Hidden Memories

Opening his eyes, how long has this been going on. He had died up to 50 death especially his first death which was so painful and real.

When he confused by why he didn't die, he asked the young man what the meaning of this is, He said that it was a training which he accepted.

But after he died 20 times he knew this was not training again. This was clear torture which is almost making him run crazy

“Hey Don Ming, can you stop this. Since you are my father friend, why are torturing your friend son like this” Tian Long shamelessly put on a pitiful look as he was saying this.

“If you can reach synchronization with your soul and body, I will stop this training” Don Ming said mercilessly.

Tian Long saw his face and knew he had no way of avoiding it. Taking his mind off it, he began to think how he would survive this. But a snarl woke him up from his thoughts

“Not again” Tian Long fell depressed as he saw a 7th level body refining realm beast looking at him like a prey.

Looking at the beast, something clicked to him. If he died and the family of the Long family knew about it!. What about Feng Xian'er?. How would she feel?. Even though I die here, I can't go back to Earth. Why don't I live my life to the fullest and have no regrets when I die. I am now Tian Long of source continent not Tian Long of Earth.

This were the thought passed through his mind

“Tch,Tch.., it looks like he had reached synchronization of his body and soul” Don Ming whispered while looking at Tian Long.

This time when he died, he noticed that he was back at his quarters at the Long Family. Puzzled by this,and saw a little boy of seven years old bearing resemblance to him and a blurry young man

“Tian Long my son, when I leave Dragon City or you hear of my disappearance, I kept a saber under your bed. When you need any weapon, take the saber and use it” The blurry young man looked at the little boy with a fatherly love

“Father, are leaving me alone” The little boy said as tears began to fall out from his face

“This little boy looks a lot like me and he is calling the young man Father which means he is his adoptive father from my memory. Does this means that this is the hidden memory of my predecessor” Tian Long thought as he watched the scenario. “It looks like my predecessor is very attached to his adopted father”

“Don't cry Tian Long. You are now a big boy” The blurry young man said in a soft voice as he carried Tian Long and began to calm him down. “How about I ask the guard to take you out”

The little Tian Long nodded his head as he heard this and he calmed down.

The scenario changed as he saw little Tian Long in the outskirts of Dragon City where poor citizens live. As the little Tian Long was walking, he saw a three young boy not far from his age bulling a young boy with a pointy ear.

Out of curiosity, he went there and saw that they had almost beat the boy to the point of bleeding. Due to his innocent mindset, he stopped the fight. Due to his dressing and looks, the others ran fearing that he was a noble's son.

Looking at the young boy with pointy ears, Little Tian Long said in a childish tone “What is your name” helping him to stand up.

The young boy face turned timid as he answered “Yu Jie”, meaning “Pure as Jade”.

“Your name is a little bit girlish. My name is Ni Tian Long” Little Tian Long laughed as he was saying this.

“What about your father and mother” little Tian Long asked. “Mama has died and Yu Jie doesn't know his mother” Yu Jie cried as he said this.

“Don't worry, I will be your big brother from now on” Little Tian Long said as he consoled Yu Jie.

Looking at the boy girlish face, One could see that when he grows up, he would attract ladies even men with his beauty.

Tian watched as the innocent little Tian Long took the boy as his friend not asking of his origin. Getting home “Father, I made a new friend today” little Tian Long said with an happy expression on his face. The blurry young man patted little Tian Long head as he said this

Days passed and passed as little Tian Long would go to visit his new friend and bring him food from house everyday

Until certain day, “Little Yu, Little Yu….” Little Tian Long shouted as he was waving at Yu Jie

“Brother Tian Long!” Yu Jie waved back at him as she ran to him.

As they met each other, little Tian Long brought out a pair of red bracelet and said in a childish tone as he put the bracelet on his hand “This is a representation of our friendship, don't lose it”

Putting the bracelet on his hand, “How about you follow me home” Little Tian Long said as he tried to convince him. Yu Jie nodded when she heard his words but were not able to go as three men appeared “We are lucky that the little princess has been found or else the king would have gone on a rampage”

Knocking Yu Jie unconscious and taking him with them, Little Tian Long confronted them “Where are you taking Little Yu to” as he dragged their cloth not making them leave.

One of the three men saw Tian Long disturbing them and said with an amusing smile on his face “And who are you to this little boy”

“I am Little Yu big brother” little Tian Long said not knowing what he had got into. Laughing, they said to each other “Let's seal his memories to prevent the princess from having ties in this place”

“It looks like he would be a genius from what am seeing”

“Then let's destroy his talent so that he wouldn't be able to awaken his memory”.

Knocking little Tian Long unconscious, they sealed his memory. This was the last scene Tian Long saw as he blacked out.

Meanwhile as Tian Long was watching his predecessor memories, in the Yin-Yang realm, Don Ming used a sealing technique on Tian Long body

“Master, why did you use a sealing technique on his body” Little Chan asked as curiosity filled his eyes.

“This sealing technique would seal 30% of his strength which would unseal itself for a while if he is in danger” Don Ming explained to Little Chan. “Also prepare to return to your original body” he continued.

Opening his eyes, Tian Long expression turned angry. It was not that his predecessor was a trash but his vein were manipulated which made him inable to cultivate.

“Congratulations, you have synchronization with your soul and body* Don Ming said with a shameless tome.

“How many days have I used since I got here” Tian Long asked not bothering to concern himself with his shameless.

“I think this is the fifth day you have used here” Don Ming said with a thoughtful expression.

Understanding there was still time before the end of the year meeting. He calmed down.

“Now it is time to begin your real training”

“First, let me give you a movement art as I can notice you don't have any” Don Ming said as he transferred the content to him.

Flash step, a technique that has 4 level and each level your speed increases twice, that is, the first level your speed is 2x, second level your speed is 4x, third level your speed is 6x, fourth level your speed is 8x. Don Ming currently hid the rank of the art from him so he doesn't know it.

“It is divided into three parts and this is only the first part when you reach the requirement. The next part would be unlocked” Don Ming said which made Tian Long aware of the weight of the art.

“Tian Long, I would ask your opinion this question”

What is a sword?

What is a saber!