Let's Spar




When the spear was thrusted a very big boom sound was heard which lost a little to Derek's was heard in the room.Lee Fan had a face full of smiles as he was able to produce the same effect as Derek because he could see a dent on the wall in front of him.

Derek was shocked beyond speech.He was tutoring a monster.

The Mo's spear technique was one of the most powerful martial arts technique which many people on the continent were after.Even with the best teacher there was no way for one to be able to perform any of the moves on the same day.

The brightest student that Derek had ever taught took a week for her to perform the thrust technique in a week and with that the power and the effect was less than what Lee Fan did.He has been given a monster and a peerless genius as a disciple to teach.

Lee Fan was oblivious to the feat he had been able to perform.He didn't know that what he been able to do was something that even the most talented student in the Mo family will be able to do.

Derek moved in a flash and stood in front of Lee Fan.He just couldn't believe Lee Fan was able to do that.

"Lee Fan,have you practiced the spear technique before?",he couldn't help but asked.

"No master,I have not",Lee Fan answered with utmost sincerity.

Derek seeing all the sincerity in his eyes,he had no option to believe that Lee Fan was truly talented.

"Okay,how about we practice more?",Derek said as he still could not believe.Maybe it was just luck he said to assure himself.

Lee Fan perform the same move and the same bang sound was heard and the wall opposite the room that he thrusted his spear was seen with a dent in it.

Derek this time seeing Lee Fan perform the same kind of move over and over again this had no doubt that he was talented.

"How about a little spar,Derek said as he wanted to test the limit of Lee Fan's ability.

"I will use 10 percent of my spear you can go all out,I will only be blocking your attacks"Derek opted out.

Lee Fan saw no harm in trying as he too wanted to try the limit of his strength.

Grabbing hold of the spear,Lee Fan perform the same technique but this time,the output was faster as he was getting the hang of the the technique.Derek too was not lazing about as he knew the damage out of Lee Fan's was devastating.He reached out his spear and when Lee Fan's spear was was about to reach him,he smashed the tip of the spear upwards which deflected the attack to the ceiling.

Every thrust Lee Fan's was meet with a smash of Derek's spear which will be deflected.

Bang!..Bang!...Bang!,the sound of spear was heard all of the room.Lee Fan was so excited that he got lost in the thrilling feeling of his attacks.He lost himself that he started to lose his concentration that he started to demonstrate his speed above his level.He was unconsciously display the swift clouds technique which increased the speed as well as the power of his thrust.

Derek seeing this was so shocked that he had to put more power in defending.He could see that Lee Fan's speed was increasing with every thrust and he was no tired out even though they have been practicing for a while.


Lee Fan thrusted his spear faster twice in a row and since Derek was distracted in thought he was unable to defend well which allowed the spear to hit him in the shoulder sending him flying away.Derek managed to stabilize himself in the air before Lee Fan appeared in front of him with another another mid air thrust...Bang!!.

Derek face was full of smile,he had never had so much fun from training a student before,to top it all Lee Fan was just 6 years old.He wandered how powerful Lee Fan would become of he becomes of age and if he had high tier weapons.

"Seeing how talented you are give me chills, therefore am going to train you the best of my abilities"Derek thought to himself.

"Again!",Derek shouted.

Lee Fan thrusted out again whiles Derek blocked.


"Again!",Derek shouted again.


"Again!",don't stop till I say so Derek ordered.

Lee Fan could feel the toll on his body as his hands was giving inn but had no choice to keep on attacking.Steeling on his resolve kept on attacking and attacking.He didn't stopped attacking.He made sure he always had Derek insight and kept on attacking with all his strength.

Little did he that he was developing his battle instinct.Sometimes there will be miss ups in his attacks and sometimes Derek will dodge certain attacks causing him to miss his targets.Lee Fan could thrust no more as he was out of breathe and he couldn't focus on powering his hand as it felt numb.

He collapsed on the floor gasping for huge amount of breathe.Derek was beaming with smiles for Lee Fan's achievement.

"Although you are young,you have a lot of stamina for your age",Derek compliment his new found student.

Unknown to them,their little sparring session had gained the attention of the last person Lee Fan would want on his tail.

Mo Feng was shocked a the display of Lee Fan.Jealousy had changed to envy as she felt insecure.She felt threatened by the Lee Fan's existence because if he was allowed to grow,she didn't know what he will do.

"I have to get rid of him", she said to herself and headed to room to make plan

s to get rid of the torn in her ass.