First official mission




Lee Fan after his encounter with Bai Ting went into his room to decide his next course of action.He decided to go through his cultivation shop to see what he could get from it.The system shop was opened and he decided to look through the techniques that the shop could offer.

Death by the shadow technique (this technique could only be performed when you are in the shadow) 500 points.

Claws of the tiger ( a hand to hand technique that is very useful in close combat) 500 points.

Swift clouds technique ( a movement technique that increases speed) 600 points

Rising rainbow ( a powerful spear technique) 1000 points

Lee Fan was low on cultivation points and could no afford to buy anything of the techniques the shop could offer. He was deciding which technique seems perfect for him at the moment.The swift cloud technique seems to perfect him since he had other plans in his head but he also wanted to learn a fighting technique since he knew none himself.

The rising rainbow technique was sure more beneficial to him since he could apply it with the Mo's martial technique. He could integrate it into their technique to make it less obvious. He was also thinking about purchasing the death by shadow technique but the system only gave him a basic explanation of the skill.

Lee Fan was lost in his thought when he heard a ping.. sound in his head. Opening the notification Lee Fan could not believe his eyes he then heard a weird laughter hehehe... mine,mine,mine... what do we have here the system voice could not be more happier than this because of what he was seeing.


Are you sure you were not being punished because you too much of a pervert.

"For you first official sexual mission make Bai Ting your woman within three days"( 1000 cultivation points). Success will result in an additional reward and failure to fulfill the mission will result in a penalty. Open the system to receive tools to help in your mission'.

NOTE:they are temporary. Every boost returns to normal within 3 days

Lee Fan was surprised and happy at the same time because he knew it was possible to make Bai Ting his woman since the system had given him this mission.He already wanted her to be his ever since she saw her face and now the system was even helping him out seems the gods are on his side. He opened the system shop to find what he had been gifted.

Aphrodisiac pill: Place in drink or food effective after 10 minutes when taken.

Nirvana pills (temporary effect): increases the size of the penis with additional 10cm.Effects go off within three days.

Sex scent(temporary lvl 1 effect): release hormones from you body which sexually arouses the person with 5m range.

Lee Fan without a thought took in the Nirvana pills and he could see his 5 cm penis increasing into 15cm..hehe... what nice little monster let's go make our mother our woman..hehe.
