Chapter one

A cloudy day , no where else to go after witnessing the death of her parents being killed by the genocidal people, left only by the memories of her loved ones as she struggled in the streets with no food, no one to lean on and mourn cause she lives in shadows hiding from the enemy who took away her life and happiness.

She sleeps in bushes to get shelter not caring if she could catch a cold or not what matters to her was surviving to see another day, she slowed her pace as she was out of breath from running all morning.

It was in the afternoon as she sat down to rest as she was in her mind trying to get an escape from the reality she was in , she started hearing screaming not so far where she was as she stood up as started running praying to God they don’t catch her, her hair was all wet from the sweat as she kept the pace up as much as she could, she wasn’t about to let anything happen to her just because she couldn’t keep up her pace , she was terrified, yet had no idea or clue to where she was heading only that she was far away from them.

She started feeling this fear , her heart pounding so fast as she ran from them, until she couldn’t feel her legs no more that’s when she stopped hoping she is far , she looked back to see that they are gone to her relief . She let out a breath as she stood there in the middle of the woods.

She crunched down sitting alone in the bushes as she let her mind go in thoughts hoping this was all just a dream that she would wake up and find that it was all just a nightmare, but she knew deep down it was all real .

The hours passed so fast before she knew it , it was dark she started dozing off as she felt sleep coming to her way , she brought her knees close hugging herself as she feel a sleep hoping to wake up a peaceful place it was until she started hearing movement around as a voice called out for help sounding like a child’s voice .

she jolted up walking around as the voice grow stronger , she saw a small little boy who was at around the age of five , he was sitting down trembling scared holding his knees to his head as he shivered from the cold.

She thought about leaving him there and go but something inside her couldn’t find the courage to leave him there , what if they got to him she would blame herself for his death.

She had to do something at least get to know his name . She called in a whispering voice, “ hello “ she called out as the boy turned her head up staring at her with empty eyes not responding ,

“ hey what’s your name? “, she asked him .

As the boy responded in a cracking voice sounding like he spent the whole day crying , my..... name is Christian “, he said in a scared voice struggling to find his voice.

She put her hand out in front of him to take but he didn’t take it . For a while she thought he would accept it as he was in thoughts hesitating . After a while he took it and stood up to giving in , she smiled as he reminded him of his little brother .

They started walking going back where she was and sat down under the tree giving him the cue to sit down he obeyed without hesitation , they sat there in a silence listening to the creatures of the night . Christian broke the silence first asking her the question that seemed to be lingering on his mind .

“What’s your name ? , “ is everything going to be alright.”, he asked in a row as a child he was thinking she had the right answers for , she didn’t know how to answer him as she had no idea that one day this was going to go away that everything was going to change and go back to what it was before.

“ My name is hope , about the other question I don’t know if everything was going to be alright.” , she answered. He asked childishly again, “ Are we going to die like my mother ?” As he reminded her of her mother’s last words as she passed .


“Hope everything is going to be alright, I want you to know that whatever you do, run don’t look back be strong and keep fighting till the end”, her mother said as she held her in her arms tears falling down her cheeks as she stood and said her goodbyes.

End of flashback

She told her the last words she thought that could ease his mind off, “ Everything is going to alright, we will survive. We will not die , we are going to fight till death do us apart.”