Are you getting scared, Ithra?


I watched with horror as Ithra charged at the boar from behind, holding a sharpened wood.

She was trying to kill herself!

The boar noticed her as soon as she got closer and turned around with agility. Scared for her life, I charged at the boar from behind, hoping to get its attention away from Ithra to enable her to run away, but to no avail.

They were far too gone to stop.

Ithra went face to face with the boar, tightly holding a sharpened wood in her right hand. Her face was taut, and I could see determination coursing through her.

It happened so fast. Within a second, Ithra jumped into the air and stuck the beast at the centre of the head using her makeshift knife.

My eyes went wide when I saw blood pour from the head of the boar. It tumbled to the floor and breathed its last.

I couldn’t believe it. Ithra did it. She took on the darned beast and won!