This is not a System, But a Human Demon

Four ladies at different corner of a pond could be seen hiding behind a large stone as they both came out from the stone.

"Did we get him" One of them said that had sliver eyes and black hair.

"Sure he would have been trapped already from our four ice attack since he didn't expect it" A purpled haired young lady replied

"Lets go check it first. We cant be sure yet as we dont know the person likewise" A sliver haired young lady said in a cold tone as she looked at the pond

Getting to where they shot the ice attack, they were shocked as they saw only an ice cube with no one there

"Did we make a mistake" Long Bilan said as the others too were thinking if they were wrong.

Because they never thought someone would be able to escape this kind of attack. Until this

A flashy figure appeared in front of them as it stretched it hands squeezing their meatball.

Because they were in rush they didnt put on their bra only their pants as they never expected this kind of attack.