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“Of course not.” I giggled, staring the bitch in the face. “You would remember if I met you before, wouldn’t you?”

Ithra’s eyes narrowed, and uncertainty filled her look. “I guess.”

“Exactly,” I said with a smile, noticing her unease. I wondered what she saw. Or what she remembered to ask me that question.

From my observations, Cole wasn’t far from the truth. It seemed like this bitch was getting back her memories.

I didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing yet. I mean, I only tortured her in the past and later apologised about it. She wouldn’t mind. She shouldn’t hold grudges. I thought sarcastically.

If I was going to place my tent here, I needed to be sure no one could displace me. Not even the future Luna. I felt a plan come together and my smile appeared naturally.

“Shall we go on with the business of the day? Do you feel tired, Luna?” My words were concerning but my tone was mocking.