"I wasn't lying about getting a wine,I could really use some"said Alexios as he walks through this strange world,"Hermes could at least tell me witch direction should I go",after a while his body suddenly stops and he changes a direction from original straight path,to the left where is a forest as far as eye can see
"Wait what?" Said confused Alexios "my body..won't listen to me?? Why do I feel like some invisible force is controlling my body?"."Why I am going to that forest?.Well It's good to know that someone is guiding my body,to…a…some place,but at least Hermes could tell me,why are messenger of Gods having some brain damage".
After good 5 minutes of walking through that beautiful scenery I arrived at the entrance of the forest.Trees were high enough to block the beams of the sun..well if there is any sun.As i walked I see in the middle of the forest a Altar.Getting closer looked I noticed the whole altar was bathed in soft glow of sunlight,like if the trees surrounding the altar bowed to the altar it's self.
After getting five feat in front of the altar I noticed that the altar, hew from pristine white marble, stood as a testament to both artistry and devotion. Its surface, smooth and cool to the touch, bore the marks of skilled craftsmanship, with intricate carvings that told tales of myth and homage.
As I looked at the base of the altar I was shocked, sculpted reliefs depicted scenes from Greek mythology,heroic deeds, divine interventions, and the eternal dance of gods and mortals.Slender columns rose to support a broad, flat surface, creating a sacred stage for offerings and rituals.
It's one thing to see it in a picture,but a whole new thing of you standing right in front of it,Greek architecture in the ancient time was magnificent,there is not much words to accurately describe it,it was…was just majestic.There was even Small niches in the altar's sides housed by miniature statues of revered deities,Athena, Apollo,Hera,golden glow was cast when you came closer.
"Damn it's so cool,I bet these things would cost a fortune in my hometown of Anthen,that's why there was robbery that got me killed…heh..if that was the case I would certainly make them into the statues,Bastards.
Beside their miniature statues was what. Alexios think was offerings,grapes,olives,flowers and so on and so forth."well I am quite hungry,these grapes would not help me much,and probably if I touched them Hermes would certainly kill me".
"Wait,if I died would I be sent here again?",Alexios spoke silently "no probably not,i would be sent to the underworld,to Hades.In Greek mythology, Hades is the god of the underworld, ruling over the dead. He is one of the three major Olympian gods, along with Zeus and Poseidon. The underworld itself is also called Hades".That thought send a cold shiver down to Alexios spine he really wan't interested what would happen to him if he was send there.
"Nope,not interested"said Alexios firmly.Even barbarians have not the audacity to offend not just Hades,but any of the other Greek Gods.Standing here and ponder of the consequences,of touching grapes that was indented for Gods as offerings.In front of Alexios is Book laying on the ground,covered in dust."At least they could clean it up,i don't see,the grapes,olives were rotten,someone obviously put them here not too long ago",said Alexios upon seeing the state the book was in.
Alexios picked up the book,and blows away the dust that was occupying the cover,after that he reads,"Divine System of Olympus,huh that is very original",said Alexios mockingly.Book was open right in the middle,and Alexios could see on the left side,Greek civilization was written in white glowing letters.
"okay lets see what we got"said Alexios," so first we got is Hellenic Dominion,huh lets see",said Alexios curiously he never knew Gods would give him option,he thought he was going right in to the unknown world.
Civilization: Hellenic Dominion
Description: The Hellenic Dominion embodies the grandeur and cultural richness of ancient Greece. Nestled between the azure seas and mighty mountains, this civilization thrives in the epicenter of philosophy, arts, and military prowess. City-states adorned with marble monuments and bustling angora characterize the Hellenic Dominion's landscape.
Martial Prowess: The Hellenic Dominion excels in military strategy and combat. Its armies are renowned for their discipline, spearheaded by the formidable phalanx formation and skilled hoplites.
Philosophical Enlightenment: Gifted philosophers and scholars contribute to rapid technological advancements, providing the Hellenic Dominion with unique and powerful civic and military structures, wonders, and innovations.
Cultural Influence: The civilization's cultural output is unmatched. Theaters, academies, and monuments generate significant cultural influence, attracting great minds, artisans, and statesmen from across the known world.
Naval Expertise: With access to powerful triremes and skilled naval commanders, the Hellenic Dominion dominates the seas. Its fleets are essential for both defense and expansion.
City-State Discord: The Hellenic Dominion's strength in city-states can also be a weakness, as internal rivalries and political struggles may hinder centralized governance and unity.
Resource Dependence: Marble, essential for grand constructions, is a coveted resource. Controlling quarries and trade routes becomes crucial, making the Hellenic Dominion vulnerable if access to these resources is disrupted.
Athenian Democracy Challenges: The pursuit of democracy, while an admirable governance model, poses challenges in decision-making and may slow down swift responses in times of crisis.
Reliance on Infantry: While the phalanx is formidable, the reliance on infantry may leave the Hellenic Dominion vulnerable to unconventional warfare, such as hit-and-run tactics or siege weapons.
"hmmmm there is even strength and weaknesses,shame i thought this would give me overpowered Civilization right of the bat,shameful display" sighed disappointingly Alexios.
"Well Dependence on Resources of any kind is never a good sign,and that Democracy Challenge is going right,hand to hand with Resource dependence".Because if i got a deal that would bankrupt my Civilization,decision of any kind would take the precious time needed to save my treasury,or if the deal would starve my population because i was too stupid to notice,the details of the deal.
I doubt i will rule alone,surely i will got at my disposal some Advisors.Mistakes happen daily,so if i and some advisors overlook some crucial detail,it will be too late.So big no ,that City-State Discord its not helping much here,although Martial Prowess,Philosophical Enlightenment,Cultural Influence is some juicy Strength.Reliance on Infantry is no good,i could research cavalry and some archers,but hit and run tactics would crush me,before i could research some countermeasures,by Zeus if that tactic will be used by Centaurs,its game over for me,even cavalry would not catch them...probbaly.
"You are my last resort Hellenic Dominion, Not good impression, Naval Expertise its very good, but without any information where i am going to start its fifty-fifty, soooo,,,yeah who is next?".