The Mystic Door

When the clock hit ten and the curtains were dropped, We all sneaked out of our homes to embark on the journey into the woods!!

My bones were shaking from the cold and also from fear, the air was not as chilled as I thought it would be but it was still cold. I could feel the cold air seeping through my clothes. I'm scared but I've to appear courageous. If not , they will all think I'm a chicken who is weak, so here I am.

We are walking on lonely street; the frogs are croaking and the crickets are cracking, the streets we passed were lonely, people were already sleeping on their beds thank God the group decided to bring along some weapons in case of any animal attack so as the initiator of this quest into the woods Fred was the one carrying the bag, Jennie was holding my right hand and we were walking side by side.

At the edge of the woods, we saw a symbol which said "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK." When I saw that sign, I shivered out of fear or maybe cold. My hands were stiff by my side as I followed them.

When we stepped into the woods, we didn't see anything happening, there was no door and nothing happened at all, it was owls and other night creatures that were making sounds.

We waited for a few minutes to see if anything will pop out but nothing, we started laughing at the Jonas brothers, they made us come outside for nothing and we came in the night to see some dumb mysterious door which was a lie when we are suppose to be on our soft beds, the Jonas brothers were looking at themselves in shame while we kept on laughing at the twins

Suddenly we heard a cracking sound as if someone was cracking something open, we saw a door open in front of us. At first it was faint, then it manifested fully. We were speechless and stared at the door in both surprise and fright. It was as if seeing the door brought a spell on us. We were standing like people who were hypnotised.

Ian was looking smug but shocked, he was feeling proud of himself while Fred fainted and that brought us out of our trance, we were looking at ourselves, waiting for the first person to make a move even Ian his twin could do nothing to resuscitate Fred, after a few minutes, Fred stood up by himself because no one had a clue on how to revive someone who had fainted.

Back to the door: the door is a normal looking wooden door but what differentiates it was its size, it was gigantic and long like ancient doors used in the ancient times with little pieces of Iron splattered over it, it has a huge lock placed over it, clearly it was to keep people out. I can't exactly describe it but it was massive and impressive.

Seeing the door and how mighty it was, I had a feeling of dread hitting me in my guts, I felt like throwing up. The mysterious door was not a lie, it was not just a rumour but it was true and it was freaking me out.

Not only me but all of us.