A Jaw-Dropping Audience.

Ren made his way through the bustling main hall towards the school auditorium where the matriculation ceremony was set to take place. The air buzzed with excitement as students, teachers, and parents gathered for this special event.

Their voices blending into a cacophony of sound that echoed off the polished marble floors and vaulted ceilings. Cherry blossoms adorned this walls too, their delicate petals a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air. 

Ren navigated through the crowd, his eyes scanning the faces around him, searching for any sign of familiarity in this sea of strangers.

Entering the grand auditorium, Ren found himself amidst a sea of faces, each one a stranger in this unfamiliar landscape. He was greeted by the sight of rows of neatly arranged chairs, adorned with the school's emblem. The stage was adorned with banners and flowers, adding a touch of elegance to the proceedings. Ren found himself a seat towards the back of the room, his mind racing with anticipation for what lay ahead.

The ceremony began with a solemn opening address by the school principal, his words echoing through the auditorium.

"Dear students of Naruse High, " the principal began, his words ringing out with authority. "As we embark on a new school year, let us remember the values that define us as members of this esteemed institution. Integrity, perseverance, and compassion shall guide us in our pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery."

Ren listened intently, his gaze fixed on the principal's figure silhouetted against the backdrop of cherry blossoms.As the ceremony continued, speeches were given by guest speakers and alumni, each one imparting words of wisdom and encouragement to the new students.

With the conclusion of the various speeches, the class roster was called, each name punctuated by the rustle of paper and the murmurs of recognition. When Ren's name was finally called, he stood tall, his heart pounding with anticipation as he acknowledged his presence among his peers.

Finally, it was time for the new students to take their oath of allegiance to the school. Ren stood with the rest of the first years ,his hand placed over his heart as he recited the pledge.

As the ceremony drew to a close, the principal walked up the stage once more, his voice echoed through the packed auditorium. "And now a special guest to say a few words, the leader of the Sakurakai, Fujimoto Hasegawa."

Ren's eyes widened, and his blood began to boil as he heard those words. The name was the same as the one on the crumpled paper he had fought so hard to retrieve—the person he had come for answers. 

The anticipation in the room was palpable as the audience turned their attention to the stage, waiting for the notorious figure to appear. But then, something happened that seemed to irk the principal. Another teacher leaned in and whispered urgently in his ear.

"Whatttt!!! What do you mean that brat is not here?" the principal yelled, his voice amplified by the still-live microphone. A murmur of surprise rippled through the audience.

"Sir, your mic is still switched on," the teacher whispered frantically, quickly switching it off before he could say anymore. 

Embarrassment flashed across the principal's face as he realized his mistake. With a huff, he stormed off the stage, leaving the audience in stunned silence.

The teacher who had informed the principal took hold of the mic, his expression one of uneasy calm. "Uhmm... That'll be the end of the ceremony. You can all go to your classes, have a wonderful school year. You're dismissed."

A wave of confusion and curiosity washed over the students as they began to stand and file out of the auditorium. Ren, still reeling from the principal's outburst, felt a mix of anger and determination solidify within him. The absence of the Sakurakai leader only deepened the mystery on who he was. 

As he made his way through the crowd, Ren couldn't help but notice the hushed whispers and exchanged glances among his peers. It seemed that the leader's absence had not only irked the principal but had also sparked intrigue among the students.

Leaving the auditorium, Ren walked through the school's hallways, his mind racing with thoughts of the person he sought. The beautiful sakura trees outside contrasted sharply with the turmoil inside him, their petals dancing in the breeze, oblivious to the conflict and chaos brewing within the school's walls.


Somewhere in the school..... 

In a dimly lit room cluttered with various belongings, someone was lazily lying down, leisurely downing a bag of chips. The sound of crunching chips echoed in the silence, a stark contrast to the noise brewing outside.

The door creaked open, and a tall figure stepped inside, flipping on the light switch. "I knew you'd be here!. Hasegawa do you have any idea the kind of ruckus you've created? The principal is looking for you everywhere."

Hasegawa squinted against the sudden brightness and groaned, "Ahhh, turn it off, turn it off, Hiroto! Do you want to blind me?" he joked, shielding his eyes with one hand. "Oh, the Old man? Don't mind him. He'll let me off the hook this time am sure." 

Hiroto's expression was a mix of exasperation and concern. "I don't think so. He's pretty pissed off."

Hasegawa chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hehe, that's why I chose you Hiroto, to clean up my messes, Vice Captain." He teased. 

Hiroto sighed deeply and grabbed the sheet underneath Hasegawa, yanking it with a swift motion. Hasegawa crashed to the floor, face-first, with a thud. "Get up, man. You have a job as the Leader to address the new students. Stop making my work harder than it already is!"

As he stormed out, Hiroto snatched the bag of chips from Hasegawa's grasp. "Just because you're taller than me doesn't mean you can boss me around. I'm the boss here!!, " Hasegawa yelled after him, his voice muffled by the sheets.

"Then act like one for a change." Hiroto shouted back over his shoulder.

Hasegawa pushed the tangled bed sheet off his face, revealing his striking features. His hair was a brilliant shade of white, standing out starkly against his fair complexion, with unruly locks framing his face. His blue eyes sparkled with a mix of irritation and amusement.

He sat up slowly, rubbing his face where he had hit the floor, muttering to himself. "Why does he always have to be so dramatic?" He finally stood, stretching his limbs and brushing off the dust from his clothes.

Hasegawa sauntered over to the mirror, running a hand through his messy hair and attempting to tame it somewhat. He grinned at his reflection, the mischievous glint still dancing in his eyes.

"Guess I better go make my grand entrance." He hurriedly grabbed his hanged Jacket. 

As he left the room, he couldn't help but think about the new students and the role he was supposed to play. Despite his carefree attitude, there was a part of him that took his responsibilities seriously, even if he rarely showed it.

He made his way through the corridors of the school, ignoring the curious glances and whispers of the other students. The aura of authority and defiance that surrounded him was palpable. Hasegawa knew he had a reputation to maintain, both as a leader and as someone who didn't conform to expectations.

Reaching the auditorium, he paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing the doors open.

As Hasegawa pushed open the heavy auditorium doors, he expected to be met with the buzzing energy of new students. Instead, he was greeted by a vast, empty hall. The rows of chairs stood in neat lines, devoid of occupants, and the stage was eerily silent. The only sound was the faint hum of the overhead lights and the distant echo of his own footsteps as he stepped inside.

He wasn't the only one there, there was the Janitor who's wet mop made splashing sounds.

"What a jaw-dropping audience. " He chuckled.