Once The clock Strike 11

ONCE THE CLOCK HITS 11 PM A DOOR OPENS AND LEADS YOU INTO THE WOODS." That statement kept repeating in my mind even as I was preparing to sleep on my bed, I was rolling on my bed, imagining how a door would mysteriously appear as a gateway into an alternate reality, to me that was weird and sounded like what appears in cartoons and animes, it wasn't real but I won't lie, I was curious about how mysterious the woods was.

The next day during lunch hour, Jennie and I sat together with the group, our food was in front of us but it didn't look like any of us was ready to eat, we were more interested in the conversation that was going on. I looked at the group closely, I could feel the bond among them and I could guess they had been friends for a long time now, they were friendly people from what I could see.

Jennie was coyly looking at Jaden as he sat across the table, picking at his food as he ate, he was slowly eating his food as he listened to his friends talking, he didn't converse much but he listened more, we were gisting about random things until Fred brought up the subject of the woods, I rolled my eyes, although I was curious but I had my doubts.

Fred started talking about the woods, his eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and thrill as he was explaining to us how special the door that leads to the woods was, so I became curious and said "What so special about the wood apart from the crazy story of a silly door you spoke of yesterday" and Fred replied sharply, and said," it's not stupid I read about it in the book I have in my basement," he said defensively.

Ryan was laughing at Fred because he sounded so silly not only Ryan though we all laughed at his silly assumption except his twin Ian, maybe because of the twin bond or he didn't want Fred to feel bad, his face was stoic not a hint of a smile showed on his face.

Allison had compassion for Fred and became Miss Peacemaker, she hushed the group with the clap of her hands and told them to shut up with a bang on the table when she saw they were not ready to listen to her.

When she saw that she had gotten our attention and everyone was looking at her, she smiled at the attention, she decided to put Fred out of his misery, she placed her hands over Fred's shoulders casually and said "Why don't we do it this way, to prove that the woods have a secret door or don't have a secret door maybe we should come out and find out ourselves and also video the trip to the woods with our phones."

While Allison was speaking Fred was nodding his head in agreement and grinning wide as if Allison was making sense, he had seen someone willing to listen to his babbling in the group apart from his twin Ian, After Allison finished speaking, I opened my mouth in fear, I was scared because I know my mom will kill me. Why am I here again ?

After Allison finished speaking, I was scared because not only would my mom kill me for sneaking out, but also I have a staying-in-my-bed syndrome. I love my bed so much that I don't like leaving it to go on any stupid expedition. Not that I'm scared but it is what it is.

Everyone had a serious expression on their faces as if they were pondering on what she was saying, I thought someone would say you are crazy Allison or No we are not going to fulfill some dummy's stupid fantasy but no, it looked like I was the only sane person in this group, this is not a serious matter to think about, it is a matter where you allow the person to keep on saying his nonsense and when he is tired, he will shut up his mouth in embarrassment and realize that it is dangerous to be talking going into the woods not even in the daytime but in the nighttime, Fred is an idiot and Allison is a bigger idiot for supporting him, that is a suicide, I thought to myself.

Ryan cleared his throat and said he had decided that they would prove that there was no stupid door and go to the woods, he had a confident smirk on his face, and he was sure that there was no mysterious door that showed up at 11 pm.

I looked at Jaden with pleading eyes, hoping he would have some sense in his head, "Jaden the wise boy please don't support Ryan please," I said in my mind, I believed Jaden was smart, he hardly said anything but looked away or gazes into the air, but guess what? he supported Ryan and he agreed nonchalantly.

Dumb Allison too supported the crazy idea together with the Jonas brothers.

It was left to me and Jennie to bring sanity to the group and say no to the crazy idea but before I could say no Jennie stupidly said "Sure I would love to go, it will be fun right?"

My gosh is this girl so stupid?

How will going to the woods be fun? It will be horrible and terrifying, not to mention the creeping creatures that may be waiting to creep on us like snakes and scorpions, I heard from my science teacher that there is an insect that bites a person, and the person can even die from the sting, was it a bee or a mosquito? I didn't concentrate on the subject. It would be a dumb idea to follow them on silly, stupid, and irrational trips to the woods.

I looked at all of their faces, Fred and Ian had a determined look in their eyes, they were ready to prove themselves.

Allison and Jennie had worried looks on their faces, fear was slowly creeping into their minds as they realised what they were embarking on.

Ryan had a carefree expression on his face but it was Jaden's expression that almost made me facepalm, he did not care at all, he was busy snacking on his finger, it didn't matter to him if he was going to the most dangerous woods.

Being the only rational and mentally stable person in this place right now I opened my mouth to say no, but Ryan gave me a look of disbelief cut me off, and spoke directly to me, "Jesse don't be a chicken, even your friend agreed, this trip will prove not only to the dummy here that there is no mysterious door in the woods, it will not only show the seniors that we are not kids anymore, but We are also going to be juniors who would be respected in the school and no one will talk us down cause we will be legends when the video goes viral." He was talking as if anyone gives a shit about them going to the woods.

After he finished his speech, I was still not convinced that going to the woods was necessary, just to prove to others that you are better than what they think you are is not often wise, and going to one of the dangerous woods to prove your point is pretty bad.

I wanted to tell him that he is a dummy but Jennie held my hands and faced me with her pitiable eyes and begged me and told me to follow her, not only would Toby not make fun of her again but when it gets out, it is also a big step to adulthood. she begged me and made puppy eyes at me, I couldn't say no and also I was scared that if I say no when everyone has agreed to go, I will be seen as weak.

Ryan seeing that Jesse was still feeling pessimistic about going with them, thought for a minute about how to change her mind, "are you scared of coming out in the night," he smiled brightly, his green eyes flashing along with his bright smile, "I will come and pick you up, your house is the house that has flowers grown in the front right?" he asked, expecting my reply.

I hesitated a bit before responding, "Yes, it is, even if you accompany me, what if we are caught and then grounded?" I was asking because I know my mom, she gives the worst punishment ever. There was a time I sneaked out with Sophie and Grace because she refused to give her consent for me to attend a Blackpink concert, but I was too strong-headed and I left with my friends.

We had fun, and I even won a free Blackpink shout-out t-shirt at the concert. I was happy and I came back home. She didn't scold or punish me, she made me believe she was okay with it.

I thought everything was cool, she waited until it was summer and I was expecting to enjoy my summer like a normal teenager until she told me that I was going to spend the summer with a Reverend mother as a way to punish me. I thought she was joking until I found myself at the convent.

It was painted white and the statue of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus was placed in the middle of the compound, it was huge and I saw girls about my age and older women, they wore long grey gowns with the grey and white coloured scarf, they walked around stiffly as if they couldn't afford to be contaminated with the air they breathed.

I worked almost like a slave, I would wash clothes, and sweep the compound. I felt abandoned, every morning, we would go for the altar prayers and the daily cleansing.

I couldn't chat freely with anyone, they all saw me as a sinner that they should steer clear off, maybe they didn't want to stain their holy souls, I felt alone, it was terrible.

When I came back from the convent, I couldn't disobey my mom, I was scared of going back there.

Ryan was pretty convincing, he promised me that he would pick me up, he even promised we would be back home before anybody found out we were gone. In my mind, all I can hear

is this is a bad idea.