Lein stood in the midst of the battle, his body moving like a snowplow sweeping through the endless swarm of Void monsters. Every slash of his sword created gaps in the sea of terrifying creatures, but no matter how many fell, even more emerged to take their place.
Among the billions of swords floating around him, Lein moved swiftly, cutting down every Void Swarm that blocked his path. Suddenly, ahead of him, one of the Void Swarms—shaped like an ant—stood still, as if observing him. But as soon as Lein approached, the creature's body trembled, and in an instant, its arms transformed into razor-sharp blades, ready to tear its prey apart.
The air vibrated as the ant-like creature lunged toward him with incredible speed. Lein barely had time to blink before the creature was already right in front of him. His reflexes kicked in—his golden sword in his right hand immediately raised to block the first strike.