 

As Ren stepped through the huge ornate gate of Naruse High, Ren was suddenly awestruck by the breathtaking sight that was before him.

The path ahead of him stretched out like a welcoming embrace. The long pathway leading to the school main entrance was flanked on both sides with majestic pink Sakura trees, their delicate pink blossoms swaying gently in the breeze. The fallen leaves danced and twirled around him, creating a spectacular display of nature's beauty that seemed almost surreal.

A sense of excitement washed over him. He felt like he was a kid again discovering something new for the first time.

For a moment, time stood still for Ren. He had forgotten all his pains, his problems and his purpose as he stood mesmerized by the beautiful scene unfolding before him. The serene atmosphere of the Sakura-lined pathway seemed to envelop him, washing away the weight of his burdens and filling him with a sense of peace he hadn't felt in a long time.

The fallen cherry blossom petals carpeted the pathway, their soft petals dancing in the air like ethereal confetti. The morning sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. 

He was in Wonderland.

"This is Heaven." He thought. 

But as quickly as the moment came, it passed, and Ren's pain and anger returned with renewed vigor. With a resolute expression, he continued down the flowery path, his heart set on uncovering the truth behind his brother's fate.

As he walked beneath the canopy of Sakura trees, the imposing silhouette of Naruse High's main building came into full view.

The grand facade of the school building rose majestically against the backdrop of the clear blue sky, its windows gleaming in the morning light. Ren couldn't shake it, the feeling that he was on the brink of something extraordinary, something that would change his life forever... 

But as Ren finally regained some hold on his emotions, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, his senses sharpening as he processed the chaos that had been unfolding behind him.

The urgent shouts of "Move! Move! Move! " rang out from behind him, accompanied by the ringing of a bicycle bell. Wondering what the commotion was, Ren instinctively turned around, only to be met with the startling sight of a bicycle hurtling towards him at breakneck speed.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Ren sprang into action, his body moving on pure instinct as he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding a collision with the reckless rider. At the last possible moment, Ren was able to jump away avoiding direct collision with the rider. 

"Sorrrrrryyyy. " The rush of wind brushed against his skin as the bicycle whizzed past, the rider's hurried apologies lost in the cacophony of the bustling crowd.

"Hey! Watch where you are going!" Ren yelled after the disappearing figure, his voice full with frustration and disbelief at the near miss. But his admonishment fell on deaf ears as the rider vanished into the sea of people, leaving Ren to pick himself up from the pavement and dust off his clothes, his heart still racing from the adrenaline-fueled encounter.

"Crazy." Ren muttered under his breath, as he retrieved his fallen bag, dusting of the petals off of it. 

Almost instinctively, his hand then reached deep into his pocket, searching for the crumpled paper that held the key to his quest. 

Panic surged through him as his fingers met empty air, the realization dawning that his precious document was missing.

Frantically, Ren searched his other pocket, his heart sinking as he came up empty-handed once again. A sense of desperation washed over him as he scanned the bustling crowd, his eyes frantically searching for any sign of his lost paper. 

His heart sank as he scanned the bustling crowd, and then, he saw it. His eyes locking onto the, now not crumpled paper, dancing gracefully amidst a swirl of Sakura petals just out of reach, like a fleeting mirage teasing him from afar. 

Without a second thought, Ren pushed through the throng of people, his determination fueling his every step, propelling him forward as he fought against the tide of bodies.

But try as he might, the paper remained just beyond his grasp, taunting him with its elusive dance. Ren's frustration mounted more and more with each passing moment, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to keep pace with the relentless ebb and flow of the crowd.

Finally, as the paper disappeared from his view, Ren came to a stop. The weight of his loss settled heavily upon him. The realization hit him like a physical blow, the bitter taste of defeat lingering on his tongue as he struggled to come to terms with what had just happened.

With a heavy sigh, Ren collected himself, refusing to surrender to despair in the face of adversity. Though the paper may have slipped through his fingers, he refused to let it slip through his grasp entirely.

As if it was fate, a sudden gust of wind blew throughout the bustling school, sending the crumpled paper aloft once more. His heart skipped a beat as he watched it flutter away, his moment of despair evaporating into thin air, and relief began to wash over Ren. 

With a renewed sense of urgency, Ren wove through the crowd, his eyes locked onto the elusive piece of paper. The wind carried it higher, twirling it gracefully among the falling Sakura petals. For a moment, Ren almost marveled at the beauty of the scene—the pink blossoms swirling in the air, the sunlight filtering through the trees—but his focus quickly snapped back to his mission. 

The paper took him deeper and deeper into the school, away from his destination, the auditorium but he didn't care. The only thing he had on his mind was the last message his brother had for him written on the paper and at that moment that was all that mattered to him. 

And then, to his delight, the paper began to slow its flight, gently descending. A gleam of hope flickered in his chest as he watched it's graceful descent. He propelled himself through the crowd one final time, his heart pounding in anticipation as he closed the distance between himself and his precious document. 

It settled, almost miraculously, onto the bag of a passerby. 

Ren gasped for air as he stopped moment to catch his breath. 

"Hello, uh, excuse me!" Ren called out, his voice strained with urgency. But the noise of voices and the noise of the bustling school ground drowned out his words. The person didn't seem to hear him and continued walking, oblivious to the precious cargo perched on their bag. 

Desperate not to lose the paper again, Ren surged forward, dodging between people and narrowly avoiding collisions. 

"Hey, please hold up!" He called out again to deaf ears. 

The person was moving slowly enough that Ren saw a chance to quickly snatch it without the person ever noticing. He reached out, his fingers just inches from the paper, when suddenly a firm hand grabbed his outstretched arm, halting him in his tracks. 

Startled, Ren turned sideways to face the source of the interruption, only to find himself staring into the eyes of a young woman, her features twisted into a scowl of displeasure.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing to my friend, you creep?" The voice was sharp and accusatory, her expression fierce and protective.