Chapter three

I saw myself crawling in bodies , as they seemed to have been torn up , kept crawling trying to get away as I saw Christian’s head, I froze up , in the moment my body become numb as I knelt down there staring at him his eyes opened up .

Quickly waking up from the nightmare , I let out a breath as I looked around as I registered the environment . It was the same spot I fainted in ,I adjusted myself sitting down my whole body was aching, I tried moving but I couldn’t , I was too weak to walk I crawled on my stomach trying to find where Christian’s body was but he was no where to be found kept wandering around as traced his blood in the dirt and finally found what was left of him , there he was in pieces his eyes opened with dry tears on his cheeks , my heart sank into my chest as tears run down my cheeks, I couldn’t believe he was dead just like that left for good like every other person I cared for , how could they do such thing to a person, had they just let him leave would he still be with me, I slowly closed his eyes with my hands as I moved his body on a side of a tree and covered his body with the jacket he was wearing and left without looking back, steps by step started moving legs as I walked in the forest with shame and guilt that I couldn’t save him , he was the only person I had left yet I put no effort to fight for him what an awful person I was

I walked as the sun shunned me feeling sweat all over my body with a strong thirst for water , my body was giving out already it wanted a bed to rest and at least a piece of bread, i had swashing near and immediately run to get water there was a small river flowing down the valley, I put my hands in the water swallowing little by little water and washed my face feeling relieved for once

Life wasn’t being so fair right, I wish I could’ve just stayed dead for good since I had nowhere else to go , i rose up and started walking around , I saw a Huge stone and decided to rest there , it was peaceful down here , one minute I was closing my eyes as I started hearing noises up on the roads , shootings and people shooting in my native language

“Ni NGABO zigihugu zije kubatabara muze aho muri mwese “ ( We are the soldiers of our country came where you are)

To me I thought there were the enemy pretending to be the RDF soldiers for us to come and they would kill us on the spot, fear creep into me as quickly hid behind the trees , trees snapped in a distance and rose up running as one of the soldiers followed behind me saying

“Stop running we are not here to kill , we are here to help you” , with my stubbornness I kept my pace as a few shrubs scorched me on my legs, I tried looking behind me as tripped and slipped down rolling downhill I felt something sharp entering me as blood dripping from my stomach the men came up to me as they stared at me in shock , right there I knew I was in bad shape to move and escape them it was useless, my eyelids started shutting I started fighting to stay awake but I couldn’t, I felt someone carry me as I struggled to get away my body was numb.

I kept hearing faint voice but couldn’t quite figure out what they were saying, just someone saying “ Take her to the doctor she is loosing a lot of blood , Poor thing thought we were those monsters “ hearing those words build up something in me if I knew it well I might call it hope, finally something thing was happening to me , I tried to stay awake as

The angelic voice kept telling me, my time has finally arrived everything around started becoming blur and I accepted my fate . It wasn’t fair anyways to keep living with my family and Christian gone in this cruel world. One can only hope for meeting them , I kissed the forever darkness with one thing in mind finally going to meet my loved ones........