


Many times, have we searched for our origin, but found no clues. Many are the tales which have no history of the day we came to life, but faith still resides in them. The truth can be an exhilarating concern for all, but you cannot escape your past, nor can you run from your future. But what if? Just what if the genesis of all things is but a mere story. What if you live in nothing but a mere conscience of another. Well, as a prisoner of the past, present, and future; I can say only one thing, “The Author comes for all”.

Scene flashes…

(music booming) Dun dun…. dun dun…dun dun…. Dunn… Dunn…. dun dun...

Mike, can you turn that thing down, it’s 2am in the morning for Christ’s sake!! I always wonder where he gets all that loudness from (mumbling to herself).

Mother descends down the stairs into the living room. I, however, pause the booming speaker in my room whilst I mumble some words to myself. You know, it isn’t all that bad if you look at it in another way. Besides being sixteen with a sweet deal of a rizzy haircut can deal a lot of change if you look cool enough. I got the babes looking at me, you know what I mean (giving a sharp wink).

Micheal!! If you don’t get that thing off this second, I will break that door open and the only thing you would be seeing is a daring eye to rip your heart out!

The speaker suddenly turns off leaving the place quiet.

Sorry…. (speaking lightly).

Macdock High, Cafeteria.

I look around for a place to sit with my bowl of porridge and a fresh loaf of wheat bread. Jerry comes from the exit and barges unto my face like a monkey whose parents are lost (my intrusive thoughts keep giving a first-person point of view on everything).

Micheal!! I can see you got some sweet aura around you, aye. Care to give me some juice out of your little coconut. (By coconut, he means my head which is an absolutely insane reference for things).

No Jerry, I absolutely have no other ideas to give for you to go around using vulgar words to lure in some hot babes (Besides they never even work out for him; shaking my head. P.S “intrusive thoughts here”).

Oh, come on, it isn’t that bad. Look at old ted making some insane moves on Laura. Bet e even doesn’t have enough coverage on the all, “grab a hot chick so your mum knows you were worth the push “kind of book.

Can you just shut your mouth up. I can't believe how I even became friends with such a dumb headed Viking.

A Viking, yes, I'm due to my great, great, great, great....

Can you just shut if for just one second and I promise I would not spike my fingers through your eyes.

Look who's got the skills now, Ouuu such a slick bug you are.

Ughhh, I really regret knowing Jerry sometimes (mummering it to myself). Alright then, what's the current deal?

Okay, here's the thing. (Shifting his body up close to Micheal in order to whisper in his ear) A couple of thugs came behind the old drug store down the road next to Milly's, been seeing them harassing a cute girl for two days now. I bet they would make the same move.

Now that is what I call an expert of a plan. You brought the kung-fu book?

Of course, I did! Why wouldn't I?

Can you keep your voice down a bit? We are in the C-a-f-e-t-e-r-i-a (pulling Jerry's head down towards him)

Alright okay, I get it (whispering to Micheal).

So now the current plan is to save the cute girl with a loud boom and pose like some rich kids who just got the idea of being batman.

Sometimes I do think you are worse in terms of everything Micheal, but you do have the flair for these things.

I will pretend I didn’t hear that (Squinting his eyes with a deadly smile on his face). By the way, we got a cute girl to sav…. Arghhh my head!!


Why does my head hurt so much, I feel like my body is being drawn in by something. Ughh I’m going to puke, this feels disgusting.

THE TIME IS BECKONING MY LORD!! (Echoing voice from a shadowy grim reaping man in the thick darkness)

Uh?? What was that just now, ha-ha, ohhhh, what in the world is happening!!!!

Micheal falls through countless worlds as he sees different lands and is drenched in the sea but appears in the atmosphere and then off a cliff. It just looks as if he is teleported crazily through multiple dimensions at the same time.

Arghhhhh I’m falling!! Am I going to die a virgin now?!!!(screaming with fear).

Scene flashes…

I guess the time for a simple life is over, I would have to write another and delete these memories. This is the best I have felt in a while, my power is surging through me again. Hahahaha!! (Micheal places his palm on his face as he begins to laugh crazily).

Micheal, what in the world is wrong with you now? You are already bleeding from your ears because of the hit from the baseball bat by the thugs. I knew this was a bad idea!! (Jerry breaks down in tears as he tries to wipe the blood from the injured head of Micheal).

Shut up boy! Do you want to die? (A suppressing feeling fills the atmosphere with Micheal staring closely at Jerry with murderous intent).

Who the hell are you to try and take the boss’ girl from him huh? (A thug smirks at Micheal whilst pointing a pocket-knife at him)

Stop it!!(Jerry screams as he falls on the ground and covers his face in fear of seeing another bloodbath on Micheal).

One thug runs and swings the baseball bat towards the left bleeding side of Micheal’s head whilst he laughs. The gang leader is seen holding the girl captive and smiles in an evil mood in acceptance of the occurring bloodbath. Micheal raises is head and reveals a heinous smile as he says:

Blast away.


He’s still restricting the usage of the Author one power huh. You are such a bore anyway. (Micheal’s smile changes to a confused expression as he sees the man before him naked, with the gang leader and the girl confused and shocked)


Micheal, you are alive!!! (crying with a satisfied weird smile on his face).

What the hell are you smiling at jerry!! How am I even here, I was falling from weird places and why in the world are you naked, you stupid pervert!!

The End. Episode one.