Guardian vs. Thief

—Sir, how are you? —Huaixian asked with a concerned expression, kneeling down at his side.

Yang fainted and lost consciousness.

Gradually, Yang regained consciousness and looked around, his gaze scanning the surroundings. His grandparents and other relatives were by his side, their faces displaying worry and relief.

—Grandfather, call the police— Huang ordered, as the lights in the alley were switched on.

—Son, be careful— his grandfather cautioned.

They ran through the alley, and the suspect leaped over a fence. Huang attempted to go around, but slipped along the way.

—Mr. Huang!— Huaixian shouted.

—Where did he come from?— Huang wondered.

—I’ll help you— Huaixian said, running towards Huang.

—Call the police, run— Huang ordered Huan Xi’an.

—Sir, I’ll protect you— Zhang Huaixian said, pulling out his slingshot and aiming it at the running man.

—Sir, I hit him! Run, Mr. Huang, he’s getting away!— Zhang Huaixian exclaimed.

Both of them started running after the thief.

—But this man runs like the wind— Huang commented, as he continued pursuing the thief.

Suddenly, Yang fell to the ground.

—Sir, how are you?— Huaixian asked, approaching Yang with concern.

Yang lost consciousness.

When Yang woke up, he found himself surrounded by his grandparents and other relatives.

—How are you, son? —asked the grandmother with a relieved expression on her face. He touches his head.

—Ouch! What happened to me? —complains Huang as he rubs his head.

—Cousin, you were lying on the ground. —Mei responds with concern.

—What are you saying? And where is the man I was chasing?

—There was no one, son.

—It was when we brought you here. Our grandparents were very worried.

Huang Yang looks at everyone and says:

—Zhang Huaixian!

—I’m here, sir. I’m fine. The bandit fled, but I was able to give him a good scare so he won’t mess with my friends.

—You’re a brave young man.

—Thank you, grandfather.

—You have to be careful, cousin. The doctor says you’ll be discharged tomorrow. The wound on your head wasn’t too deep —Mei says with a hand on Huang’s shoulder, but somewhat rough.

—Be careful, cousin! It hurts!

—This is so that next time you call Dad. He’s the best policeman there is.

—Mei is right, nephew. These men usually have more companions. —Mei’s father says, Huang Xiao.

The nurse approaches and asks them to let the patient rest.

—Yes, miss. Nephew, take care. We’ll talk tomorrow.

—Yes, uncle. —They all leave the hospital room. Huang thinks for a moment, but his head hurts, so he prefers to rest.

Helena learns about the incident when Mei tells her, exaggerating the details, leaving her worried. Helena hesitates to call Huang, but eventually the phone rings in Room 48, and Yang picks it up, still somewhat sleepy.

—Miss Helena.

—Mr. Huang, how are you? My cousin told me about the incident. Are you okay?

—Yes, it was just a minor bump.

—Mei told me that several men attacked you.

—Don’t worry, my cousin always exaggerates.

—But are you alright?

—Yes, Miss, I appreciate your concern, but I’m really fine.

—Take care, sir.

—Thank you. —And they hang up.

Helena thinks aloud about the incident, wondering who they were and why they attacked him. Although Huang is a businessman, he’s not a celebrity, although she considers him a mini-star, and she thinks it might have been due to his arrogance. Helena has in mind finding the real prince through the brand, but she has had problems in the past with mistaken identities. She recalls her previous experiences, like when a boy jumped into the water thinking it would kill him or when the police took her away for chasing another boy and reported her as a stalker. However, this time she cannot afford to make a mistake, as the Empress trusts them as the best warriors, so she has to spy on the boy.

She starts pacing back and forth. “At the orphanage, they said that during the time of our real prince, only four children arrived there, and there’s only one left…”