Forbidden Love in the Darkness?

Huaixian assists the grandfather into the car.

—Now you won’t leave here alive —expresses one of the attackers while wearing a sinister smile.

—That’s what you don’t understand —responds Yang, raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly, an immeasurable force seizes Huang, and he begins to demonstrate a combat style that is not common in the current era. Leaves fall from the trees due to the immense energy emanating, a brilliant light that proves uncontrollable. The attackers start conversing among themselves:

—What is happening?

—I’ve never seen these skills… it’s as if he were the great warrior…

—He possesses the strength of the gods. —another one says.

The dominating force causes the police officers to fall to the ground like withered leaves. Everyone engaged in the combat stops, and within seconds, they bow before Huang Yang.

—Sir, we apologize. We didn’t know who you were.