I felt a soft body pressed beside me, and a sweet scent of lavender and spice filled my nose.
My eyes fluttered open, and I came face to face with a mop of red hair. Soft legs wrapped around me, caging me to the silkiest skin I’ve been privileged to feel in my years of existence.
Instinctively, my hands traced the skin of the legs around me, and I felt my wolf purr in delight. Waves of pleasure shot through me, and my arms tightened around her.
It took a moment for me to come to my senses. I was a second too late because Ithra jolted up from her sleep, hitting my head in the process. A sharp pain from my head rocked my body, and I winced at the strange feeling.
“Are you alright? Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.” Came the panicked voice of Ithra.
I couldn’t speak. It seemed like the pain in my head increased as time passed by.
“It’s the poison. Lay on your back. I’ll get you something to help the pain.”