Reincarnated into a magical world

"Chase him and kill him.Bring back his body intact ",Mo Bai mercilessly gave out the order to his guards.


Mo Bai looked towards the city wall that was destroyed by the luminary beast and gave out a colf harrumph.


Twelve people chased after Lee Fan through the city.Lee Fan had already launched his movement technique and was about ten miles away from the mission but to these guards ,ten miles was like a walk in the park to them.They all launched their movement techniques and chased after Lee Fan.All Lee Fan wished for to get out of this city in the most quickest way poses because he knew that if he was caught he would be defer than dead.With great strides, Lee Fan crossed several miles in a few minutes.

"Lee Fan does have some ability.No.womder he could kill Wong Fei and his group ",a slim mascular man who seemed to be the leader said to the rest.

Lee Fan had chose not to run into the human settle but rather the wilderness because it would have been far easy to capture him in the human settlement.He could survive the onslaught of both the Mo and Fen family so therefore his only option was to run into the wilderness.

With the remaining energy he had,he sprinted off into the wilderness since he could still feel the sense that had enveloped hi. giving the impression that he was being followed

The captain of the squad increased his speed and was followed by his man.All of them revolvethe energy in their body to the extreme and have chase after Lee Fan.They knew that they couldn't fail because of the urgency of the matter.


An arrow whizzed pass Lee Fan and completely pierce the ground.Lee Fan turned back only to see more weapons being hauled at him.Spears and arrows aimed at him.He had to split his concentration to dodge them which managed to slow him down, giving the guards the chance to close in the gap.

"Lee Fan quickly turn yourself in and I will give you a quick death ",roared the captain.

Whiles the he was sprinting Lee Fan came across a huge gorge.He revolved all the energy to the extreme with a loud bellow he jumped into the air to cross the gorge.But unfortunately for him,he was open in the air and the captain of the of the squad spear managed to pierce him in his chest through his back.His frail helpless body feel into the deepest gorge and hid him from sight with blood gushing out of him like a fountain


Present day

Shanghai, on China's central coast, is the country's biggest city and a global financial hub. Its heart is the Bund, a famed waterfront promenade lined with colonial-era buildings. Across the Huangpu River rises the Pudong district's futuristic skyline, including 632m Shanghai Tower and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, with distinctive pink spheres. Sprawling Yu Garden has traditional pavilions, towers and ponds.

The city is known for its millionaires and billionaires.The land of rich opportunities that every could dream and hope for.The brightness of the city was marvellous like a dreamland of riches, prosperity and a whole lot.The city stood marvellous and tall but in this world,there is never one side of something.Everything has it good side and it's bad side.And the bad side of Shanghai was the poor suburbs surrounding the glorious city.

Chongming island is one of the poor suburbs surrounding Shanghai.In the deepest part of Chongming island,a alley shrouded by darkness,people where strolling up and down in this alley.In the dim light was the workplace of Han Chi an orphaned teenager.Han Chi had lost his mother a few weeks ago.Even though his father had left them when he was young,he didn't know whether his dad was still or alive or dead so therefore he preferred to call himself an orphan.

After the death of his mother who had died from overburdening her body every to cater for Han Chi and herself,Han Chi had to find away to survive in this cruel world.

Therefore he had to sell himself to the ape gang who ruled the part of the city he lived in.Thankfully,the rent of the house in which he lived wouldn't be up so soon at least six months from now.He would be able to gather money to afford rent.

After he sold himself to the ape gang,the boss Apeman had made him to work in one of his clubs in which was in this dark alley.Han Chi had been working in this club over the past few weeks but the truth was that reality was cruel,all dreams of earning enough money had just been a wishful thought.

Being molested everyday of the little money that he earned,Han Chi had grown indifferent to everything.

Walking home dejected,Han Chi heard a clang and a soft sob from a dark alley which he happened to be passing by.Not even curious to find out what was happening,Han Chi decide to pass by.

"Waah!" "Waah!" "Waah!"

Han Chi was still indifferent about the sobs which keeps on ringing in his ear and even if he was not indifferent about it,this kind of situation was normal in the district.But this time,the sobs wear more compelling and sorrowful to the extend that,Han Chi's stone heart was moved.Straining his neck,Han Chi had tried to see in the dark alley but he could so he decided to move in to the alley to get a hand if the situation.

When he entered the alley tracing the sound of the sobs,Han Chi saw the silhouette of a person.He drew closer to person and he saw that the body frame of a young female teenager who was in tattered clothes.When the girl felt his presence she crunched herself into the corner trying to draw as far away from Han Chi as possible.Han Chi whose heart was touched moved closer to girl try to comfort her.

As he drew closer to the girl whose body was shaking liking a level eight earthquake was happening in a her body due to him drawing closer to her.As Han Chi drew closer to her just an inch far away from her,the sobbing teenager drew raised her head and her face was full of smiles.Her happy expression made Han Chi's body scream of danger.A silver light flashed in his eyes and that was the last thing that Han Chi's brain could register before he saw himself in a dark space.

"What the hell happened?"Han Chi cursed.

"Where the hell am "

Being surrounded by darkness Han Chi screamed out.He tried to move his body but he found out that he couldn't even though he could still feel his body.

Roaming in the darkness,Han Chi had lost track of time.He didn't know what year it was or says since time was twisted in the dark space.As the twisted time went on he could gradually move his body a little.Little did he know that his sudden movement was a sense of joy for someone.

Bai Ting the last concubine of Providence City's Lord Mo Bai had been carrying was in her sixth month of carry this little child in her belly.Due to how the little kicks in her womb,she had no doubt that the little child would be a great one in future.She had all her hope on her unborn baby.

In the dark space Han Chi suddenly saw a source of light in front of him.With great enthusiasm,he moved quickly towards the light.After he reached the bright light,Han Chi wanted to scream for joy.

"Finally a ...."


Han Chi suddenly felt a great pain in his just causing him to shudder all over.

"He's a loud one " a feminine voice said.

Han Chi heard a human voice in his ears.He wanted to curse at the voice but he found out that he couldn't speak no matter how much he tried.

"What the hell is happening "He cursed in his head.

Han Chi tried to scream so that the people would pay some attention to him yet still they same to if ignore his shout.

Suddenly Han Chi felt something soft enter into his mouth.

"Mmhhh? "

"What is this?Han Chi asked perplexed.

He suddenly felt a sweet thick liquid flow into his mouth.

"Is that milk.Am I being breastfed? ",he asked.

Han Chi was more than happy for the great gesture that the stranger had given him and was greedily sucking in the milk when he heard a voice in his head which scared the hell out of him.

//You have being successfully reincarnated//

//You have successfully received hundred cultivation points for you first breastfeed //
