My first martial arts teacher




Lee Fan dashed off to the building dedicated for martial arts in the Mi family's building.He wanted to make a good impression as a serious student in front of hi teacher.Running at top speed but not to fast like how he dashed in the room he headed to the building.

He made sure that he was running at a speed acceptable to a six years old child.When he reached the gate, he stopped to

make sure there were no greases on his dress.He entered the room to meet his new teacher.Although he had not meet him before he was enthusiastic to meet him.

Searching the room he could see an old man with white beard were the Mo martial arts teacher's uniform.On close inspection,the old man had a goatee which was hanging and reaching his neck.He had an approachable face and a scholarly aura surrounding him.His eyes portrayed some one who was full of wisdom.

When Derek was told he would be teaching Mo Bai's illegitimate son whose mother was even at the lowest of the hierarchy even among the concubines,he was disappointed.Even Mo Bai's own legitimate children where all wimps when it came to martial arts and therefore he didn't expect this son to be any promising and that's where he was wrong.

"Good morning teacher,I am Lee Fan"Lee Fan greeted Derek with a bow when he stood in front of him.

"Morning,I am Derek" Derek also responded.

"Henceforth I am your martial arts teacher .I dislike lazy and unpunctual student.Hope you will surprise me though"he added.

"Yes teacher.I will don't best"Lee Fan said.

Derek smiled when he saw how enthusiastic Lee Fan was to learn martial arts.Taking a closer look he could at Lee Fan he could see the strength his muscles as they were slightly bulging for someone his age.Good he commented in his head.

"Do you know anything about martial arts?"he asked Lee Fan

of which he responded negatively."Well that does not surprise me as his family are the bottom of the hierarchy" he commented in his head.

"Okay since today is the first day of learning martial arts I will have to check your endurance and stamina,are you up to it" he said.

"Yes master "Lee Fan replied.He didn't know he was more enthusiastic to learn martial arts and he could feel a burning sensation through his body.He was ready to accept anything that the teacher would throw his way.

He himself was surprised at his current attitude as in his previous world he was that weak so maybe that had been what have given him the drive to prove to himself that he was not weak he thought.

"Okay,let's start with a hundred pushups and a few sprints" Derek said.Start whenever you are ready.

"I am ready master",Lee Fan replied.

He got to the floor and started his hundred pushups.To not sell himself out since he answered that he knew nothing about martial arts he didn't want to be obvious and so he started feigning fatigue and when he reached sixty he collapsed himself to ground feigning that he was fatigued as hard as he could be.

After a few breathes of rest he started to sprint across the room but made sure to go at his top speed.He run about half an incense stick of time which he stopped to take in huge gasp of air.

Derek was satisfied that he at least had above average stamina and endurance.He gave Lee Fan enough time to rest and then moved on to the lesson of the day.

"The Mo's spear technique was first founded by the first leader of the Mo's family".Derek begun his lessons with a little bit of history.

" The spear technique is divided into three tiers,attack,defend and movemen..Each tier is also divided into three sub tiers", he added.

"The attack tier has the thrust,the smash and the the throw.I am going to display the three attack techniques".Derek said.

He moved to the weapons shelf which was placed at the end of the room and picked a low grade spear on the shelf.

He moved into the centre of the room and displayed a spear stance then he thrusted the spear forward with all his strength which ripped through the air and a loud boom sound was heard at the other end of the room opposite to where Lee Fan was standing.

Lee Fan was shocked and had glistening stars in hiss eyes as he could not believe that a simple spear thrust could have such effect by creating a large dent on the room.

"Now to the smash teachnique' Derek said.

Changing his stance to one Lee Fan had not seen before he spined the spear and then smashed the floor with the blade of the spear on the floor which also created a loud bang sound in the room causing dust to rise from the concreted floor.

When the dust settled Lee Fan could see a large crater on the floor and could see that the concrete on the floor where Derek had smashed with the spear had turned into dust as if the had been pounded by a heavy machine.

"And to the last of the attack spear taking"Derek said and continue to finish the rest of the technique.

Changing his stance again the held the spear and threw it in the air against a dummy which had already been place in the room.The spear whizzed through the air and wen he reached the dummy at the other side of the room it pierced the dummy which blasted it into piece and then moved to get stuck in the wall.Lee Fan could see that the spear had all the blade entered into the wall.He was beddazled and excited that he got the chance to learn something that would make him strong.

Derek seeing the stars in Lee Fan's eyes and his dedication to get strong he was had been able to got himself a promising student.He was tired of teaching those wimps.

"Now time to practice the attack technique,we will move into the next tier when you perfect each tier".Derek commented whiles he threw the spear to Lee Fan.